Demolition Lovers

Chapter 2

We got on the bus and started to head back to Wednesday’s house. We got home around 2 A.M. and into her house around 3. The genius forgot her key and had to break in through a window.. Again. Once we were inside we didn’t sleep until around 6. It sucked that her little sister came in and woke us up at 7.

“Well if you let me just get a lock of hair.” Wednesday starts off.

“Drop it Wednesday, If he gave us his phone number you would sell it for money on Ebay.” I say.

“But Alania, we could be rich.” she whines.

“Why don’t you make your self useful Wednesday and make a pot of coffee.” I say trying to change the subject.

“Well, I would but my cell phone is ringing.” Wednesday says picking it up.

“Who is it?” I mouth over as she looks at the caller ID.

“Hallo?” She asks in poor German.

“Wednesday, Give me the phone now!” I scream.

“Okey dokey, just hang on a minute, Alania wants the phone.” she says handing me the phone.

“Uh, Alania are you two behaving?” her mom asks.

“Oh My Gawd did you seriously think that Tokio Hotel would call us back?” Wednesday asks from the floor. She's laughing at me, that bitch is laughing at me!

"Yeah, we are, I promise.." I say to her mother, trying not to sound as if I'm thinking about killing her daughter. "I'll let you talk to Wednesday now.." I said handing back the phone, shooting death glares at her. Just then my phone started ringing. Ugh.

"What the fuck do you want?" I yell into the phone without checking caller ID.

"Uh Hallo is this Al?" Someone with a familiar ring asks.

"Who wants to know?" I ask, seriously regretting not checking caller ID

"Well me and the rest of Tokio hotel,” he says.

"Well who is this?" I ask, not really believing what this guy said. It wouldn't be the first time Wednesday sold my phone number on Ebay.

"Well this is Gustav." he says.

"Who's calling, I wanna know!" Wednesday screams in the background.

"If I told you I would have to kill you." I say attempting to shut her up. I had no such luck.

"Are you Al's Boyfriend?" Wednesday asks after fighting, and sadly winning, with me for the phone.

"What the hell?" I hear him ask.

"Wednesday! Give me the phone right now!" I scream laughing.

" Hold on a minute." Gustav says and hands the phone over to some one else.

"Uh Hallo?" Another guy asks.

"Like OMG Its Tom from Tokio Hotel!" Wednesday screams. At that moment it figured I
wasn’t getting my phone back for a very long time

"Wednesday, I'll give you some coffee for my phone back." I say holding out the cup. At that she threw the phone in the air and was after me. I set down the cup and dove for the phone. God the guys were probably thinking we were mental.

"Hello?" I ask carefully, thinking that they would've hung up on us by now.

"Hi. Um... Al? Is everything alright over there?" Tom asks nervously.

"Well its 10 am on a Sunday morning and Wednesday just had coffee. So No Every thing isn’t alright!" I scream franticly, trying to hold Wednesday back with my free hand.

"Well we were wondering if you could show us around town for a bit today, but if your busy..." he say slowly.

"Well I shouldn’t be busy but I don't exactly know about Wednesday.." I say pushing her back into the couch. 'You busy?' I mouth to her and she shakes her head.

"So we will meet you back at the venue, at 12?" Tom asks.

"No lets make it 2." I say. "Wednesday needs to get the caffeine out of her system first.."
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Spaced by vamp_chick!