‹ Prequel: Remembering Sunday
Status: I aim for Sunday updates, but they're usually a little erratic (read: doubles are frequent)

Je Ne Sais Quoi

Rave has always had a certain je ne sais quoi about her.

And that certain, inexplicable something has made Saffron Raven Mason (she had hippie parents, poor girl, but call her Saffie and your balls won't ever forgive you) walk on water or drown her entire life; danger, anything completely or genuinely unexpected, and men are quite drawn to whatever "je ne sais quoi" has turned her into an enigma, Ducati-rider, writer, runaway, role model, actual model, and a soul mate.

That's not to mention her stint as a Vegas showgirl, her adventures becoming one half of a whole, and her tendency to be a complete "dolt" (especially when it comes to Zack).

Every complete mystery has her (sex, drug & alcohol-filled) back story, and every reluctant lover has her (her book, "Nicolette," wedding planning,Zack, and baby planning-filled) future.

So Rave's going to try to forget that completely screwed-up past and move on by giving it everything she's got, even if it means messing up over and over again...
...the only thing she seems to be able to do.


P.S.-- This is loosely based on the song "Walk On Water Or Drown" by Mayday Parade, and the the term "sequel" doesn't quite fit, considering this is a prequel and sequel's lovechild to Remembering Sunday

I do strongly recommend reading that first, considering things like "Rye-Bread," "The Almighty Binder" I and II, "Bluebell" and "honeymoon phase" come up and are explained in greater detail there (;
  1. "And then I fell into pieces…"
    "I love you both. Live well, live happily, live with no regrets… and veni vidi vici."
  2. "So I'll pace the halls to see if I could find a hole in something or maybe places to escape..."
    "If I didn't know you better, I'd accuse you of some serious corniness, necrophilia, or of being Britney Spears."
  3. "I stayed here, and you just prayed…"
    "And you can't fight the psychic."
  4. "Oh, and everybody knows this is the part…"
    "Now, please, return to your immature banter and curses before the man who has the most important information in your life gets here."
  5. "Tell me goodnight and let it go…"
    "You don't know me at all, do you?"