Status: Active! (I hate the orange bar the status creates. Why can't it be red?)

Nobody Said It Would Be Easy

Chapter Two: My Own Brand of Company

Dear Riley,
I think Erin might be right. This is getting really old. I need to stop. I just don't know how. You were the only person who really ever understood me. And well, you gone. And will be. Forever.

I came in silently the Biers' were still asleep. I walked into the kitchen and looked at the white microwave, it was eight in the morning. I sat down at the circular kitchen table, flipping threw a catalog.
"I'm am insane." I murmured standing up and stumbling to the windows. I walked over to it and put my fingers on the glass.
He did the same. "Riley?" I whispered, his eyes were crimson but looked longing.
"Mellana, I..." He started. Then turned to his left. In the window to my right was a woman, her hair looked like a million flames, her eyes seemed to burn holes in my skin. Both of their skin was a pale ivory, my eyes narrowed.
"Common Riley." I heard the woman snap threw the glass, she took his hand a pulled him away with quick speed.
I stood there and gulped, my hands still pressed to the glass. "Mell?" I heard someone say to my right.
"Hi Mrs. Biers." I said still looking out on the street.
"Weren't you with Erin?" She asked, standing in the archway in a black satin robe. I turned and smiled at her.
"We fought." I sighed. Creases formed on her fore-head. She walked over her light brown hair swinging, standing next to me at the window she looked at me with her big brown eyes.
"Wanna talk about it?" She asked.
"Nah." I smiled.
"You sure?"
"Am I insane?" I blurted.
"Insane? No." She said worried. "Why don't you sit, and tell me what your talking about?" She asked.
I sighed. I wouldn't tell her about Riley, seeing him. She started the coffee machine and sat down across from me.
I hesitated and said "Is it wrong I cry over Riley every night?" I looked down at my hands, and back out the window.
"No." She frowned. "Did Erin tell you that it was?"
I looked around "I don't know if she actually meant it."
"Mell, maybe you should get some new friends." She suggested.
"Yeah, haha. In Forks High School? As if." I smiled.
"Because, well, I don't know. Erin's been my best friend since kindergarten. It was just a silly fight." I sighed.
"Okay. I just want you to know, your not insane." She smiled and got up to get her coffee. "Oh, and last night your mom called, she was wondering if you could come over and spend the day with her. Sounds fun." She said enthusiastically.
"Yeah. You know she just invites me over to clean the house." I protested.
"Mellana, I don't like her anymore than you. But at least she tries, right?"
"Wrong." I mumbled.
"Mell, you have to remember two things. She is still your legal guardian and she is stressed. She works three jobs and deals with your dad."
"I know, I'm sorry. I'll go over." I smiled. Then grabbed my over night bag that I had thrown on the ground and rushed up to my room.
When I was up in my room I dumped the things out of my bag and climbed on my sky blue covers. I looked around the room and sighed getting up.
I walked into Riley's room. It still smelled like him. I knew this room, I had walked this floor many times. I climbed in his navy blue comforter and snuggled underneath it.
I smiled sadly and looked at the picture on his bedside table. It was me and him at Six Flags that time I threw up burger on his shirt. I automatically regretted coming in his room. Tears rushed from my eyes in a frenzied gush.
I cooled down quickly and put the picture back on the table, so I couldn't see his face. I grabbed his hat from California off the ground. The one he always wore and put it on the pillow next to me. I made a chain of pillows about his length and sprayed it with his favorite cologne.
"I am insane." I sighed snuggling with the pillow.
"I highly doubt that." I heard a voice behind me.
"Hey Sam." I said turning over. Riley's little brother was standing in the doorway, smiling his big toothy white smile. I patted the bed next to me and he came in, sitting .
Sam looked like a fourteen-year-old version of his brother. He had the same blond hair and big brown eyes. He might've looked alittle younger, maybe more baby fat but he was cute.
"Your not insane, Mell." He smiled hugging me.
"Thanks Sam, but I am." I sighed hugging him back.
"How come?" He asked, breaking the repetitive conversation.
"You won't believe me." I mumbled.
"Wanna bet?"
"Fine. Just don't tell ANYONE, okay?" I asked. He nodded. "I saw him." I sighed.
"Who, Riley?" He asked
"Yes. But he looked different, more angry. And his eyes were bright red and his skin was pale. Really, really, pale. And he was with a woman, she had hair like fire and the same color skin and eyes. It was all so peculiar." I murmured the end.
Sam looked at me. "Are you sure you weren't dreaming?" He wondered.
"I'm sure. Because I talked to your mom right after."
"Mell, I know something." He mumbled.
"You do?"
"I've never told anyone. But since your like my best friend I'll tell you."
"I'm listening." I said motioning for him to continue.
"My friends and I were in Seattle one night, with my friend's dad. We were going to the movies and we saw a woman with hair it was bright orangey-red, maybe she's the same lady. Riley was in Seattle that night too."
I blinked a few times. "Well, that changes things." I sighed.
"Do you think she abducted him?" Sam wondered.
"I guess it's possible, but she looked too fragile to abduct Riley."
"She didn't look too strong to me either." Sam agreed.

Little did we know we where under estimating her. By alot.
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Yayers! Chapter Two! :D