Status: Active! (I hate the orange bar the status creates. Why can't it be red?)

Nobody Said It Would Be Easy

Chapter Twenty-Two: These Are The Times That We'll Remember

Dear Riley,
I got a letter from Alice inviting me to go a graduation party. Yay, I guess. Oh well.

I sat on my bed. Alice had invited me to her graduation party, great.
"Hey Mell? How are you going to get to your party?" Sam asked walking in my room.
"What do you mean? I'll use one of your parent's cars." I said, pulling on my shoes. I was wearing a white and baby blue striped long sleeve shirt and black boot cut pants, I put on my rain coat and tied my converse.
"No, 'cause Mom and Dad had to work tonight for missing the afternoon." He said leaning on the door frame.
"Seriously? Crap." I snapped standing up.
"Call one of your friends." He suggested, turning around and walking away. I stood there for a minute thinking of all the friends I could call.
Haha, yeeeahh My mind laughed.
Who are you kidding?
I sighed and flopped on the floor. I sat there thinking when I realized who I could call.
I hoped up and grabbed the piece of paper and dialed the number in my phone. "Hello?" The voice asked.
"Jacob?" I said polietly.
"No, this is his father Billy. Who are you?" The man, Billy, asked.
"I'm Mellana, one of Jacob friends." I said sheepishly.
There was a pause. "....Alright then...." He said, then I heard a muffled "Jake" and some stomping sounds.
"Hello?" Jacob asked his voice over flowing my ears.
"Hi Jacob," I greeted.
"...Who is this?" He asked in a rude tone.
"Uh, Mellana." I said.
"Oh, hey Mell! What's up?" He wondered happy now.
"I was wondering if I could get a ride...?" I asked kindly.
"Er...." He muttered hesitating. "I don't know..."
"Why not?" I whined, resting on the side of my bed.
"I never said you couldn't, it's just that....well, my friends and I are going to Bella's graduation party..." He murmured.
"Oh, I was actually going to ask if you take me there!" I exclaimed.
"Really? Well, my friends'll be tagging along too, their names are Quil and Embry." He said excitedly.
"So, you'll bring me?" I wondered.
"Course! Meet the three giant wolves behind your house." He acknowleged. "We'll be pretty hard to miss."
"You know where I live?" I asked.
"Yeah, the house I came and got Seth and that little smart alek Sam at." He joked.
I laughed. "Oh yeah. Sam can be mouthy." I smiled.
"Kay, see you in a minute." He said hanging up.
I went downstairs and walked in the den. "I got a ride." I smiled.
"With?" Sam asked, keeping his eyes glued to the game Cube game he was playing on our Wii.
"Jacob Black and his friends." I answered.
"Jacob Black? I told you not to get your hopes on him." Sam said glancing away from T.V.
I glared at the T.V. at the little character I think is named Luigi. "I don't like him Sam." I scoffed.
"Mm-hm. Sure." He taunted.
"It's just a couple of friends riding in a car together." I argued. "Nothing special."
"Maybe not to you." He smirked.
"Sam, Jacob Black does not like me, god." I informed, putting my weight on my left leg.
"I know. He likes Bella more. Doesn't that make you jealous?" He laughed.
"Uh, no." I snapped.
Yes I does. My mind mocked.
Shut up, Mind. No it doesn't I thought slightly banging my head on the door frame.
"Yeah, I bet. I know you don't like Jacob." Sam smiled going back to his game.
"No I don't." I murmured turning around and walking out of the house to the backyard. I stood in the darkness on my own, waiting for the wolves to arrive.
I saw the first pair of gleaming eyes after about five minutes and then three wolves emerged from the darkness like a creepy movie.
There was Jacob was first, the russet wolf. The one that reminded me of autumn leaves and copper pennies.
Then, appeared a larger around chocolate brown wolf, his fur lighting by the wolf's face who looked excited.
Followed by a leaner gray wolf with dark spots on his back who looked calm and under control.
Each wolf had something tied around their backlegs, it looked the color of demin mixed in with a different color fabric.
All three wolves dropped to their stomachs on the ground, each indicating like they wanted me to get on their backs, like they were fighting and wanted me to choose.
I made my way to Jacob, going for the safer choice. The other to wolves made a growling noise and jacob howled quietly. Clearing showing defeat against the other wolves.
He jumped up then and I grabbed his fur hugging tight to his back. The chocolate brown wolf threw his giant head back as I struggled on Jacob's back and made a yelping noise like he was...laughing.
Jacob smiled his lips pulling over his back teeth. That's when the gray wolf took off, followed by the brown wolf, then Jacob took off after them, catching up easily.
I hadn't noticed much before, but watching the other wolves made me realize how fast we were actuallly going. The first time I rode on Jacob's back, I really just paid most attention to staying on his back as he galloped around being anything but graceful.
Now, I watched the trees fly by in a fast blur. I watched the ferns rustle as the wind their speed created whipped by. I watched them break branches on the ground only with the touch of their toe. I listened to the sound of their paws hitting the mossy ground and the sound on Jacob's breathing as he out ran the gray wolf and started leading the pack.
I watched as the other wolves growled and kicked into a sprint. The gray wolf arrived at Jacob's side, and looked up at me then back ahead.
Then as the brown wolf pulled up on Jacob's left and looked up at me and kept my gaze. He watched me quizically and accidentally ran into a tree.
Jacob and the gray wolf burst into a loud howl as the brown wolf backed up and watched the tree fall over then started running again. I laughed and Jacob glanced up at me happily, and smiling.
I scooted back and rested my head between Jacob's ears as I waited for us to get there. I sat there quietly trying to drown out the sound of the wind beating against my ears and making everything muffled.
You love this don't you? My mind asked.
That's none of your business I thought angerily.
Yeah It is. I am your mind, aren't I? At least I'm polietly asking.
Fine, if you really have to know, I do like this. I do like Jacob, a little.
I know, that. But he really doesn't feel the same. My mind said.
And how would you know? I asked.
Because. You think I just linger around in your mind? It said as I dissapeared.
Wait! What do you mean? I asked myself as we arrived in a little clearing of trees. Jacob dropped to his stomach and I slid off, seeing the lights of a house in the distance. Jacob motioned with his head for me to go. I nodded and started towards the lights.
"Oh, wait, Jacob!" I said turning around a few seconds later. "Omigod!" I said turning around and closing my eyes. He was naked. "Whatcha doin'?" I called out.
He chuckled. "Getting dressed."
"Er...what do you mean?" I wondered keeping my back to them.
I heard two bursts of laughter. "Well, as wolves we get a little to big for our clothes and they rip off. So, as a result we tie clothes to our backlegs to change when we get to our destination. That's why we were naked." A voice answered.
"Who was that?" I asked.
"Embry." I heard another sweeter voice say. "And I'm Quil, the chocolate brown wolf that tipped over the tree."
"Okay, we're dressed Mell. You can turn around." I heard Jacob call.
"Uh, mind is still has a scar from just then so, I'll pass." I joked. "See ya at the party." I laughed starting off for the Cullen's house.
"Hey Melly!" Alice greeted me as I walked in what I thought was their house.
"Hey Alice." I greeted, enticed in the house. It was decorated for a party all right. It looked more like a club than their house though.
I watched Jacob and his friends come in and Jacob automatically make his way to Bella. I sighed.
Stupid Bella My mind whispered.
Seriously, maybe if I get lucky Riley'll take her down, or Edward'll accidentally run her over. I smiled at my thought happily.
"Hi, your Mellana? I'm Embry." The guy who was apperntally the gray wolf said shaking my hand.
"Hi." I mumbled.
"I just couldn't help but notice how beautiful your eyes are." He smiled.
"Wow. Uh, thanks I guess." I said, fidgiting with my hair. How uncomfortable this is. I'm imagining me and Jacob and his friend comes up and hits on me.
"So, are you here with anyone?" He asked glancing around.
I looked back and forth. "Nah, you?"
He chuckled. "Jacob and Quil." He smiled.
"Ah. I only really came because Alice invited me." I said leaning on the back of the couch.
"We only came because Jacob was invited and he wanted company. But he seems totally fine with Bella, not like he needs us to babysit him though." Embry pointed out, leaning next to me.
I grinned. "So, your the gray wolf?" I asked.
"Yeah, and Quil, the one over there," He pointed to a tanned guy dancing. "Is the brown wolf that ran into the tree."
I giggled. "That was halirous."
"He said he ran into a tree because he was caught up in your eyes, they're just such a dazzling blue." He commplimented.
"Thank you." I smiled, looking around to see Emmett beckoning for me to follow him. "I gotta go. I'll see you soon, though. Promise." I called walking off behind Emmett.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yay! I wonder what Emmett wanttedd.....
Isn't Embry just so cute? He loves her eyes!!! :))))))
And I changed the background comment on which one your prefer or if I should make a totally different one. :DDD