Perfect for Me


I groaned lightly as I felt the sun beaming through my window and penetrating my skin. Eight months of living in California, and I still wasn't used to those damn rays of sunshine. I looked at the clock on my night stand and frowned when I realized it was only nine in the morning. Normally, that may not be a bad thing, but since I didn't go to bed until after four in the morning, it was a horrible thing.

After pushing the covers off my legs, and sinking my feet into the comfortable carpet, I eventually made my way into the kitchen where my friend, and room mate Whitney was. She was sitting on the stool, enjoying herself a morning bowl of frosted flakes. I rolled my eyes seeing her face caked in make-up, and rollers in her hair. She was already up and ready for the day, and that thought turned my stomach.

"Morning Jena Grace!" She exclaimed, a bright smile on her face.

"You're too happy this morning," I mumbled.

"Am not," She protested.

"What time do you have to be at the salon?" I questioned.

My friend was a cosmetologist who worked at Maria Baker's salon, yes, Zacky Vengeance's mom. While I on the other hand, was in the middle of writing a novel, and working in billing at the local hospital. It wasn't my ideal job, and hopefully I wouldn't have it for long, but it was enough to help pay the bills.

"I have to be there at ten," She said, looking over at her schedule taped on the refrigerator, "Though, I probably won't be home until late, Zack mentioned something about taking me out," She shrugged.

I giggled softly at how casual she talked about him now, though months ago that exact sentence was said in a squeal. Whitney and I had originally moved to California to make better lives for ourselves, and also so we could maybe 'accidentally' run into the boys of Avenged Sevenfold. Well, we had made better lives for ourselves, and we actually did meet the boys.

Whitney was hell bent on getting a job at Maria's salon, and after living in California for a month, she ended up landing the job. She worked there for over two months before Zacky walked in, and the two of them met. He had been dating another girl in the salon at the time, though Whitney quickly won him over. The two have been inseparable for the past four or so months.

By association to Whitney I met the guys as well. First it was Brian and Jimmy, then Johnny, and finally Matt, who happened to be my favorite. By the time I met Matt, I was over the whole shock of meeting them. All the guys but Matt would talk my ear off, and I really enjoyed their company. Though, there was something different about Matt. He didn't seem to be as happy as he appeared to the public. I wanted to question him on it, but I didn't really know him that well.

"So, will you?"

I snapped out of my thoughts and looked over at Whitney who was looking at me with a wondering expression on her face. I sighed, realizing I had zoned out, and completely ignored her conversation.

"Will I what, Whit?"

"Go shopping with me on Sunday to help me find some things to wear. . ." She said, repeating a sentence she had probably said only a few minutes ago.

"Sure, but why do you need to find something to wear?"

"Did you just miss my entire conversation?" She laughed. "Zacky and I are going to Las Vegas, Nevada the weekend after next, and then Hawaii after that for a couple of days."

"Ohh," I said, and then nodded. "Sure, I'll go with you."

She smirked, and then looked at the clock and cursed loudly, as she began removing the rollers from her hair and running her fingers through the curls. I knew she was probably going to be late if she didn't hurry, so I didn't say anything. I just let her go, as I sat there and thought about what I would do when she was away for those four days. Without Whitney here to keep me company, I was going to be alone, and very bored.


Shopping with Whitney was exhausting. I think she tried on every single outfit, in every damn store we went in. Though, after six hours of dragging me through various shops, she swiped her debit card for the last time, and told me the torture was over. She drove us to a subway so we could grab a bite to eat.

"So, do you have any plans for when I leave?" She asked.

I shook my head, "I work on Friday, but that's it." I sighed. It was going to be a very boring four days.

"I don't like the idea of you staying in that apartment alone," She frowned.

I rolled my eyes. Whitney was way too over protective at times, and she always thought the worse would happen.

"I'll be fine, it's not like someone is going to break in and rape me, Whit."

"They could!" She exclaimed, "And how would you defend yourself?"

"Crack them in the head with a base ball bat?" I said rather sarcastically.

"Not good enough!" She shook her head, "I think someone needs to stay with you."

"Whitney, we don't know anyone, plus, I don't need anyone."

She didn't say anything, just took a bite of her turkey sub, though I knew the expression on her face. She wasn't going to listen to me. I sighed, knowing I was probably going to be stuck with some random chick she's befriended at the salon. I would seriously choke her if she sent some prissy ass to stay with me for four days.


I stood by the door with my arms crossed over my chest as I watched Whitney pack her luggage towards the door. Zacky was on his way over, and I assumed my babysitter was coming as well. Whitney would not back down from that. No matter what I said or done, I was having someone stay with me for the four days.

The door opened up and I smiled softly at Zacky, who smirked as he walked over and wrapped his arms around Whitney, placing a kiss on her cheek. They made me sick, but at the same time, they were fucking adorable together.

"How are you, Jen?" Zacky asked, as Whitney went off to get something else.

"I'm as good as I can be," I mumbled.

He laughed, sensing that I wasn't happy with this whole idea of having someone stay with me. I was a person who enjoyed their independence and freedom, and now I was going to have some total random ass person staying with me. I heard a light knocking on the door, and Zacky smirked as he pulled it open. I expected some bleached out barbie to walk through the door, but to my complete shock, Matt Sanders came in and literally stopped my heart.

"Oh, Matt, you made it." Whitney grinned as she walked in the living room with her purse draped over her shoulder.

"Yeah," He smirked, running a hand through his short cropped hair.

Whitney turned to look at me and the smirk on her face was deadly. I couldn't even react as she walked over to me giggling, as she wrapped her arms around me in a tight hug. "You can thank me later," She whispered in my ear before she walked over to where Zacky was. I stood there like a complete idiot as the three of them talked a bit, before Whitney and Zacky left. I was in the living room of my apartment with M freaking Shadows. I breathed out and then in softly, as I shifted back and forth on my feet.

"Jena, right?" He asked, as he looked at me.

I nodded, "Yeah."

"I guess we're roomies for the weekend," He said, laughing slightly.

"Yeah, I guess so." I murmured.

I didn't know whether to thank Whitney, or to murder her and hide the body. I guess I would find the answer to that when four days passed. I didn't know much about Matt since he wasn't like the other guys. I hadn't spent time with him, so I didn't know much about him, other than the stuff I had learned from being a fan. I sucked on my bottom lip, and tilted my head to the side. My stomach rumbled lightly, so I knew it was time for lunch.

"Want some lunch?" I questioned softly, only to receive a nod and smile from Matt. I breathed in, and retreated into the kitchen to fix Matt and I something to eat. This was going to be a very interesting couple of days.


The first day with Matt was awkward, but as hours passed, it got a little more comfortable. The second day was even better, and I found myself holding down conversation with him easily. Though now, it was the third day, and I was off work, so I would be at the apartment all day long with him. I told him I would fix something good for dinner, so I was in the process of stirring noodles for spaghetti.

"You're a pretty good cook," He said, as he hoped up on the stool.

"Thanks," I laughed.

"Have you got used to California yet?" He asked.

"Yeah, I guess so." I nodded, stirring the sauce. "It's a lot different than Ohio."

Matt laughed, "Yeah, Cali is different from Ohio and Kentucky." He said, referring to where Whitney was originally from as well. "You girls are a lot different than the girls around here."

"We are?" I asked, cocking a brow as I turned around.

"Yeah," He smirked. "You don't have a fake ass tan, bleached hair, and you girls have cute accents."

I blushed a bit, and then turned around to continue stirring the food. I felt so giddy around Matt for some reason. I knew it was stupid, since he was probably in a relationship with some beautiful woman, but I couldn't help it. I grabbed a bowl, and poured the sauce into it. In the process of draining the noodles, I felt hands on my hips, and I breathed in, wondering what he was doing. Oh, I know; he's giving me a damn heart attack.

"You know something else Ohio girls are that California girls aren't?" He asked, and I swallowed hard feeling his breath upon my neck. "Well, at least the one I know. . ."

"What's that?" I managed to squeak out, losing all confidence in my words.

"Well, the one I know. . ." He said, yet again, which emphasized that he was talking about me, since I was from Ohio, and he knew me. "Is probably the cutest fucking girl I've ever met in my entire life."

I closed my eyes and tried to steady my breathing, though I was sure my heart was beating so loudly that he could hear it. I reopened my eyes, and slowly turned around and looked up into his dreamy hazel eyes. I had looked at those eyes a million times. I had saw every single picture there was to see online, but never had I saw this sort of emotion behind them. I exhaled softly, and he grinned, as his hand came up and pushed my chin upward. He chuckled softly, and then slowly began to descend. My head was spinning, when the realization of what was about to happen registered in my brain. I wanted to pinch myself, but I refrained from doing so in fear of looking like a fool.

Slowly his lips connected with mine and I felt as if I was floating on a cloud. Surprisingly, they were soft unlike what I expected. I breathed into his mouth as his hands came up and cupped my face. His tongue slowly pushed it's way between the parting of my lips, and explored every inch of my mouth. If I was dreaming, then I never wanted to wake up. Never in my wildest dreams did I picture myself standing in this kitchen, having my lips on his.

He pulled away after a little while, pressing his forehead against mine as we caught our breath. I exhaled softly, and kept my eyes closed, not able to look at him. I figured the minute I opened my eyes, I was going to come to the realization that this wasn't true, and that I was imagining the entire thing.

I felt him move away from me, and I figured he was going to say it was just a mistake, though his lips brushed against my cheek. I opened my eyes and looked at him for the first time since our lips locked, and I saw that he had a cute dimple faced smile. I couldn't help but to smile myself, as I turned around and finished prepping dinner.

"Whitney can't get the credit for this ordeal." He said, out of the blue.

"Huh?" I asked, turning around.

"It wasn't her idea," He laughed.

"Oh, so Zack's to blame." I smirked.

"Nope, not him either."

"Whose idea was this then?" I asked confused.

"Mine," He admitted with a smirk.

I didn't say anything but just smiled as I placed the dishes on the table. We both sat down, and started to eat in silence, though I couldn't figure out why he would want to come and stay with me while Whitney was out of town. It just didn't make much sense to me considering we had never really talked or got to know each other.

"So, why did you want to stay with me?" I wondered.

"I just wanted to know if my assumptions were right," He smirked.

"What assumptions?"

"The assumptions that you're probably perfect."

"Perfect?" I asked, arching my eyebrows in confusion once again.

He nodded, "Perfect for me." He grinned, causing my heart to speed up, and melt when he leaned over and pressed his mouth against mine for the second time that day.

Needless to say, I knew that Matt and I were going to be seeing each other a lot more, even after the four days ended.