Status: Active! (I hate the orange bar the status creates. Why can't it be red?)

Nobody Said It Would Be Easy

Chapter Fifteen: Life's Like An Hour Glass Glued To the Table

Dear Riley,
On my date with Emerson!

Emerson and I walked happily down the beach, we left our shoes in the truck and walked in the waves of the water hand and hand.
"What would you say if vampires were real?" I asked as a waved crashed over our feet.
Emerson looked at me skeptically. "What brought that on?" I shrugged. "Um, I'd be pretty freaked out ya know?"
"Yeah..." I said looking at the ground.
"Oh hey! I forgot, my mom wanted me to give this to you." He said pulling something out of his back pocket. He handed me a black scarf with a dark blue pattern twisted into it.
"Wow. It's really pretty." I smiled, about to take it out of his hands. The wind picked up then, blowing the scarf from his loose fingers, the wind carried it away and off into the woods.
"Crap." He griped. "I'll go it, wait here." He smiled, running off into the direction of the scarf.
I shrugged and knelt down to the wave pool, playing with a blue rock.
A few seconds had passed when a blood curtling scream errupted from the woods Emerson had run into. My head snapped up and I stood up quickly.
"Emerson!" I screamed, starting off in direction he was last in. "Emerson!" I screamed again, starting into a full blown sprint.
I was answered by another scream, then another. "Emerson!" I called entering the big trees.
"This one is perfect," I heard an almost childish voice purr. "He'll be a wonderful vampire."
I stood in the middle of the trees, balancing on a root that twisted it's self over the mossy ground.
"Emerson?" I whispered.
"Is there another one?" The voice asked in a bitter sweet tone. "Go get her will you?" The voice commanded as another scream shattered my ear drum. Two figures appeared from behind a tree. One had a limp body in it's hands, the body was breathing heavy.
"Emerson...?" I said, hesitantly reaching out.
"Oh, there is another, Riley, please take the boy, I'll get her." The voice said as the two figures stepped forward, they fell under a beam of foggy light. It was a pale skinned woman with long orange hair, the woman that had appeared at my window.
Victoria My mind corrected.
And standing next to her was a man, he had dark blonde hair and evil red eyes. He smiled and his lips curled over his teeth.
Riley. My mind reminded.
"Riley." I said aloud.
"Mell?" He said, staring at me.
"Do you know her Riley?" The woman, Victoria asked.
"Yes." He answered dully.
The woman frowned. "What is she to you?"
"I used to love her. Used." He said.
"Oh, well, then, I don't want you to have a relationship with anyone in our army, so...just get her out of the way. Lunch break." She joked.
I stared wide eyed as Riley handed Victoria Emerson who screamed again. My breathing started to stop as he stalked towards me, leaving the gray beam of light behind.
"Riley..." I murmured as he neared me and Emerson screamed.
" won't feel a thing." He said pressing a finger to my lips and moving my hair.
"Please..." I whispered.
"You won't feel a thing." He assured, flashing his teeth at me.
His mouth was a inch from my neck when he was torn off. A yowl was let out and Riley screamed in rage hopping up from the ground quicker than lightning can strike.
A howl erupted and I looked around, two giant wolves were standing infront of my growling, along with...Alice and Emmett.
Riley looked at Victoria who motioned behind her with her with her eyes. He smirked and they both took off. The wolves and Emmett took off behind them and Alice turned around.
"Are you okay?" She asked.
"I...what....what were those things?" I asked.
"I'll tell you soon, promise." she assured.
"What's going to happen to Riley?" I wondered.
"Is he all you care about?" Alice laughed. "What about you date that was just bitten by a vampire?"
"They bite him?"
"Yeah. Common." Alice said motioning for me to follow her. "So do you believe us now?" She asked sitting on the rocks.
"About what?"
"Riley being very dangerous." She said seriously.
I chuckled. "I know he's dangerous, Jasper assured that. But," I shrugged. "You guys are just as dangerous." I asad down next to her. "Do you think Riley's okay?"
"Omigod, Melly." She smiled. "I already had a vision. They escaped with your friend by swimming, Emmett gave up, so did the wolves, were not even supposed to be on this land. We've made a treaty with the Native American's here. Seth and his friend Jacob let us on to save you. The rest of their pack doesn't know." Alice said.
"You've lost me." I smiled.
"Oh right. Your friend Seth and Jacob and about six or seven other guys are were wolves." She said casually.
"Were Wolves?" I asked.
"Yep. Don't make a big deal, it shouldn't be that big of a shock." She shrugged. "They'll be humans when they come back. Seth can explain the whole were wolve gig to you, cause Emmett and I are gonna go jack your friends car and bring it to the police station. It reaks of dog here anyway." She said hopping up and dissapearing.
♠ ♠ ♠
Wowz. Emerson's a vamp now? Plot twist huh?