Status: Active! (I hate the orange bar the status creates. Why can't it be red?)

Nobody Said It Would Be Easy

Chapter Three: With Her Delicate Soul

Dear Riley,
Friendship, love, and laughter should fix all my problems, right? Well, I don't know who came up with that but whoever was was a moron. And family? You can just cross that off the list too. The only person who could help is you. This isn't supposed to be easy, I got that. But when will it be worth it?

I walked quietly towards my home. My real home. The home I grew up in, lived in, and hated. I knew this wasn't worth the trouble. It would be just my mom to get me over there to work my ass for her. I was prepared for the strings of constant insults that were coming, and the slurred words from my dad that wouldn't make sense.
I knew they didn't like me. They knew I didn't like them. We didn't have one another to love, we had one another to blame.
I kept my hair hidden by the navy blue hood of my sweatshirt, my head facing the sidewalk, watching my sky blue Converse move, it was raining as always in the town of Forks.
Out of the corner of my eye I saw a pair of red Converse appear next to me. They walked in sync with my feet, wrinkles forming on the black skinny jeans when the moved.
"Hey Mell." Someone said.
I automatically knew the voice. "Hi Drake." I said enthusiastically looking up to meet his crystal blue eyes.
"Where ya headed?" He asked, his hands in his red jacket pockets.
"I'm going to my mom's." I scoffed.
His lip curled in disgust. "Ew." He smirked, "Want me to come with you? I could help."
"I wish you could help. But, knowing my parents that would just encourage insults." I sighed, keeping my pace steady.
"Your parents don't like me?" He asked in a baby voice.
I laughed "Not really. But it's not just you. They don't like emo people."
"I'm not emo. I don't cut myself either....well not anymore. And I manly look like this because I like how my hair looks." He smiled pushing his bangs from his eyes.
"You sound proud." I smirked.
"I'm proud I don't cut myself anymore." He answered.
I looked up at him, all 6 feet of him that is. "Why not?"
"What do you mean 'why not?" He asked his eyebrows knitting together.
"Why don't you cut yourself anymore?" I said again, still looking at him. His black hair looked really soft and his snake bites were glinting in the sunlight.
"I met Josh." He smiled.
"Oh yeah, Jooosh." I giggled. He laughed too as I looked ahead. "Crap."
"What?" He asked.
I rolled my eyes. "We're here." I griped.
"See you later." He smirked, turning around and walking away. I was now standing in front of It was a small house, only one story and only had two rooms. The outside was a disaster, the bricks were covered in dirt and the yard was an un-trimmed mess.
I gulped and made my way up the concrete path that was now being over run with weeds and dead fern leaves. I sadly walked up to the yellow door that was also covered in dirt and knocked on the door, noticing the broken door bell. The white cheap lawn chairs were covered in mud and one was now being dominated by ivy.
The window next to the door had the word "trash" written on it in red spray paint and my mom's beat up car was parked in the drive way.
The door swung open then, revealing my mom in a big gray t-shirt and stain covered sweats. "Hello there Mell." My mom snapped bursting open the torn screen door and smacking me in the face with it.
"Mother." I growled back.
"I suppose Nancy told you I had called." She said. Her brown hair was wrapped up in curlers and she had big bowl filled with brownie mix.
"Yeah, Mrs. Biers did mention it to me."
"Come in." She said, grabbing my wrist and pulling me in the door. We were in the messy living room, the wood floors were covered in spilled food and trash and the couch cushions were on the floor. The old T.V. showed a blurry base ball game. My dad was in the stained recliner, with a beer bottle in his hands.
"Hey hon." My dad said.
"Dad." I smiled grimly. "So, what did you want? If you want me to clean up this mess then,"
"We don't want you to clean up." My mom interrupted pulling me over to the ratty couch. She sat down and motioned for me to too. I didn't.
"Mell...we have some news." My mom started.
"Your mom's having a baby and I'm not it's father." My dad blurted.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yay chapter three. >.>
(haha. I just noticed, "Drake and Josh" that's some brotherly love for ya. XD)