Status: Contest Entry. Completed.

Remembering Brooklyn

Three of Three

Brooklyn sat in the airy cabin of the plane and looked down through the clouds. They were darker than usual so she knew that it was storming right down below. She felt bad for what she was doing to Mark, but she wasn’t going to go back. She already had a place lined up in South Carolina and as soon as she could, she would change her number. She would stop everything.

She sighed as she thought of the terrible thing she was doing. Brook was breaking Mark’s heart in order to live her own life, but she knew that she couldn’t keep him happy forever. Eventually she would end up doing something that would hurt him so she figured she would just get it over with before he became too attached to her.

The guilt was getting the best of her and she found it hard to speak. Brooklyn knew that as soon as she did she would end up blurting something stupid to somebody. Also, not speaking prevented her from picking up the plane’s phone and dialing his number. She couldn’t do that, so she refused to talk.

Brook knew that she had some mixed up feelings. She claimed that she didn’t believe in love, but there was always a nagging feeling that maybe she just hadn’t met the right person to make her fall in love. While she knew that hurting Mark was inevitable, she also couldn’t help but feel extremely guilty for her actions. Finally though, she decided to just sit back and think about the rain falling to the ground.

She imagined it soaking her cotton t-shirt, darkening her jeans, and causing her shoes to dampen. She imagined that the rain was washing him out of her hair. She imagined the rain just washing him away from her thoughts, out of her mind. Brook took a relieved breath as she continued her little fantasy of the rain.

As soon as the plane landed, she would take control of her own life for the first time. She wouldn’t have a boyfriend watching her every move. She wouldn’t have her parents breathing down her neck and waiting for her to make a mistake so that they could ‘rescue’ her from her problems. She could make a new life for herself, one that she had only dreamt about in the past. She was going to keep an eye on the world and see what was out there for her.

Brook pulled a deck of cards out of her purse and began playing a game of Solitaire as she thought about everything that had happened over the past 3 years.

As Brooklyn flew tens of thousands of miles overhead, she realized that she was finally over everything. She was over Mark; she was over her old job, her old house, and even her old cat which her neighbors had graciously taken in for her. She was at home in the clouds and towering over everyone’s heads literally and figuratively.

Meanwhile, Mark just sat in his car until he finally decided to drive home.

I will make a new life for myself, he thought at the same moment as Brooklyn.

Although neither knew it, even as far from each other as they were at that moment, they were still connected to each other if only by one miniscule thought.
♠ ♠ ♠
The end :)