Status: Active! (I hate the orange bar the status creates. Why can't it be red?)

Nobody Said It Would Be Easy

Chapter Thirteen: I Hate To Break It To You Babe, But I'm Not Drowning

Dear Riley,
I don't know if I can be as heart felt in the letters now that I know you actually read them. So, I'm heading back to school. I guess you get out on that one. It's fair to you though, you always said how you looked forward to graduating. And I was looking forward to seeing you in those silly tasseled hats. Oh well I guess.

There was a new spring in my step as I went downstairs for school. I didn't exactly understand why that was. Nothing had really changed.
So I knew why Riley was acting so strange, so what? Would I be this happy if he was a zombie? At least he's still alive? No, I totally wouldn't think that.
I arrived to school at a usual time. Erin wasn't there yet, and Josh and Drake were off doing their own thing so I automatically was making my way towards the Cullens.
"Mellana...?" Someone said softly behind me. I still knew who's voice that was though.
"Emerson?" I said turning around.
"I don't see why I bother asking, but....will you go out to dinner with me? Just once?" He begged.
I sighed, his eyes were pleading. "Emerson...." I hesitated, he was always so lonely. And maybe Riley would get jealous.... "Okay, fine."
He looked at me wide eyed. "Get out!" He smiled.
"Oh-kayy..." I said starting to "get out".
"No! Not literally. When do you wanna go?" He asked excitedly. "I heard tomorrow is Senior Skip Day..." He trailed off.
"Okay, pick me up tomorrow at One." I said.
"Aw, thanks Mellana!" He cheered hugging me. "Where do you wanna go?"
"Surprise me." I said slightly hugging him back. He looked so thrilled. This had better be worth it.
"Kay! See ya!" He called happily dashing off to his friend, Earl.
I frowned and started walking to the Cullens.
"Hey Melly." Alice said looking up from her homework.
"Hi." I smiled.
"Mell?" Emmett asked. I looked at him. "Was that Emerson guy harassing you again?"
"No. Actually he asked me out and I said yes." I said proudly.
"Wow." Edward muttered. "To make Riley jealous?"
"H-how did you know that?" I asked.
"Well, some," Edwards voice became a hushed whisper. "Vampires have special abilities. Like I can read minds, and Alice can see the future, and Jasper can change your emotions."
"That's kinda why we suddenly just started talking to you." Jasper said. "Alice saw you, Riley, and Victoria in the woods. You were almost killed. That's what we're here for. To prevent that."
"And because we're always going to be best buddies." Emmett added as the bell rang. We all groaned and started off towards class, Bella catching up.
"Edward?" I heard Bella whisper behind me.
"Yeah?" He asked in a hushed whisper.
"Is Mellana going to come to the fight?" She asked, her voice going lower at Mellana.
There was a pause. "No, I don't think so. We don't want to put anyone in danger. The only reason your going is because your so stubborn." He whispered. I got annoyed with the sappy stuff that trailed on in the conversation and sped up to Alice and Jasper.
"Fight?" I asked casually.
Both heads snapped towards me quickly. Alice's mouth was slightly open and Jasper had the constipated look on his face.
"How did you find out?" Alice asked.
"Well....I...." I stammered.
Jasper's face was turning red. "Emmett!" He yelled.
"No! It wasn't Emmett!" I said.
"Jasper, honey," Alice said, taking him by the hands. "Calm down."
Jasper took a long deep breath and smiled grimly at me. "Who told you then?" He asked.
"Um, actually I don't think I was meant to hear it." I admitted.
"So, you were eavesdropping?" Jasper asked angrily. I just nodded quickly. "Who were you eavesdropping on?"
I looked around. "Edward and Bella." I said blushing a deep red. "They were just so close behind me and I could hear's not like I meant to."
"Oh, it's okay, Melly. Like Jasper doesn't do his share of eavesdropping too..." She sighed. "Well tell you about the fight later. Right now we need to get to class."
"When is later?" I asked as we started walking again.
"After school, meet me and Emmett in the city park on the swing set. We'll tell you all about it." She promised as I departed to English with Bella.
We sat down across from each other. She smiled at me. "Jasper gets a little scary huh?" She asked, we were waiting for our teacher.
"That's probably the understatement of the century." I smiled.
"So you heard?" She asked. I nodded. "I'd tell you, but Edward would know."
I smiled. "How long have you known about....vampires?" I asked quietly.
"Oh god. Since my Jouiner year I guess. But here's something you will never believe. There are...."
"Miss Swan? Please pay attention to the board." Our teacher cut in. When did he come in?
:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
I didn't get another chance to ask Bella what else there was. God, it as like eating me alive. All day Jasper and Alice stuck close to my side. At first I didn't understand why, but then that annoying voice in my head pointed it out.
They don't want you finding Riley or Bella It said. Edward knows what she was going to tell you, and thinks you shouldn't know. So, he's armed you with Alice and Jasper so you can't talk to her. Nice of him, huh? And I bet you haven't realized but the Cullen's watch your house occasionaly. They don't want you to see Riley, at all.
"Alice, I know your guarding me so I don't talk to Bella." I said suddenly.
Alice didn't look at me, but did do a side ways glance. "How do you know these things?"
"Nobody told me. It was just this little annoying voice in my head that keeps talking to me." I addmitted.
Alice looked at me. "That's weird."
"It is." Jasper agreed.
"Am I crazy?" I asked.
"No." They both said together.
"Can I go to Spanish now?" I said, pointing to the building.
"Yes." Alice said backing up and letting me leave.
I walked in the class room swiftly, taking my normal seat between Edward and Emmett.
"Still wondering what Bella was going to say?" Edward asked.
"Don't read my mind." I countered.
"I can't help it," He complained.
"Try." I snapped.
"Can't we tell her?" Emmett asked.
"No, Emmett, Jasper would freak out." Edward said.
I sighed and looked a head. I didn't feel like talking.
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Yay! date with Emerson in next chapter!