Status: writing

Forbidden Love

The vision

I walked up to Allan, running into his opened arms. I squeezed him, tears running down my cheek. I looked up staring into his chocolate brown eyes. He looked down, his lips curving up into a smile.
“I missed you babe, I hate my parents and I was thinking... we should run away!” Allan grabbed my hand pulling me down the corridor. His eyes lit up, smiling like a little boy who had just been handed an action figure.
I laughed, cupping his chin. He got the picture and moved in to kiss me. I moved back laughing at his shocked expression.
“HA! I got you, one, nil.” I laughed walking ahead to science which was just down the end of the corridor.
“I missed you this holidays Al. I love you.” I said, not caring what anyone else thinks. Why would I? It’s my life and I intend to live it how I want to!
When I didn’t hear a reply from Allan, I looked around. He wasn’t there! Great! No wonder people were looking at me! I was talking to myself.
“She’s the weird loner girl!” I heard someone snigger. I turned around and saw a group of girls in a huddle.
They were obviously bitches; they had so much make-up on that they didn’t need to dress up for Halloween!
“She’s not! You’ll never guess what I heard!” The girl flapped her hands about obviously signalling for them to come closer. “You know that totally hot boy, the tanned one, called Allan.” There was a mutter of yes’, one after the other. The girl carried on, “Well she’s going out with him.” They gasped, jumping up in shock.
I giggled to myself, they’re obviously thick too, have they not seen me and Al around school? I looked up to see a girl looking at me and sniggering.
I frowned, giving her evil eyes. She stopped straight away and walked my way.
“Um... I’m sorry I didn’t mean to laugh at you, I overheard the plastics conversation.” She giggled. She had a very cute laugh, a bit like those sweet little girls you see on the movies. And to my surprise, she was actually little, like a fairy, with her red bobbed hair, with curls here and there, and beautiful ocean blue eyes, her skin was porcelain, like mine!
She handed me her hand.
“I’m Lily. And you must be Rashel.” I smiled taking her hand and shaking it.
“How did you know?” I asked curiously, I’d never seen this girl before.
“Let’s just say I’ve seen you around with your boyfriend Allan. You’re a cute couple.” She said, smiling, her eyes exploring my face.
“Have you by any chance got science next?” I asked, hoping not to sound rude if she did.
“Yes, but you wouldn’t have noticed me. I sit at the back hidden away so I can doze off while Sir goes on about grass.” Lilly started to walk, making me, without realising, walk with her.
I laughed; he does actually go on about grass! He says that we should eat grass and that it should be in the super markets instead of meat (he’s a vegetarian), it will make your diet more nutritious. I know weird right. Well that explains why people say he’s a lunatic!
I paused, I’d just remembered. Where’s Al?
“Um... you haven’t by any chance seen my boyfriend, Allan have you?” I asked, my eyes starring ahead at the group standing outside the science room. I was concerned, what if Allan is in trouble. What if he was seeing someone else? The thought shook me, not wanting to even think about that I pushed the possibility to the back of my mind.
Lily’s face dropped, obviously thinking about it, “I’m sorry, but the last I saw of him was when he was with you.” She gave me a comforting smile “I can see you’re worried. Don’t be, I’m sure he’s not getting up to anything naughty. Besides, you can see by his expression that he loves you.” I looked at her innocently, desperately hoping that she was right.
“You’re right. I do love him, that’s kind of why I’m so protective.” She looked at me, smiling her dazzling smile. I actually felt close to this girl, like I could tell her anything. Maybe she’s my sister... I giggled, replaying that possibility and laughing at the stupidness behind it.
“I understand, I’ve been in that position before.” Her eyes lit up, while her face went into dream mode. I was happy to see that Lily was happy.
“RASHEL!” I looked behind me. Allan was running closely followed by a short blonde boy, who was cute by the way. I looked at lily to see her hugging her books and looking down. I looked closer and saw the cherry red blobs on her cheeks.
“What?” I looked up to see the small blonde boy standing by Lily clutching her waist. I smiled to myself, they made a cute couple. Lily with her red bobbed hair with curls here and there and her ocean blue eyes, and the blonde boy with his mousy blonde tangled but stylish hair and his pure blue eyes. They were also both small, which made them even cuter.
My thoughts were interrupted by big muscular arms wrapping round my waist. I looked up, Allan’s face was grinning, his eyes sparkling with joy. I rested against his hard strong chest, feeling every breath he took, it soothed me.
“What made you so happy?” I looked up into his chocolate brown eyes, he tapped his nose several times (meaning he wasn’t going to tell me). I pulled away for his strong arms and stood in front of him, arms folded tapping my foot.
He took a step forward, pulling me into his chest. “I’ll tell you later!” he whispered in my ear. I rolled my eyes and unfolded my arms to wrap them around his neck. I snuggled into his chest, hiding my face from sight. I felt something coming... but I don’t know what.
Without any warning my eyesight went blank and all I could see for a little while was darkness. It was never ending, I walked and walked, I even ran with my super quick vampire legs, But I still couldn’t get out of the darkness that was trapping me. I felt shivers run up my spine as I heard a familiar voice whisper in my ear.
“When the night is bright and the moon has risen. There will be horror, as more than one will be imprisoned. The screams of the night will come clear as the warning bells will ring for fear.”
I gulped, I couldn’t see but I could smell the ghastly smell of evil. I don’t know what’s going on but I have a feeling that everyone and everything on this earth is in danger.
I jumped as my vision became clear in a second. I could feel Allan’s’ worried eyes resting on the back of my head. I felt sweat trailing down my face, making a splat when a drop fell on the floor.
I closed my eyes focusing on my breathing patterns, taking a big breath in every few seconds.
When my breathing was steady, I opened my eyes. I could see worried people, staring my way. I smiled in an assuring way and, not realising that Allan was supporting me, I stood up. I peered over a girls shoulder, searching for Lily. Sure enough I found her, in the mousy blonde boy arms.
I realised, I never asked what his name was. My thoughts were taken off that subject as I saw Lily sweating her eyes closed. She was whispering something. I pushed through the crowd that had formed, and walked over to Lily. As I got closer I began to hear more clearly what she was whispering.
I jumped back in shock. “When the night is bright and the moon has risen. There will be horror, as more than one will be imprisoned. The screams of the night will come clear as the warning bells ring with fear.” Lily was whispering, but in a different voice, it was stronger than hers. I concentrated, trying to figure out where I’d heard that voice before.
The voice was familiar, but I just couldn’t figure out whose voice it was.
The day went by rather quickly, well for me, as I matched all the people’s voices I’d ever talked to.
I re-tried trying to match everyone’s voices as I walked down the dark alleyway that leads to my terraced house in the long lonely street. Most of the houses are abandoned, and wrecked. And others well don’t ask me what goes on in there. Mum did say that we were going to move to a much bigger nicer house, but the fact is she loves this house. It’s something to do with her ancestors. Please, don’t ask.
It suddenly came to me! Lily’s voice before science. I heard it in my vision. It’s funny because I think I forgot about as in... Something stopped me from seeing it.
As I struggled, with my shaking hands, to put my bright green key in the door, I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned round, my jaw dropped, my eyes wide with fear...
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Abig shout out to destined astronomer., She made the layout and an awsome layout it is. Thankyou XD!