Demolition Lovers

Chapter 3

We got to the Venue half an hour early. Next time I’m not telling Wednesday who we are going to meet there. I thought about putting Wednesday on a leash or something because she might attempt to attack Bill or Tom just for a simple lock of hair. Maybe I should of left her home even. Some times I wonder how her parents still have furniture in their house

"Look there is the bus!" Wednesday says jumping up and down like a psycho. I sighed and grabbed a hold of her shirt so she wouldn't try to attack them.

"Come on lets go meet them." she says trying to drag me toward the bus.

"Cool off Wednesday, we are meeting them right here." I say pointing to the wall I was holding on to. The bus stopped and the guys climbed off.

Wednesday gave out a silent shriek. The guys came closer to us but still kept distance. Poor Wednesday was having a fit about trying to get me off of her. Then she got distracted by Tokio Hotel and stopped struggling.

"Oh My God! Hi My name is Wednesday!" she says really fast.

"Don't even think about letting go of her." Bill warns me.

"Don't worry, I wont.." I mumble and smile.

"So where are we gonna go?" Wednesday asks after she seemed to calm down a bit. I still wasn’t letting her go though.

"She can't be that dangerous. Lets see her damage." Tom says unaware of what I knew.

"HA! If she does any thing crazy you are officially responsible." I say still not letting go.

"Oh, come on! She can't be that bad! Let her go!" Tom says.

"Okay, but you've got yourself to blame.." I mutter and let go of her. Wednesday just collapsed. the caffeine must of warn off. They were all laughing. I helped her up on her feet again. Damn, to be as small as she is she sure is heavy.

"See she isn’t that bad now lets get going." Tom says. I just snorted at that. Wait until she got more caffeine or some sort of sugar into her system.

"You know what Tom, if you think she isn’t a handful, then you can be in charge of her." I say laughing and handing Wednesday to him.

"Well are we gonna just sit here all day or are we going to go out?" Georg asks.

"Where do you guys wanna go..?" I ask.

"Lets go to a coffee shop!" Wednesday suggests.

"Wednesday, no we wont go out for coffee." I say thinking I was still in charge of her. Then I remembered that Tom was in charge of her.

"Or, sure.. You guys agree on that?" I ask, a grin spreading across my face. "It should be fine." Gustav says.

"Well we've got a way to go because Wednesday isn't allowed in any of the ones around here." I say. "Long story.." I add when I see the guys faces.

"Wait I still haven’t gotten..." Wednesday starts before I cover her mouth.

"She gets kicked out of these places?" Georg asks nervously.

"Um... Sometimes." I say smiling shyly.

"Or we could go to that mall!" Wednesday say,

"Um.. Teenies!" I mouth to her and point to the guys.

"Why does she get kicked out from those places?" a extremely nervous Tom ask, ignoring her last comment.

"Let me tell 'em!" Wednesday say.

"Okay.. I wasn't gonna tell them anyway.." I sigh.

"Oh. then never mind it wasn’t that important. Buddy." she says jumping onto Tom's back.

"Hey! Get off of me!" Tom yell in surprise. Bill, Georg and Gustav just laugh.

"Never! You're my buddy and my mom used to tell me to stick with my buddy, that’s why Al
cant get rid of me!" She says as Tom struggles to push her off.

"Two can play at this game." Tom mumbles.

"What’s that?" She asks.

"It's true, I can't get rid of her.. Not even when she's sick.." I mumble.

“Well are we going out anywhere?" Tom asks Wednesday.

" I don’t know! You tell me!" she says.

"Oh great." I mumble.

"What?" Bill asks.

"He's gonna attempt to buy into it." I say.

"Are you serious? Is it that bad?" he asks.

"Lets just imagine 2 Wednesdays running around. then you tell me." I say.

"OH lets go to the park, there wont be any Teenies there." Wednesday says getting antsy.

"Yeah lets go!" Tom says almost screaming in her face.

"Uh..." I say because I thought Wednesday was going to cry.

"Race you there." She screams louder. Then they were off.

"Do you even have to ask?" I say and nod at Tom and Wednesday.

"She's like that, but like three times worse.."

"Oh.. Um, I see.." Bill says

"Oh, and she tend to scare the other customers, too.."

"Don't you think we should chase them?" Gustav asks.

"Well if you must go ahead, but Wednesday has her cell phone." I say

"I have a brilliant idea." Bill says.

"If its leave those two here and we go somewhere civil think again. Wednesday will find
me." I say.

"She always does.." I sigh.

"That was my idea. I mean come on her and Tom should be fine." Bill says.

"Yeah, well.. Still, She'd find me.. She knows all my favorite places..” I sigh again. Just then
Wednesday and Tom come running back, "See there is no escape." I mumble.

"We left and you guys weren’t there. What happened to us going to the park." Wednesday cries into Tom's shoulder.

I giggled. They did look cute together..

"Hey Al can I kept Tom as a pet??" Wednesday asks giving puppy dog eyes.

"No! You can't! Sorry.." I say sternly.

"But... I don’t wanna leave him, and I swear I wont sell him on Ebay." Wednesday cries as she gets back on Tom's back. Bill gives me worried looks and I laugh.

"But then who will play guitar in Tokio Hotel?" I ask her.

"Not Tom. UM... Bill could." she says smiling and hugging Tom tightly.

"Well no. We need Tom." Bill says.

At that Wednesday broke down into tears. This time she was serious. I never thought she would be serious about something like this. They had to leave for Germany in 2 days and she didn’t want him to leave.

"Well..." Tom starts. "Oh Lets Follow their tour! We do have the summer off." Wednesday says. "Hey, don’t ask me, as the guys! Besides, I don't think mom would like it.."

"Well you don’t know that your mom wouldn’t like it. We all know my mom would be very happy to get me out of the house." Wednesday says, reminding me that she gets kicked out for trying to cook all the time.

"Well, you still got to ask the guys.." I mumble and the guys seem very confused.

” Can we stalk you on tour?" Wednesday asks Tom.

"Umm.. Bill? Wednesday wants to go on tour with us. and Al would come to. Can they come?" Tom says deciphering what Wednesday said better then I would of. Bill gave me a strange look and just smiled at Tom giving him a whatever look.

"I am so sorry. For the fact that we haven’t even left the parking lot and we are now touring with you for some reason." I say.

“We got to go pack! Come with us! you can stay in my sisters room!" Wednesday says heading toward the bus stop Tom hot on her trail.

” Wednesday? Don’t you think you should call your mom first and tell her our plans." I ask, being the saner one of us.

"Now why would we do that? You know my mom loves when company drops in!" She says jumping up and down.

"maybe because that's what you do.." I mutter and sigh. There's no way in stopping her now.

"Should we be scared?" Georg asks

"Yeah, if I where you, I would.. She is IMPOSSIBLE to bring ANYWHERE, and being stuck in a tour bus with her.." I say and giggled as they looked shocked.

"But she really seem to like Tom.." I say and smile. "We have two possible scenarios.."

"What are those?" Bill asks being responsible while Tom and Wednesday run around like 4 year olds.

"Well, either she calms down, starts to act responsible, or Tom turns into a copy of her.." I sigh.

"Hey lookie its the bus!" Wednesday screams.

"Oh god." The same bus driver from the night before says.

"Uh-oh.." I say and hid my face in my hands.

"Can you keep her calm?" The driver asks.

"Wednesday! Tom! Cool it or else! We will have to walk home." Bill roars.
I try to stifle laughter as I remove my hands from my face. That might work on Tom, but I'm not sure if it'll work on Wednesday. At that Tom and Wednesday ran to the back of the bus and started to talk to each other and ignore us. The rest of us sat around them so they couldn’t escape.

For the 2nd time in forever Wednesday was quiet. the first time was when Wednesday had Strap throat and she could only whisper.

"Whoa, you should be here more often.." I whispered to Bill. "You actually made her quiet.."
♠ ♠ ♠
Spaced by vamp_chick! (yea, Al and Weddie have spacing issues)