I Can't Remember a Word That You Were Saying...


She checked into the hotel, holding up a sleeping two year old with one arm while a tired five year old clung to her leg.

She got the room key and walked to the room, Joey lagging behind, wanting to be asleep.

Once they made it to the room, they all piled into the only bed in the room.

Jakob stirred, Joey fell right asleep.

She couldn't sleep. She felt terrible. She loved him with all her heart and she couldn't take this anymore. She couldn't. She was done.

Might as well pack up the kids and move back to Minnesota, we're just weighing him down... She thought.

She shook her head. How can you think that? He loves them! Despite what he said, he loves them.

They're his kids, too.

She glanced over at her sleeping children.

Jakob, tiny little Jakob, only 2 years old...
Everyone said Jakob looked exactly like his mother, same face structure, same chocolate brown eyes...
But Jakob inherited his father's messy, curly rusty brown hair...

and Joseph, the eldest, five years of age...
His father born all over again. Simple as that.
Joseph looked exactly like his father.

She sighed and turned over so she could see the light rain that began to fall from outside the window.

She felt terrible. She wanted to say she was sorry. She didn't want to stay like this, running away from him when she was afraid or mad.

She wanted to be happy. That's all she wanted.

He just kept watching that piece of plastic like it was going to ring any second.

Just call her already.

He really fucked up this time. She never left after a fight. Never. They always worked it out, no matter how long it took, she never left.

Call her, she won't kill you.

He missed her, he missed the kids.

He missed having a happy relationship with his wife all the time.

not most of the time.

All the time.
♠ ♠ ♠
~notice Beej's and 80's names are never said unless people are talking~
