Demolition Lovers

Chapter 1

"Holy fuck, can you believe we are gonna see Tokio Hotel live!?" I yelled to my best friend who was sitting next to me, receiving weird looks from everyone on the bus and dirty looks from the elderly woman two rows in front of us.

Wednesday laughed and started jumping up and down on her seat. I burst out laughing, she looked so fucking hilarious.When we finally got to our stop it was like the whole bus sighed a breath of relief. I started to laugh, getting the metal image of a bus sighing. Wednesday looked at me funny.

"Sorry, I just imagined a bus sighing!" I said in between laughter and she started to laugh too. People stared at us, but we didn't care. Guess we're used to it. We tend to be a bit weird, especially if we've had a bit too much sugar and/or coffee, and we're not afraid to show the world that.

I've known Wednesday since like third grade or something and we're best friends. We linked arms, mostly for support as we were laughing so hard, as we walked to the venue where they would play. In between laughter I started to sing (even though not very good) on Ready, Set Go!. Wednesday quickly joined in.

We continued to walk, singing as loud as we could while people were starting at us as if we'd just escaped from a mental instruction. To be honest, I'm surprised that Wednesday's never been locked up anywhere in any way shape or form. It was close one time, but somehow she didn't. I'm not being mean, just telling you the truth. There's few days where she has been completely serious, the whole day.

We got to the venue and was thrilled to see that no one was there. Our chances of being in front row now were HUGE! We started to jump around in a circle while holding each others wrists and shrieking. More weird looks from passers by. But as I said before, we're used to it. We stood right in front of the door and waited for us to be let in.

When the show started we screamed. And we sang along to every song that we could since they also sang some in German. Nonetheless it was fucking awesome!
After the concert I was about to walk to the bus stop when Wednesday grabbed a hold of my arm and pulled me behind some dusters.

"Wednesday, what the fuck?!" I yelled, getting a 'shh' as answer.

"Let's wait for them to come out, I wanna meet them!" she whispered after a while.

"Yeah, right. You just want to kidnap Bill.." I mumbled.

"Damn, you know me too damn well!" she cursed and we laughed. After about five minutes of waiting behind the dumpster the smell got to me. I stood up and walked out from behind the dumpster.

"I need fresh air.." I muttered to Wednesday, not sure if she heard me. Just then I heard the emergency exit open and close and voices that slowly faded when they saw us (Wednesday had joined my side when she realized I wasn't going back to those damn dumpsters).

"Eh.. Hi.." I said shyly and blushed. I mean, we were standing face to face with TOKIO HOTEL!

"Hi.." Bill said carefully, with a slight accent. "Who are you?"

"Oh, I'm Alania, and this is Wednesday.." I said, blushing even more "If I were you I'd stay away from her.."

"Why's that?" Tom asked, giving us a weird look.

"Because she'd probably jump at you and try to kidnap you then try to sell you on Ebay.." I said matter of fact and laughed as they all took a step back.

"Hey! I'm not that dangerous!" Wednesday exclaimed and I laughed, earning a punch on my arm.

"Well, you did try to kidnap Frank when we were at that My Chem. show last month." I said rubbing my arm, getting another punch on my arm. "Owe!" I whined.

"Your own fault.." she muttered and I turned my attention to the four guys in front of us, who was giving us very, very weird looks.

"Oh-Kay.. So, you were at the show?" Georg asked and I nodded until my head hurt.

"Yeah, we were and you guys are fucking awesome!" I yelled and turned deep red as I realized what I had said. That's me in a nutshell for you; acting and talking before thinking.

"Well, it's always fun to meet fans. You know, we are gonna stay here for a while and maybe you girls can show us around.." Bill said and smiled.

"Yeah, sure.." I said, trying to act calm since Wednesday wasn't able to speak. She had turned into a whiter shade of pale and just stared at them.

"Great. Could we get your number?"

"Yeah.." I wrote our numbers on a piece of paper and gave it to Bill. "Here you go.. I've written both of our numbers, but if you call one of us, the other is just centimeters away.." I said and smiled.

"Okay, we'll call you.. It was really nice meeting you two, but we really have to go now.."

"Okay, bye.." I said and waved as they walked away and jumped into a van. I quickly turned to Wednesday as soon as the van was out of sight.

"OHMYGOD! Can you believe that just happened?!" I shrieked and hugged her tightly.

"No!!" she yelled back, making me pull back quickly, rubbing my ear. "Oh, sorry.."

"It's okay, I just think I got deaf on one ear.." I joked. "Come on, let's get to the bus stop before we miss the bus." I said and we walked to the bus.
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Spaced by vamp_chick!