Status: Active! (I hate the orange bar the status creates. Why can't it be red?)

Nobody Said It Would Be Easy

Chapter Ten: Take Caution When It Comes To Love

Dear Riley,
I want to trust you, I really do. You Just seem....confused. It's seems like...I don't you don't really care about me anymore. It's like when you left it kind of ruin what we had. I haven't motioned it to you, but I don't cry as much. Why? Maybe it's because you've came, maybe....maybe it's because my love for you has vanished as it's done for you.
P.S. I will always love you, it's just seems impossible now.

The nausea washed over when I came inside. But it was the blond, Fred's fault anymore. It was Riley's.
"Hey Mell," Sam called in from the Den as usual. "Mom asked if you could babysit me. And is it okay if Seth spends the night?"
I walked into the Den, Sam and Seth were flopped around on the couch watching "Fantasy Factor" on MTV. "Sure, Seth can spend the night, did you guys eat?"
Sam looked up from the T.V. "Yeeeah, we ate at Seth' look like your going puke," He said skeptically.
"Nah, I'm just car sick." I lied. Seth glanced at me with a wondering look on his face then flipped over were his head was hanging off the couch and enticed himself in the T.V. again.
"Maybe you should go lie down..." Sam said sweetly.
"No, I'm fine. Sam you know your mom hates you watching MTV." I chided, watching from the door way of the tan room.
"Actually, Mell, Mom doesn't like me watching MTV 2. And anyway what she doesn't won't hurt her." He smiled shrugging.
"My mom doesn't like me watching those shows that portray women as a bunch of blond sluts." Seth said, his face was starting to turn red from being upside down for so long.
"Oh, and BTW Mell, Mom made brownies. Seth and I have already eaten all we can." Sam added. Seth laughed. "I puked brownie!" I frowned and glared at Sam who started laughing hysterically.
"You sound accomplished." I smirked.
"Well, obviously." Sam smirked back. "And for the science fair I'm thinking about doing a project." Sam smiled. "Here's what I'll call it: 'Dessert: Does it get better the second time around?' Good idea huh?"
"Solid." Seth said laughing and holding up his fist.
"That disgusting, and what does 'solid' mean?" I asked.
"Oh, that. Well Seth is trying to pull off this new thing where he talks like how old people did when they were younger. He thinks he'll pull of a trend." Sam said a matter-of-factly.
"Aha, well that's solid." I smiled. "Anyway, I'm going to go lie down. Night guys." I said my smiled fading.
"Night." The both said together, turning their attention back to the T.V. I figured that was the end of our conversation and turned around walking down the narrow hallway. I passed the empty kitchen and stood in front of the door. Pushing back the curtain the hid the world I glanced outside into the deserted night.
I turned and made a u-turn, but instead of going down the hallway I went up the stair that were parell to it. I quickly skipped my way up the carpeted stairs towards my room.
I stood in the small, square-ish shaped hallway. And turned around, in the back left hand corner off by itself was master suite, then next to that was Riley's room, then Sam's, then the bathroom, then my room.
I contemplated going into Riley's room. I didn't know if it would make me feel bad and cry, or if it would intensify the hatred I was feeling towards him. I knew I could never not love him. I just didn't trust him and I knew everything we had was gone and broken.
My heart felt like a stone. A stone that had been smashed and chiseled. A heart was almost at it's bear. A heart that was completely cracked.
Every memory of Riley sizzled in my mind, reminding me of the love we shared and the pain I still felt. It filled my veins with hate and left a empty feeling in the pit of my stomach.
I didn't understand and he wouldn't explain. It wouldn't get any easier from this point on. I knew he was healthy and alive and I knew he loved someone else.
Maybe he doesn't like someone else, what if he's confused? A voice contradicted me in my head.
Yeah but he does.
How would you know for sure?
My mind asked.
I sighed. I started to focus on sleep and not that annoying voice. I showed quickly, not washing my hair. I slipped into red sleep pants that had little moose outlines on them and a black tank top. I pulled my hair up in a sloppy ponytail and turned off the lights in my room crawling into the blue overs.
I took all my will power to not focus on the voice in my head. I just layed there with my eyes closed, zoning out here and there.
I might've hated Riley but I was still completely loyal to him, like a puppy dog. I knew he didn't think of me more than just a minor piece in his game of life but he was what my game revolved around. Without him my game would end. So it has.
::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
I woke up to a stunningly white room. I sat up mesmerized. I was in wrapped like a cocoon in silky white sheets and a white fluffy comforter. I pulled and tugged until I was out of the cocoon's strangling hold.
I climbed off the bed and my feet were suddenly embedded in soft creamy carpet. I looked off to my left, the whole wall was completely glass. I stumbled over to it staring off into the clear night. I was at least two stories up that was for sure.
I was hoping this was a dream as I made my way across the room to the door. I walked out suspiciously and glanced around the hallway.
Looking down I noticed another stainless white door. I skeptically tip toed over to it and opened it.
The room was a red and had dark brown finishes.
"Melly!" A familiar voice squeaked.
"Alice?" I asked quietly as she appeared in a red night gown.
"You woke up!" She smiled. "Finally, I mean you've been asleep for what? Three hours now?" She lead me farther into the room. I blushed as I realized Jasper was laying in the big red bed watching T.V. he wasn't wearing a shirt, hopefully he was wearing pants.
He looked startled and pulled the blanket up to his chin. "Hello Mellana." He said politely. "Please excuse my indecency I didn't know we were expecting company..." He glared at Alice who smiled pleased.
"Come and sit Melly," Alice beckoned me, patting a seat on a red Victorian couch. I smiled uncomfortably and walked over sitting down.
"Actually, none of us were expecting company," Jasper continued. "Only Emmett and Alice. They just kinda arrived with you, god, just kidnap her Alice." Jasper griped, continuing his rant.
"Oh, Jasper it was for a good cause." Alice said flicking her hand towards him.
"Well what about her family?" He snapped.
"Don't blow a gasket Jasper, she'll be back before they even realize it." Alice said "Melly, the reason we kidnapped...or er...brought you here was we feel there's something you should know." Alice said placing her stone hands on my knees.
" We don't feel it's something she should know, you do." Jasper growled.
"Jasssssper!" She hissed. He shrugged and glared at her. "You know what, let's go talk about this some where else." Alice said quickly standing up.
"Yeah, just tell her everything Alice. You aren't putting her life in danger or anything, oh noo!" Jasper said sarcastically as we left.
"Be quiet Jasper." Alice chided as we closed the door.
"Why is he so upset?" I asked as she led me down the hallway.
"He just doesn't think we should tell you. But you are clearly involved in our world now." Alice said not turning to look at me as she gracefully skipped down the stairs. "And he's just being a meanie puss."
"Mea-nie pu-ss?" I said tilting my head.
"That's what Alice calls mean people." Edward said, some how catching up to us on the stairs.
"Hi Edward." I smiled. Edward smiled as we reached the bottom of the stairs and Alice looked up at me.
"Are you ready to know?" She asked.
"Well, I don't really know what I'm supposed to be ready to know so......I don't know." I said smiling sheepishly.
Edward chuckled. "That didn't make sense, at all"
"I know." I smirked as Alice lead us down another long hallway.
"Carlisle, Esme, Emmett, Rosalie, not Jasper could you all come to the dining room?! Melly's awake!" Alice shrieked in her clear voice.
"Mell-ay!" I heard Emmett bellowed, bounding down the stairs.
"We're coming!" I heard a beautiful woman's voice say.
"I'm still coming!" Jasper called, walking out of the room in a sweater vest, long sleeved button up shirt, and black pants.
"You weren't invited Jasper," Alice scolded playfully. He smiled and came down stairs taking a seat next to Alice.
The woman who must be Esme, their mother came in a midnight purple dress and sat on the left hand side of the table. Their father, Carlisle walked in too and sat at the head of the table quietly. Edward sat down next to Carlisle and Emmett and Rosalie took a seat.
"You may sit there." Carlisle said pointing across from him at the other head of the table. I sat down timidly, it was between Rosalie and Alice.
"It's time for answers Melly." Alice smiled.
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Yay! Answers will be in next chapter.
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