Status: Active! (I hate the orange bar the status creates. Why can't it be red?)

Nobody Said It Would Be Easy

Chapter Six: Life Would Be A Party

Dear Riley,
The Cullen's follow me. What is going on? You'd know if you were alive.
Is there something wrong with me? And why are the Cullen's so interested in me now?
P.S. I miss you.

I darted out of Spanish as soon as the bell rang. I tried to get away and avoid the Cullen's. But, sadly, they're alot faster than I thought.
"So, will you tell me now?" Emmett asked, suddenly appearing on my right.
"No, Emmett." I sighed, keeping my pace quick and steady.
"Common! Please!" He begged, drawing attention.
"Nooo." I snapped.
"Emmett, she clearly doesn't want to tell us" Edward said, popping up on my left.
"Aw, common Mellana!" He whined.
"I barely know you, why would tell you about my life?" I asked, wondering how they were keeping up with me so easily.
"If you did know me, would you tell me?" Emmett asked in a sweet voice.
"If I knew you, you'd already know about my boyfriend." I sighed.
"Emmett, she doesn't have to tell us." Edward chided.
"Shut up." Emmett snapped, putting an arm on my shoulders and leaning into my ear. "If you tell me, I'll shut up and leave you alone." He whispered, his cool breath tickled my ear giving me shivers. His skin was cold, and Riley's.
"Nope." I smiled, ducking out from under his arm and darting off to the parking lot.
"Fine! But you will tell me! And I'll annoy the hell out of you until you do!" Emmett called to me.
"Ugh!" I griped walking around Mrs. Biers' SUV to Josh, Drake, and Erin.
"What's wrong Melly?" Drake asked.
"Nothing." I lied, sitting on the hood of Erin's blue sparkly PT cruiser, she sat down next to me, pulling her curly brown hair on her shoulders.
"Somethings wrong." Erin said.
"Fine, fine. The Cullens have not left me alone all afternoon." I sighed, looking up to the dark gray sky.
"The...Cullens?" Josh asked skeptically.
"Yep. Emmett and Edward Cullen." I grumbled.
"That is really weird." Erin stated.
"I know it is." I agreed.
"What've they been asking you about?" Drake asked, looking puzzled.
"The only questions they've asked were about my boyfriend." I reflected.
"That is really creepy." Erin laughed. I glared at her.
"Dude, we gotta go!" Drake said suddenly.
"Huh?" Josh asked.
"We gotta go!" Drake repeated.
"Why?" Josh complained.
"Because. Now come on." Drake said, grabbing Josh's hand. "Bye Girlies!" He called over his shoulder.
"Bye." Erin and I said together.
"I might as well be heading out too." Erin sighed. "See ya." She smiled getting up and getting in her car.
I waved as she drove off and turned around to get in Mrs. Biers' Suburban.
"Hi!" Someone said enthusiastically as I turned around to face her.
"Erm....hello?" I shrieked stunned, I looked at her. She had short black-brown flippy hair, a small pixie-like frame, and designer clothes.
"I'm Alice Cullen, it's a pleasure to meet you." she squeaked.
"Mellana." I murmured.
"Emmett sent me over." She smiled.
"Oh god." I whined.
"He wanted to give you this, but was to lazy to do it himself!" She exploded, handing me a neon orange sticky note with a phone number and address on it.
"Why would he give..." I started.
"Shhh!" She scolded, cutting me off. "I'm not done. He also wanted me to invite you over to our house this weekend." She smiled. "Now you may continue."
"Why would he give his phone number?" I asked.
"Well it's not his phone number. It's our land line. And to call us." She grinned.
"Oh. And you want me to come over, to your house, this weekend?" I asked stunned.
"Sure. Bella Swan is coming over too. It'll be fun! You, me, and her can all a one big ol sleep over!" She giggled.
"Um...okay...maybe." I sighed.
"Okay! Bye!" She smiled again, waved by frantically, and skipped off to her family.
"What have I gotten myself into?" I wondered.
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:) on the short description, I'll be putting were i got the chapter titles! :)
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