Status: Active! (I hate the orange bar the status creates. Why can't it be red?)

Nobody Said It Would Be Easy

Chapter Nineteen: Threw All The Tears And All The Lies

Dear Riley,
I can't wait to see you today!!

After school I ushered Emmett and Edward at a faster pace than usual, I wanted to get to the park, now.
"God, Mell, why are you being so pushy?" Emmett asked as I shoved him towards his car.
"Emmett, I have something I need to do." I smiled, thinking about Mrs. Biers. I couldn't think about Riley, because then Edward would know.
"Okay, then. We'll just be going...." Emmett said slowly getting in the passernger seat of the Volvo.
"Yep..." Edward trailed, dragging himself in the car.
"Go!" I shrieked, slamming the door behind Edward who pulled out and drove off.
I darted over to my car and hopped in starting the ignition and backing out. I drove quickly threw the rain at a little over the speed limit towards the park.
There wasn't a soul in sight when I arrived and scanned the area expectantly. But I then noticed two legs covered in black pants behind an oak tree and across from the swing set.
I got out of the car, hopping into a shallow puddle and then started threw the mist towards Riley.
"Hey," I said sitting next to him between curving tree roots.
"Mmm..." He mumbled kissing my fore-head.
"Whatcha been up to today?" I asked leaning on his shoulder.
"You really want to now?" He smriked, I nodded. "I trained my new born amry some fighting skills to defeat our enemies."
I sat silently, creating an akward silence. "Well, that's..uh...different." I smiled.
He chuckled. "Yeah, so what've you done?"
"Me? I went to school and did work, the usual, the boring." I joked, kissing his neck and blinking a water drop from my eye.
"Wish I could say the same." He muttered.
"You know, Riley, these past few weeks you have put my threw hell why all the sudden are you being Mr. Nice Guy?" I asked, still keeping a casual tone.
He looked at me. "I've put you threw hell?"
I sighed. "Yeah, but that's not the point. Why are you being all 'I-Love-You-Again-Suddenly' to me?"
He sighed too. "I won't lie anymore. The reason I'm being so nice again is because....because I have to possiblity of dying in a few days. I've already felt what's it like to feel like I'll never see you again, Mellana. But this time, this time I know it's coming so I'm speading every last dying second with you I can."
I felt a few tears run from my eyes. "That's a good reason." I nodded.
"I want you to come with me." He smiled, standing up. I stood up too.
"Where?" I asked skeptically.
"Back to my, I mean, what used to be my, house." He smiled and grabbed me by the legs swinging me up in the air like a groom would hold his bride.
"Wow! Riley!" I exclaimed wrapping my arms around him to keep myself up.
He smirked. "Hey, your just a slow human."
I scoffed. "Excuse you."
"I'm not insulting you, hon. It's true." He said as he took off. I screamed as I relived the ride on Jacob's back all over again, just more graceful this time.
"Slow human?!" I yelled over the wind. "Mega understatment Riles. I'm like a snail to a cheetah here."
He smiled and doged trees in swift movements, jumping over above ground tree roots. "This is fun huh?"
"Well, yeah! But the quickness isn't a total suprise. A few days ago I got a ride on a were wolf!"
"A what?" He asked, squinting in the wind and rain.
"Nevermind." I breathed as we reached the house and Riley jumped up to the second floor. "Okay, jumping, yeah. Totally normal." I joked as Riley sat me down on his bed.
He plopped down next to me, laying on his back. I layed down next to him and stared at his perfect profile.
"We have a complicated story." I mumbled.
He glanced at me. "What are you talking about?"
"Our story. You know, the story we share as a couple." I said obviously.
"Oh, our story."
"It's pretty intracite huh?"
"Really." He smiled, turning on his side and starting to kiss me. I kissed back happily and he rolled on top of me.
He supported most of his heavy granite body and kissed me blissfully. Then he started getting into it and started kissing rougher, forgetting all about his weight he dropped his body on mine, causing a giant:crack.
♠ ♠ ♠
Ahhh, writing! I've been in Alabama the past few days so that's why I haven't updated. So sorry!!!! I've been away from the electronic community for soooo long! Anyway hope u like this chapter! And I have decided that there will be at least three more books to this series. :) I already have all the plans made!
Btw, comment, subscribe, and add me as a friend!!!!! :)
I'd like to thank all my supporters, your the most epic people alive!! :)
P.S. comment if you agree with this: Riley is most likely the hottest villian in the whole Twilight series. :)