Status: Active! (I hate the orange bar the status creates. Why can't it be red?)

Nobody Said It Would Be Easy

Chapter Twenty-Four: So Much For My Happy Ending

Dear Riley,
Well, my life has pretty much come to it's tragic social end. My old friends hate me. My new friends, well, I don't talk to them. The wolves are always with the vampires so I can never see them and Alice calls me 24/7 apologizing for Edward. Emmett occasionally calls me, but I never get see him anymore and Sam isn't much of a help.
I'm like the social retard of the year and I sit alone wondering why I was such a crap head to everyone who loved me.
I wish you would come and see me. I'd feel better then.

I sat outside in the windy mist, comparing and contrasting my thoughts. I had waddled my way threw the forest, hoping for nothing when I came across a small clearing. I couldn't hear the sounds of the cars on the highway so I decided I would stop and take a breather.
I sat in the crevice of tree roots, my knees pulled up to my chest and stared off into the weather.
I head yelling behind me. But ignored it. I figured it was a little group of tween boys on some kinda boy scout adventure or something.
I just quietly rested my head on the tree and watched the leaves rustle in the wind.
That's when I heard a howl. It was a sound I was hoping for. The sound of a wolf. I jumped to my feet and turned to where I heard the howl. Looking close enough I could see figures moving quickly, almost to quickly for my eyes to pick up.
I shuffled closer and got on my knees peering through a space separating two ferns. I saw a group of statue like people one side and a group of wolves on the other. In the middle of the two groups were the moving figures. They flew by in a frenzied rush when I realized it was Emmett and Jasper.
I watched closely, my eyes scanning each figure. There was Bella, Edward, Alice, and the rest of the Cullen's on one side of the circle. And keeping their distance was a giant group of wolves. I could pick out the certain ones such as Embry and Quil. I noticed Jacob who was behind a ginormous black wolf.
I stared wonderingly at the fighting vampires. I watched Emmett switch out with Edward who fought Jasper while laughing. Then he left and Jasper went against Alice. I had my ipod on and put on "Uprising" by Muse.
I kept my eyes glued to the fights until they ended and everyone started to evactuate the clearing. Except for one person.
I got up and walked out to meet them. "Embry." I smiled.
He pulled his lips over his fangs and nodded. He towered over me by feet and looked down at me.
"What was....?" I asked. He licked my face. "Ew!" I laughed. "Is that some akward way to make out?"
He howled and tossed his head back, licked me again then turned around and galloped away. I laughed again and turned around to walk back.
"Mellana?" I heard the beautiful voice say behind me.
"Hi Riley." I smiled turing around slowly.
He held up my most recent letter. "You wanted to see me, social retard." He joked.
"Real funny, Riley." I smirked and hugged him.
"You don't look like a such a social retard to me, you have animal friends." He taunted.
"Laugh, laugh, Riley. I asked to see me and make feel better."
"Hey, I made you smile didn't I?" He asked smiling himself.
"No." I whined.
"Yes." He argued.
"No-huh." I smiled.
"Oh, whatever, Mell." He said, stretching whatever out into what preppy girl would sound like. "But, I have to go train my army so, bye love." He said kissing my forehead.
"Aw." I complained.
He smiled and looked over his shoulder as he walked over. "I told you though, Mellana. You put the Cullen's in a good light. They aren't good." And he was gone.
"Now to find my way home." I sighed starting off threw the woods.
:::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
After aimless hours of walking in circles I came on a house. Not the house I was hoping for though. Far from it.
I looked up at the white house, cringing as I saw Alice pop up in the window and start for the back door.
"Maybe I still time..." I hoped starting to walk as if I hadn't seen her.
"Oh Melly!" She called, catching up to me before I could even get to the barrier of trees.
I turned on my heel and glared at her. "Alice." I snapped going into mean mode.
"Aw, common Melly. You know Edward didn't mean it." She begged.
"Mell!" I heard Emmett boom walking out of the door. I pinched the bridge of my nose in frustration.
"Look, can I just go?" I wondered.
"Uh, naw. You and Edward are going to talk, then we're going to tell you the game plan for this fight."
I grabbed my head. "I don't want to know!" I shouted. "I don't want to know your game plan for killing my boyfriend, Alice! Omigod you are so neaive. Have you not realized that your killing me? I don't want to know! Just. Leave. Me. Alone!" I screamed. I saw the rest of the family emege from the house in a perfect cluster.
"All of you! I hate all you! Just leave me. Alone!" I shouted at the top of my lungs. "I never wanted this. Never. I don't want any of this. I want to be normal!"
"Don't we all?" Rosalie said in her perfect clear voice.
"Yeah. We all do. But you guys go along thinking I want to know how your going to kill, Riley! I don't! I'm not Bella, Mrs. Perfect. I don't care anymore!" I shrieked. Then I looked at Emmett. His eyes were hurt but he surely didn't show that in his voice.
"Then just go." He said in the worst possible. He showed no emotion. No pain or symapthy. Just a flat nonchalant voice I never thought would come from his mouth.
"Happily." I snapped storming away.
♠ ♠ ♠
Wowz. Melly threw a gasket didn't she? >.> Btw. readers my and my friend realized Mell is in a love pentagon. Including: Her, Riley, Emerson, Embry, and Jacob. Wowwy Mell. :) She knows how to get men apperantlyy.