Status: Active! (I hate the orange bar the status creates. Why can't it be red?)

Nobody Said It Would Be Easy

Chapter Fourteen: To Go Back To A Place Much Simpler Than This

Dear Riley,
If you had one wish what would it be? I'm just wondering, would you wish to be human again? Or would you just wish for a pile of humans to eat. If I had a wish, I'd wish to go back to before you were what you are and I would stop you from going to Seattle that night. But, just because you wish on a star doesn't mean it'll come true right?
P.S. since you read these, how about return the favor and write back? I have writing supplies on my desk ready just in case.

After school I did my homework in the car and started towards the city park. I couldn't get there fast enough it seemed. Emmett and Alice were already there waiting for me on the swing set.
Alice was swinging as high as the swing would alow and Emmett was lazyily rocking back and forth kicking sand at the flocking ravens.
I got out and made my way towards them, Emmett imediatly noticed me and gave me his swing, leaning on the pole of the swing set.
"So, the fight." I said as Alice slowed down by dragging her black ballett flats threw the sand.
"The fight." Emmett repeated. I raised my eyes at him and he sighed. "Okay, there's the fight going on between us, and a army of new born vampires." He said.
"New born vampires?" I wondered, looking at Alice this time.
She rearranged her pink head band and stuck her hands in the pocket of her gray sweater that covered at white shirt with Hello Kitty on it that "Free hugs". I crossed my arms over my sky blue rain coat and kicked at the sand with my sky blue converse.
The sky was dark and it was misting, nobody was at the park, the Elementry school was still in at this time.
"New born vampires are exactly what they sound like. Thery're the newest vampires." Alice said dully.
"And they're the strongest." Emmett asked, crossing his arms that were halfway covered by a gray quarter sleeved shirt. "But the most out of control too. The only thought to cross their mind really is "blood". And your boyfriend, Riley, has created an army of them." He said.
I pursed my lips as Alice started. "And he's training to come and attack us."
"What about Victoria?" I asked. "Who is she?"
"Victoria?" Emmett and Alice said together.
I pulled my hair from my face. "Yeah, Victoria, Riley always said "She's the one I love". Does she have anything to do with it?" I asked, mocking Riley's voice.
"Oh god." Emmett said dropping his head.
"Well, we've kinda missed a big piece of the puzzle, huh?" Alice joked. "Melly, we gotta go, now. Sorry, bye." She said and then, they were both gone.
:::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
I woke up the next to the sound of rain falling on the roof. I sat up and fixed my hair. I looked down at the end of the bed.
"What the...?" I said reaching at my feet. I picked up the piece of paper secure in a little golden evelope. On the back were the words "Mellana" in beautiful script.
I opened it quickly.
Dear Mellana,
What is my wish? I have to admit the wish you described is quite intriguing. I would yes, like to go back before all of this happened, but I still like this life too. I know you don't understand, and I would explain it, but I barely understand why I like this life myslef. Would I prefer to be there with you watching a movie right now? Sure. Do I enjoy being here now, writing this letter? Of course. I know your never going to let me go, but if you love me, isn't that what your supposed to do?
I'm sorry that it has to be this way. And I still love you, don't forget.
P.S. If wishing on a star did work, than trust me darling, I would've already tried.
Forever yours,

I let the tear drops fall on the paper. Then I sealed it back up in the gold envelope and stuck it in a special box from my dead grandmother.
I got up stretching. Mrs. Biers, Mr. Biers, and Sam were already gone they all knew about Senior Skip Day and didn't mind.
I looked at the clock it was twelve. God, I slept in late.
I got ready for my date with Emerson. I washed my hair and put on dark jeans. I also wore a black shirt with a blue flower pattern and a gray button up sweater, then my favorite pair of sky blue converse.
I waited by the door expectantly at twelve fifty. The door bell rang at exactly one, I could tell he was nervous when I answered the door.
"Hi, Mellana." He smiled. "You look," He held his hands out, motioning to me. "Stunning."
I smiled. "Thank you," I beamed. He held out his hand to me, I took it and he walked me over to his Ford.
He opened the door and I climbed in, then he got in. It just didn't seem right to me. Betraying Riley this way. I reminded myself that Riley was betraying me and shrugged it off.
"So, where are we going?" I asked as he started driving.
"Suprise." He smiled anxiously as he starting driving over towards the idian reservation.
I smiled back. "Oh okay."
I observed how he was shaking his leg nervously and his hand was shaking. I pressed my lips together and listened to the music. It was "Our Time Now" by The Plain White T's.
"So...your good friends with the Cullens?" He asked, glancing at me.
I chuckled. "Yeah, sorry about that. I didn't want them to "beat you to death" they're a little harsh." I smiled.
Now it was his turn to laugh. "A little?"
"Okay, a lot. But that whole thing about the tonsils was creepy." I said.
He stared at the road. "Sorry about that."
"Yeah, and sorry I called a douche bag."
"No need to remind me." He smiled.
I smiled too and patted his shoulder. "Calm down. I don't bite." I taunted.
He grinned nervously at me. "I know, I'm just really nervous."
"Don't be." I assured as we crossed the line that divided the Reservation.
"Okay." He said as we pulled up to the beach. "I know it's really cloudy and the beach looks ugly but the weather man said it would sunny." He shrugged. "Is this cool, going to the beach?" He asked.
"Sure." I said hopping out of the car. "I don't have a swimsuite though."
"That's fine, we can just walk." He said taking my hand.
♠ ♠ ♠
The rest of the date will be in chapter fifteen!!!! Keep reading! Comment and Subscibe! :)
thanks for your support.
And a special thanks to DarkFireAngel for helping me pick out what Emerson looks like and with some story ideas! Thank you! :)