Status: Active! (I hate the orange bar the status creates. Why can't it be red?)

Nobody Said It Would Be Easy

Chapter Twelve: How Do I Get Better Once I've Had The Best

Dear Riley,
I all I can say is wow. Your....a vampire? This is crazy, I'm going crazy. The weekend is almost over. Alice told your mom I was going camping with them this weekend. I think they'll let me go. Hopefully. This white room is starting to get to me.
P.S. Why didn't you tell me what you are before?

It was Sunday. Jasper had promised he was going to let me after the weekend. I don't really understand why they've kept me captive anyway. They keep coming in at different times to tell me how dangerous Riley is. That is with the exception of Emmett.
When he comes we just laugh and play. He doesn't lecture me like the rest of his family. Well, not all of them lecture me. Esme comes and talks to me about it, like a threapist. Alice just rambles on, and on, talking about Riley at first then going to different subjects. Carlisle speaks with me about him, but he never forces anything on me. Edward lectures then just chats, and Rosalie just glares at me for awhile then starts yelling and has to be escorted out.
But by far Jasper is the worst. He just lectures on and on in his dull nonchalant voice. I don't know what it is but he just has the authority to him that scares the living daylights out of me. The only time that I had an okay time with Jasper was when I was day dreaming and ignoring him and thinking about the time I first started talking to the Cullens:
Edward put his elbow on his desk, cradling his chin in his palm. "Maybe. What about Jasper?"
"Eh, Jasper kinda gives you an uncomfortable feeling, if you get what I'm saying." Emmett answered. "He probably wouldn't be able to handle it either." He whispered.

It made me chuckle, but it also made it worse. I remeber Jasper got all red and started yelling his head off, Emmett had to come and grab Jasper who was had my by the arm and was making it crack. It was one of the best/worst times I've had in this house.
Today Esme and Jasper were lecturing me. Esme had already left and Jasper was coming in.
Jasper came in then. He was wearing a gray long sleeved sweater vest with a red button up shirt beneath it. I was wearing a long sleeved white over shirt and white tanktop and white jeans.
I looked up from the letter I was writing to Riley.
You've been caught. The voice in my head mocked as Jasper picked up the letter.
"Dear Riley, I all I can say is wow. Your....a vampire? This is crazy, I'm going crazy. The weekend is almost over. Alice told your mom I was going camping with them this weekend. I think they'll let me go. Hopefully. This white room is starting to get to me. P.S. Why didn't you tell me what you are before? Love, Mellana." Jasper read, he looked up from the paper. "Have I taught you nothing?" He said in flat voice.
I looked up at him, my mouth slightly open where you could see part of my teeth. "" I said quietly.
"Have you listen to one word I have said?!" He yelled, dropping the letter. "Do you not understand?"
I gulped. "I understand perfectly well, Jasper."
"Well obviously you don't! Do you understand anything? Riley is a dangerous man! Mellana!" He screamed. I snapped my head to glare at his perfect face. "Are you listening to me?"
"No." I murmured.
"Why?!" He yelled.
"Just cut the crap Jasper. You know that no matter what you say I will Always love Riley." I said quietly.
"Always is a long time, Mellana." He said calming down.
"That's a bet I'm willing to take." I said looking at my hands. "Riley still loves me...."
He looked at me wonderingly. "You don't sound so sure." He said sitting next to me on the big white bed.
"He keeps telling me about, about someone else. Someone else he loves." I said shaking my head.
"Who?!" He said urgently.
"Um..." I said as a tear fell from my eye. "It was....I don't know." I cried.
Jasper sighed. "Okay, okay." He said sympathically. I looked up to his accusing eyes.
"You don't believe me." I snapped.
Jasper shrugged. "In all truth Mellana, I don't know what to believe anymore."
"Join the club." I whispered as he left the room.
::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::
"Bye, Melly!" Alice called as I got in the car with Mrs. Biers.
"Bye Mell!" Edward and Emmett said together.
"Come back next weekend!" Esme smiled.
"Your welcome to." Carlisle finished. Rosalie rolled her eyes and went inside as Mrs. Biers started the car. Jasper waved sweetly as we drove off.
"What a strange family." Mrs. Biers said as we drove towards their house.
"Isn't that the truth." I smiled.
When we arrived I got out and rushed upstairs. I went straight into Riley's room and lifted his pillow, I was about to put the letter underneath it when I noticed something. All the other letters were gone. If this is Sam he'll pay.
I shoved the letter I had under the pillow and left the room, going into mine.
"Love Mellana," I heard someone mutter.
"Who's there?" I asked walking in farther. I rounded a corner blocking the door of my room from the window.
Riley sat there a pile of letters on his lap and one in his hands.
"Riley?" I asked, walking over to him.
He looked up suddenly, like he'd been caught in the act. "Mell?" He said standing up.
I crossed my arms. "What are you doing here?"
"You don't think I don't read these do you? I always read my mail." He smiled and stacked up the letters. "So, where were you?"
"The Cullens kidnapped me." I said dully.
"Oh, just a casual event I suppose?"
I smiled and hugged him. "Vampire." I said, letting the word slowly excape my mouth.
"Yeah." He agreed, hugging me gently.
I looked up at him. "You didn't want it?" I asked.
"Never wanted it." He assured.
"But now you do." I guessed.
"Victoria," He sighed.
I let a few tears fall on his shirt. "You don't love her more than me, do you?"
He undid my hug and looked into my eyes. They were blurry with tears. "I'm sorry Mell."
"I won't give up." I said. "I've tasted perfect, and I'm not letting you go that easy."
"I know you won't. But it just gets harder after now."
"Always, Riley. Don't forget you promise." I said.
"Always Mellana, because I know you won't forget." Then he was gone out my window.
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Aw. :) So cute. Jasper has a temper. :)