Status: Active! (I hate the orange bar the status creates. Why can't it be red?)

Nobody Said It Would Be Easy

Chapter Twenty: She's Not Broken She's Just A Baby

Dear Riley
Thanks for breaking me.

"Ow!" I shouted as Riley rolled off me and stood straight on the floor.
"Oh crap! What did I do?" He asked stunned.
I stared down at my chest, and nudged my ribs. I winced, "I kinda think you broke something." I said running my fingers on my rib cage.
"Crap." He muttered, the walked over and felt my ribs.
"Ow. Riley don't touch it!" I chided, slapping his hand away.
He bit his bottom lip nervously. "Well, what do we do?" He asked, sitting in a cushioned seat in his room.
"Get me a phone." I commanded, trying to sit up. Epic fail.
He got up and ran off, then came back with my cell phone that I barely use. I dialed in the numbers by heart and shoved the phone to my ear.
"Who are you calling?" He asked skeptically.
"Dr. Carlisle."
"Then I have to go." He snapped.
"What? Why?" I asked trying to sit up again. He walked over and brushed my hair back.
"I just have too." He answered sweetly.
I kept the phone on my ear and glowered at him. "Why?"
"Fine. You really wanna know. The Cullens are my enemies. I'm going into battle against them okay?" He said in a exasperated tone.
"Oh. If you hadn't just broken my ribs I'd be yelling, you know that right?" I snapped. He chuckled.
"Yeah, I know you would." He said as someone answered and Riley disappeared.
"Hello, this is the Cullen residence." The sweet melody of a voice rang in my ear. I sat there quietly for a moment then spoke.
"Hello, Esme. Is Carlisle there?" I asked polietly.
"Oh, yes, hang on." She said graciously then handed the phone to someone. I heard my name in the background.
"Mellana?" Carlisle asked.
"Hi..." I said timidly. "Can you come to my house?"
"Your house....? Why?" He asked puzzled.
"Well, I, uh, broke my ribs." I said quietly.
"How?" He asked a worried tone to his voice.
"I, um, tripped on the stairs?" I said.
"I'll come down." He said patiently. "See you soon." He said hanging up.
I threw the phone on the floor and tried sitting up again. It hurt so much so I slowly put my head on the pillow and waited.
Carlisle arrived quickly, and rushed in threw the front door. Sam was with Seth and his parents were still on the vacation.
Carlisle walked in the room with Emmett and Jasper who picked me up and brought me out of the room.
"Where are we going?" I asked as they sat me in the back of Emmett's jeep. Carlisle got int the passenger seat and Jasper started the jeep. Emmett sat in the back with me and rested my head on his thigh, but wouldn't let me sit up.
"To the hospital to get you an x-ray." Carlisle said in his calm soothing voice. "Don't try moving to much, okay? There could be sharp ends to your ribs and any strain or severe movement could cause them to puncture you lungs which would just add more truama to the situation."
"Okay." I nodded. The creeping feeling of death sank into my skin and it hurt a little to breathe. I was shaking with scaredness and goose bumps rose on my arms. I tried hiding it, but I'm not really good at that. Emmett camly stroked my hair back to keep me from moving or freaking out.
When we arrived at the hospital Emmett and Jasper picked me up trying to keep me from moving to much. Carlisle walked ahead of us leading the way.
"Hello Dr. Cullen." The woman at the desk cooed as we merely waved and stalked on.
"Dr. Cullen what's up?" Another docter asked him staring at me.
"Broken ribs." He said sternly getting a doctor coat and bringing me into the hospital room. Emmett and Jasper sat me on the bed and Carlisle smiled. "Okay, we're going to get you an x-ray and see how bad this is."
I nodded. "Will I die?"
He hesitated. "Most posiblities point to no. But there is always the posiblity." And then he motioned from Jasper and Emmett to help me up.
"You can't just put me on a gurney?" I asked. Carlisle grinned and pulled up a waiting gurney that Emmett and Jasper sat me on.
::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
It turned out that I broke two ribs. It wasn't severe but was pretty bad. Carlisle told me that I'd need to rest for about six weeks with a rib belt. Something that would keep my ribs from moving to much.
"What about graduation?" I asked stunned when I realized it was only four weeks away.
He shrugged. "You could go I guess. But you'll need support when walking."
"Couldn't Jasper and Emmett help me?" I asked.
"I don't mind." Emmett smiled.
"What is you last name?" Jasper asked.
"Bishop." I answered nonchalantly.
"She's pretty close in line to us. The only person seperating us was Carla Baham." Jasper said.
"Okay then." Carlisle smiled. "Now, we're gonna take you back to our house Esme is worried sick." Carlisle said as we left.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yay. New Chapter! In the next chapter I'm just going to zoom ahead in time to the graduation. but don't worry nothing interesting really happens in the time between. It's just really Mellana in bed trying to rest her ribs so, yaya.