Status: Active! (I hate the orange bar the status creates. Why can't it be red?)

Nobody Said It Would Be Easy

Chapter Sixteen: Live Every Second Like It Was My Last One

Dear Riley,
I'm speechless. Were Wolves? Vampires? What's next, Zombies? God, I hope not. And what have you done with Emerson? The whole town of Forks is to be looking for him like mad. I guess you've let your precious Victoria kill another life. Good going. Love, Hate,
No, Still Love,

I sat in Seth's house next to his older sister Leah. She ignored me and glared at the T.V.
"Mell? We're ready to tell you now." Seth called, opening the back door. I hopped up and darted over to the door, stepping into the misty humid air.
"Sit." The really big, tall, guy, Jacob said sternly. "Look, we really aren't supposed to tell anything at all, but we talked with Sam, who is in other words the alpha, and he decided that since you've already seen us and know about us that it wouldn't do any harm."
"Okay." I nodded.
"First of all: We're were wolves. Giant wolves. Those things you saw chasing your little friends." Jacob said motioning with his hands.
"And we change into them when we're angry or out of our own accord." Seth added. "Not at a full moon."
"When we do change though, we don't look like those ugly man wolf hybrids." Jacob smiled.
"Yeah, we look epic!" Seth cheered. They did a high five then looked back at me.
"But in all seriousness, we are just like vampires, dangerous." He said looking me straight in the eyes.
"What about this treaty?" I asked.
"Huh?" Jacob said looking at me. "Oh, the treaty. That was something my ancestors made with the Cullens to keep them off our land. Nothing you need to worry about," He smiled, a patted my head.
"Oh, but Mell, you know your not supposed to tell anyone at all about were wolves or vampires right?" Seth said as I stood up.
"Yep." I smiled.
"Good." Jacob said, walking me around the house. "Now, you go back to the Cullen's and just try and forget about this."
"Actually, I don't have a car." I said sheepishly.
"Um.....I can't really help you there...." He sighed.
"Hey Jake! Give her a ride on your back!" Seth laughed from the house window.
"My back?" He asked.
"Dude, your a giant dog! Ride. On. Your. Back. Like a horse!" Seth joked.
Jacob shrugged. "Wanna?" He asked.
I stared at him wide eyed. "If you promise, no swear, not to kill me."
He put his hand on my shoulder. "Trust me, I wouldn't kill you, I'm more graceful than that." He smiled grimly as a loud guffaw erupted from the house.
We looked up as Seth pulled himself up to the window. "Yeah, graceful Jake, suure." He taunted.
"Ignore him." Jacob said angrily. "And back up."
I stared at him and started backing up, until I ran into a tree. His body quivered and he was taking a different shape, then appearing from no where was a giant brown wolf. He growled at me and I walked forward.
He dropped to the ground and motioned with his head to get on his back. I climbed on and stood on all four legs.
"Holy crap! Seth!" I yelled.
"What Mell?" He called.
"This is freakin scary!" I screamed, grabbing onto the wolf's hair.
"Hold on tight!" He laughed as Jacob took off.
I couldn't help but admit to myself it was awesome. Feeling the air push my hair back, and the wind on my face. Amazing.
Jacob just ran and ran across a highway, down threw woods, not growing tired at all until he made it in front of the giant Cullen house. He lowered himself to the ground and I slid off.
"Go change back into a human." I commanded. He stood up and went behind a tree and appeared as a human again.
"What's up?" He asked.
"Where can I reach you again?" I asked.
"Ask Seth later." He smiled. "Bye." Then he turned around and walked far away and turned into a wolf.
"Bye." I called.
"Mellana?" I heard Edward say behind me. I turned around and hugged him. "What happened? Where are Emmett and Alice? And why did you just ride in on Jacob?"
I pulled away and laughed. "I didn't have a car, so Jacob brought me over."
"Wow. Fearless girl, common inside." He said motioning for me to follow. The Cullen's were gathered around their dinning room table again, with the exception of Alice and Emmett.
"Where is my husband?" Rosalie snapped when I walked into view.
"And my wife?" Jasper growled standing up.
"Wow. Jasper, Rose, calm down." Edward chided, pushing on Jasper's shoulder to make him sit.
"Now, Mellana, please tell us what happened." Carlisle said patiently.
"Oh, okay. Well, I was on my date with Emerson, this guy from school, and he was giving me a scarf but the wind blew it away.
"So then, he went to go get it and told me to stay there. But after about five seconds screams started from the woods where Emerson was so I ran there and he had been bitten by Victoria and Riley.
"Then Victoria decided that I should be taken out of the way too and sicked Riley on me. So Riley was just about to kill me when he torn off my body. When I looked up there were two giant wolves and Emmett and Alice all in combat against Riley and Victoria who still had screaming Emerson. So then Riley and Victoria took off and Emmett and the wolves followed and Alice came with me.
"And she told me that her and Emmett were going to come and jack Emerson's car and take it down to the police station. So then I went with Seth and Jacob who brought me here." I finished taking a deep breath. Each family member stared at me in shock, totally frozen with their mouths slightly ajar.
"Well then...." Carlisle murmured. "Sounds like you've had quite a day."
"Oh you wouldn't imagine." I smiled.
"Quite a story." Edward concluded.
"Mellana, let me go make you some hot chocolate." Esme smiled running off to the kitchen.
"I hope Emmett's okay..." Rosalie mumbled to herself.
"I told you Riley was dangerous!" Jasper yelled standing up. "But did you believe me?"
"Yeah..." I said quietly.
"Never mind." Jasper griped sitting down.
"So your wife and husband are down at the police station. Perfectly fine." I smiled. "Did you know were wolf rides are awesome? They should have those rather than pony rides. God it' was so fun!" I chattered happily.
"Yeah, well you think that now. You haven't ridden a vampire yet." Emmett said walking into the room.
"Emmett!" Rosalie smiled hopping up and hugging him.
"Hey babe." He said kissing her lightly.
"Alice I was so worried..." Jasper said as Alice arrived.
"Jazz, I was fine. Don't overprotective." She said, murmuring the last part.
"Oh, yeah, Mell, Riley before he swam off dropped this." Emmett said handing me a gold envelope with the word "Mellana" on the back.
"Yay!" I said picking it up and tearing it open.

Dear Mellana,
There aren't zombies, sadly. It would be just like a horror movie then. And I promise there is absolutely no Frankenstein. But yeah, apparently there are were wolves and of course Vampires.
And your friend? His name is Emerson? Well, he's joined my army. And lucky for me he has a special power: he can make people love him. Which is amazing. And I'm very excited about it. And Victoria isn't killing another life, she's just....rejuvenating this one. Which is, I agree, a good going.
Forever Yours,
♠ ♠ ♠
yayers. And I know lots of people don't want Emerson to be a vamp. but, I have special plans for him. Because I'm probably making a sequel. So, yes, Emerson is going to stay a vampire.
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biblel or Maggie :)

Also if i don't update soon it's because I'm going to Alabama with my best friend Callie, (aka Superskyblue) so sorry! but I will TRY to update. :)