Status: One Shot

And So There Was A Note

I love you. Thank you. Goodbye.

"Alright. I'll see you in five."

"Okay. Isaac?"


"I want you to know that I love you. No matter what happens in this world, I will always go on loving you."

"I know, baby. I love you too, Hiven. Is something wrong? You sound upset."

Everything is wrong.

"No. I'm fine."

"Are you sure?"

Not in the least.

"Of course. I'll see you in few minutes."

"Okay. I love you."

"I love you, too."

The click on the other line told Hiven that Isaac had hung up. Hiven heaved a sigh as he brought down his decayed arm.


He stared at his arms. They were hideous. Flesh missing in most pieces. No source of blood left in his body. Bone shown through the holes. Empty veins laying where they please. Muscle popping out. Missing toes and fingers. Decayed. Patches of hair missing from his torn apart scalp. Pitch white eyes. It's how his whole body looked in his eyes. But to a stranger, he was beautiful. Black hair with blonde highlights. Pale. Sort of fit. Deep emerald eyes that could see into your soul. The perfect boy.

Hiven 'knows' that he was somehow created this way and looks the way he does. He knows he isn't real. He knows that he was made up by a boy named Isaac. He knows that Isaac made him up because Isaac was tired of being alone. He knows that Isaac secretly gets a thrill that he made Hiven look this way. He knows that Isaac made him so Isaac could have something to love and call pet names. He knows that Isaac made Hiven a certain way so he would love Isaac back. He knows that Isaac made him in a way were all Hiven can think about is Isaac. He knows that Isaac paid an alive human couple to act as his parents. He knows that only the paid couple and Isaac are the only people that can see him because they're the only people he's ever talked to. Yes. Hiven knows a lot of things.

Hiven looked up at the clock, only to notice he had two minutes before his creator and lover would show up. He gently got to his feet, not wanting half his foot to crack sideways again. He walked up the stairs and down the hall to his room.

Hiven's room was pitch white. White walls. White carpet. White bed. White sheets. White cover set. White pillows. White pillow covers. White everything. Everything except the bedpost. The bedpost was black. When he asked why everything was white except for the bedpost, he only got the answer of, 'We wanted you to have some other color than white.'

Hiven went to the closet and pulled out the already made outfit. It consisted of a long white v-neck, white skinny jeans, white converse, and a black studded belt. It was the same outfit he wore the day Isaac created him.

Hiven heard the doorbell ring. He smiled at the thought of everything finally coming to an end. A bit sad about leaving Isaac all alone, but he knew Isaac could just make another one. Maybe even a beautiful one.

The front door opened and slammed shut.

"Hiven? Where are you?"

Hiven grabbed the slick black metal from the top of the dresser.

"In my room. Come up. I want to show you something."

Footsteps were heard stomping up the stairs and down the hall. Hiven took the pre-made note out of his pocket. A heap of black and purple hair walked in the room. Isaac's cheeky smile instantly disappeared as he saw the gun pointed at him in his lover's hands.

"H-hiven? Wh-what are you d-doing?"

Hiven's face remained expressionless as he replied.

"I decided that it's time for the end to come to me. You're a grown boy and you need to go find live and actual people to hang out with. You can't keep imaginary friends forever."

Isaac sighed and loosened up.

"Hiven. Stop saying that all the time. You are real. You are alive. And you are my boyfriend. And I do love you with my entire being."

Isaac took a step forward. Hiven cocked the hammer. Isaac froze. Hiven smirked.

"I'm not going to waste a bullet on your human life. But you do have to do one thing."

Isaac shakily replied.

"W-what's that?"

"You created me. You destroy me."

Isaac thought about what Hiven had said. His eyes grew large as his body tensed up.

"Destroy you?"


Hiven held the gun out to Isaac. Isaac took a step back and fought back tears.

"Fuck no, Hiven! You're fucking real! Believe me! Please."

Isaac's voice broke on please. Hiven still held no emotion. He can't. He's just imaginary.

"Isaac, love. You have to. You really have no choice in this matter. I could easily do it if I wanted, but I chose to have my lover and creator do it. Now. Take the gun."

Again, Hiven held the gun further out.

Isaac just stared in disbelief. He didn't think Hiven could get this bad. His head shook from side to side as Hiven sighed.

"Fine. Guess we will have to do this the hard way."

"H-hard w-way?"

"Silly, Isaac. There's always a hard way. You see, there are two bullets in this gun. You either get your ass over here and destroy me, or I murder you then take myself. What do you think?"

Isaac came up with an idea to stall.

"How would you kill me? You said you were my imagination."

Hiven laughed at this.

"Isaac. I am your imagination, but yet others can see me. You gave me power to do things no other person's imagination can. Let's see.. Ah! Remember the other day in the shower? Our skin came in contact. I could use the soap, shampoo, and also pleasure you."

Isaac's face reddened at Hiven's words.

"So you do remember. If I can do those things, then I can kill you. So, your choice."

Isaac was in tears. He knew that Hiven would easily kill him and either way, Hiven was going to die. Isaac wished Hiven could see that he was real and meant something to the world. To his parents. To Isaac.

"Babe, you better hurry. Your time is running short."

Hiven pointed the gun at Isaac to add on pressure. He held his pointer finger over the trigger.

"Okay! I-i'll d-do it."

Hiven smirked.

"Good boy."

Isaac slowly walked to his lover. His best friend. His everything. Just the thought of having to pull that trigger made Isaac want to scream. He felt as if he was walking on his death bed. Which he was. Isaac had a plan to commit suicide after he shot Hiven. He couldn't live in a world where Hiven didn't exist.

Taking the gun in his hands, Isaac stared at Hiven's beautiful face.

"I-i lo-ove you s-s-so much."

Hiven smiled. A real smile. Well, real to Hiven.

"And I love you. You have no idea how happy you are making me. I've wanted this for so long. I'm actually surprised I didn't do it sooner. But I wanted you to do it for me. I love you so much, Isaac Owens."

He couldn't take any more of Hiven's talking. He lifted the gun to Hiven's temple, shaking and crying like a baby. All the while, Hiven had the biggest smile a person could have etched on his features.

"Oh! I almost forgot!"

Hiven held up the note and placed it in Isaac's empty, shaking hand.

"When this is over, read this. It means a lot to me and I want you to keep it forever. "

Hiven leaned over and gave Isaac a fully passionate kiss.

"I love you, baby."

"I love you, too."

"Aw. You didn't stutter! Good boy. Now finish the business so you can read the note! Hurry!"

Isaac gawked at the boy. What sane person would want to die fast just so the other can read a note? Well, Hiven wasn't sane entirely. Maybe not even a bit. But somehow, Isaac learned to love him for who he is. The only reason Isaac is doing this is because Hiven wants him to. Isaac promised Hiven that he would do whatever Hiven wanted him to do in the beginning of the relationship. No matter how mad it was. This went beyond that level.

"I l-love you, H-hiven Da-awn St-tier. With a-all my he-art."

Hiven smiled, showing off his pearly whites.

"I love you, Isaac Tate Owens."

Squeezing his eyes tight shut, Isaac pulled the trigger. He heard the bullet come in contact with Hiven's head. He felt blood splatters hit his clothes, face, and arms. He opened his eyes.

Hiven was on the floor, eyes closed, big smile. He looked at peace for once in his life. Blood was everywhere. All over the white carpet, white dresser, white bed, white pillows, white ceiling, everywhere. Everywhere but the black bedpost.

Isaac's gaze fell on Hiven's cold, bloody body. He was a murderer. A killer. A sick soul.

Isaac cocked the hammer, pulling it up to his head. Out of nowhere, Hiven's words from earlier raked his brain.

"When this is over, read this. It means a lot to me and I want you to keep it forever."

The note.

Isaac set the gun on the bed and sat down, unfolding the note. His tears blurred the words together. Once he halfway got it together, he proceeded to read it.

Dear Isaac,

If you are reading this, then you sealed the deal. I love you. I know you created me to love you, but as the months progressed, I felt something for once in my life. When I wasn't with you, I wanted to find you. When you were hurt, I wanted to make the bad thing go away. When we made love, I wanted to have emotion. I guess wanting all of those things was an emotion. Remember when you explained your love for me because I wanted to know what it felt like? Well I felt like I actually loved you. I felt what you explained. Anyway, I'm probably boring you. Thank you for putting an end to your imagination. Maybe one day you can re-imagine me, eh? Then we can be together. Next time you do, make sure I have emotion and that I'm not a corpse. I don't see how you could stand looking at me in that form. I was hideous. Thankfully, you put an end to my misery. You were a great creator, friend, and lover. I love you Isaac Tate Owens. Goodbye.

Isaac sat there, salty tears leaking over his face. He went to raise the gun, but something stopped him.

At the very bottom of the paper, there was more fine print.

I'm sorry, Isaac. But I lied. There weren't two bullets in the gun. Just one. You shouldn't end your life for your imagination. It's not worth it. We will meet again one day. I promise. You'll get bored and imagine me up. I love you. Thank you. Goodbye.

The note fell to the floor.
♠ ♠ ♠
Well? Comment anyone? I want your honest opinion! Cause I think it was pretty good.
I stayed up 'till 2:30. It took me around three hours to make it, pre-read, and fix it up.