Why Me?

Jealousy Is A Sin

21st January 2007
‘So me, my sister, Mark and Bree stumble into the hotel room, this is way before Zach, by the way, this is when we hadn’t got a second guitarist, and we are flipping exhausted, right? And we cannot be arsed to get changed or into bed, and we only had enough for one room, so we’re all semi-naked, except for Gwennie, of course, who got the bed ‘cos she’s the youngest and the only girl. So the hotel attendant walks in and just gives this look, you know? And says- and he was a guy- ‘have fun, chaps’ and he like, hadn‘t seen Gwen, and we weren’t a big band yet. I mean, we were all like WTF? And Gwen just couldn’t stop laughing, could she? No, of course not.’

Alex’s stories are so funny. They were friends way before I knew them, and of course Lexxie and Gwen are siblings, so they would be especially close. I mean, I have been accepted way more than with other bands I joined after they had formed, but they are like one family- I’m like the brother in law, or the step-kid, and Alex and Mark are the parents, with Gwen and Bree as the kids or something, I’m just getting into the way of things, I don’t know how things go, yet. Alex is telling his stories to Gerard, his new boyfriend. Me and Gwen are supposed to be together but she keeps flirting with Bob, which is kind of annoying. But I trust her completely.

‘ZACHIE!’ Gwen leapt on me, pulling me out of my thoughts. ‘What you thinking about?’
‘You.’ I replied, slightly sheepishly as I realised all eyes were on me.
‘Aww!’ Came the reply from everyone. Except Bob. He gave me the serious evils… Well, Bob can’t really do ‘the evils’ but he gave me a really dark look. Why? I fall in love then the nicest guy in the world hates me? Arrgh!
‘Zachie?’ Gwen asks, softly. I look deep into her nearly amber eyes and kiss her hard. She pushes me against the back of the sofa and pulls away from my mouth. She leans over and whispers in my ear.
‘Okay. We go upstairs NOW.’ Bob keeps giving me the ‘as close to evils as he can get’ as we leave the room to go to our room.

We return an hour or so later to wolf whistles and Alex asks me to go outside with him to get more drinks. He looks at me and sighs loudly. He looks kind of sad…
‘Zachie, I don’t want to be rude but… What is my sister to you? A little fling or do you think the two of you have a future?’ This is a bit of a shock… I didn’t expect that.
‘I love Gwen. If she really loves me, I do not know. I want to make us work but at the moment she’s more interested in other men than me. Look at Bob.’ I retort, a bit sharper than I had meant to. He flinched slightly as I spat Bob’s name out at him. I really don’t like him anymore. He’s trying to steal my girlfriend! Grr!

'You know, Helena always used to say that 'Jealousy is a sin'. Maybe she was right.' Damn Mikey and his sneakiness! He made me spill me coffee.
'Is that for me?' He points at my coffee before taking it off me. I try to reply but he walks off, smug cause he got my coffee. Thinks he’s so very cool. The meanie.