Status: Active! (I hate the orange bar the status creates. Why can't it be red?)

Nobody Said It Would Be Easy

Chapter Eleven: Life Is a Maze, And Love Is a Riddle

Dear Riley,
What is there to say anymore?

"What exactly am I getting answers too?" I asked the Cullens.
Carlisle held up his hand. "Just let us explain, Alice?" He said looking at his daughter.
"You want me to tell her?" She said stunned. Carlisle dully nodded his head. "Um...Okay..." She stood up.
The Cullens all looked at me and I looked at Alice who stood up. She took a deep breath. " you think Riley is a human?" she asked.
My eyebrows knit together. "I kinda thought he was. Is he not?"
"Carlisle....I don't wanna tell her." Alice whined.
Carlisle shrugged. "I just thought you two were close." He sighed. "Jasper, tell her."
Jasper rolled his topaz eyes and stood up. "Okay, Riley used to be a human." He said walking back and forth.
"Used?" I asked.
"Used." He repeated. "He's not anymore."
"Than what is he? A ghost?"
"Wait....who's Riley?" Emmett broke in.
Edward and I exchanged a humours glance. "Her myster boyfriend." Edward smiled.
"You mean the vampire who's leading the army of newborns?" Emmett blurted.
"Emmett!" The Cullens said angrily in sync.
"...... Vampire?!" I wailed.
Alice put her hand on mine. "Yep. Vampire." She smiled.
I stared at them in shock. "Are you people crazy?" I asked.
"No." Rosalie growled. "We aren't crazy."
"You believe in vampires. Everyone knows they aren't real." I said obviously. I tried to remember anything and everything about vampires.
1.) They die in the sunlight.
Well the Cullens don't come to school in the sun, do they? A voice asked me.
2.) They sleep in coffins Bed, coffin, what's the difference? They voice in my head contradicted. I ignored it and kept thinking.
3.) They're afraid of stakes, garlic, and crosses.
Even you know that's retarted. The voice continued.
Now what's the last thing?
4.) They drink human blood.
You got it. Now, do you remember when Riley came to see you the first night, and he sat you in his lap? Do you remember what he said?
I stared shocked at the Cullens, they looked like they were waiting for me something.
The last thing I remembered....what did Riley say?
I felt my eyes rolled back in my head as everything went black.
::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::
I woke up in a completely white room. It wasn't the one I woke up in previously. The carpet was white, the bed was white, the walls were white. Everything. Even the nightgown I was suddenly in.
I was scared now. I stood up, letting the carpet form under my feet. There was couch in the back corner and a dresser. Nothing Else.
I looked around. The door that blended in with the walls started to jiggle, someone walked in.
"Hello Mellana." Jasper said walking in the room with a tray of food.
"Where am I?" I asked.
"A room, in a house." He said casually setting the food on a desk I haden noticed it blended in so well.
"Why am I here?" I asked.
"Because, we don't you with him."
"So you've locked me here?" I asked.
"Yeah. Because you can't be with Riley."
"What are you trying to tell me?" I asked, looking at him.
" More than you can possibly imagine." He said back, his hands clenched and his eyes fierce.
"He would never hurt me." I snapped back stubbornly.
"You can be so stubborn." He laughed back.
"I don't need this," I said motioning to the white room. "I feel like I'm in a wacky shack."
"It's for your protection, Mellana. Trust me." He assured, running his fingers through his honey blond hair and leaving.
"How can I trust anyone." I murmured, sitting on the bed and pulling my legs to my chest.
♠ ♠ ♠
Wow. >.>