Status: Active! (I hate the orange bar the status creates. Why can't it be red?)

Nobody Said It Would Be Easy

Chapter Seven: Cause I'm Not Taken The Easy Way Out

Dear Riley,
Things are slightly looking up for me. I don't feel like a depressed loser anymore. That's a start, huh?
I don't know why, but I feel like the cause of me being happier is....the Cullen's. For some reason they've just made me feel better.
I miss you though. It's been almost a week since I last saw you. Couldn't you just come and see me before graduation which is in....what? Five weeks?
Come see me again. Please!

I made my way towards the school silently. Erin had been out since Wednesday with the flu, and Drake was on field trip today, being a drummer in the school band and all. Josh was supposed to meet me at school, by the lunchroom.
"Aw, Joshy, don't do this to me." I complained as I got to the lunchroom doors where there was no sign of Josh. "Well, this sucks." I griped.
"Um, are you Mellana?" A boy asked me, appearing at my right, he read my name off his hand sheepishly.
"Yes. Who are you?" I snapped.
"Mike Newton." He said, ignoring my rudeness and running his hand threw his blond spiky hair.
"What do you want?" I asked, glaring at him.
"Erm...Josh called me last night, he, uh, asked me to tell you he would be absent today." Mike said smiling a good boy smile.
My shoulders slumped. "Why?"
"He has the flu, sounded really bad over the phone." Mike grinned enthusiastically.
"You sound thrilled." I scoffed.
"Nah," He hesitated. "Hey, don't you have Trigonometry with me?" He asked, leaning in front of me on the tan brick of lunchroom and ignoring the friends he was formerly talking to.
"Um....I don't know. I don't really enjoy Trig so I just kinda tune it all out." I smiled grimly.
"Your funny." He chuckled.
"Um, your friend over there is giving me death glares." I said leaning around Mike to look at the brown haired girl who was staring me down.
Mike turned around casually. "Oh Jessica? Don't mind her."
I tried to look amused. "Well, if you will excuse me, Mike, I have some very important work to do that is due today and I need to finish it up." I said making up an excuse.
"Oh, okay, sure." He smiled again, turning around to go back to his group of awaiting friends.
"Bye." I murmured starting off towards the English building.
"Hey Mellana," Someone said in a bitter-sweet voice behind me, while I waited dully outside the English room.
I turned around to face him. "What Emerson?" I snapped glaring up at his brown hair.
"Do you wanna go out with me tonight, it being Friday and all?" He said casually.
I smirked, he always asked and never expected the put down every time. "No. No Emerson I will not go out with you. I've told you this before." I snapped.
"Mellana...." He complained, taking my hand. "I want you so much I can taste you tonsils."
"Ew!" I shrieked, pulling my hand to my chest and backing up.
"Please, Mellana," Emerson continued.
"Get away from me you douche bag!" I shrieked.
"Is this guy harassing you, Mellana?" Someone boomed behind me.
I spun around quickly. "Hey, Emmett. No he was just...let's not make a big thing about this." I smiled fakily, trying to turn him around and push him off.
"Jasper, tell this boy..." Emmett started.
"Emerson." I filled in.
"Okay, Jasper tell Emerson what we do to guys who harass our friends." Emmett said as the lean boy with honey blond hair appeared.
"You give them a warning and let them go without making this a big old episode." I guessed.
"No, that's boring." Jasper smirked. "We give them a evil threatening,"
"Then beat them to death!" Emmett cheered. I looked at Emerson who was turning from beet red to deep green.
"Brothers," Edward said, coming up from Emmett's left. "Mellana clearly doesn't want us to make a scene out of this, so let's just let him off with a warning."
"God, Edward." Jasper complained.
"Ruining all our fun." Emmett griped as Emerson turned around quickly and started running for his life.
Emmett chuckled when he was out of earshot. "What did he say to you?" He asked walking me off towards Rosalie, Bella, and Alice.
"Well, he said he wanted me so much he could "taste my tonsils". How weird right?" I said as we reached their family.
"What kind of sick creep is that guy?" Jasper asked as Alice tangled herself around him.
"I don't like him." Emmett scoffed pulling Rosalie to him.
"Me either." I mumbled avoiding Rosalie's death glares.
"Melly!" Alice giggled when she was done kissing Jasper's cheek.
"Hey Alice..." I said quietly. She had taken up calling me by a nick-name.
"Sooo are you coming to my sleep over tomorrow?" She asked.
"I, um, well....I'm not sure." I said sheepishly.
"Well get sure, Silly!" Alice smiled. "It will be my last sleepover until graduation."
"Yeah, graduation." I agreed, I hated that word, to know that soon all of this would be over and I'd be living on my own was great. I didn't exactly know why I didn't want to graduate. I just....didn't.
"She's already threatened me into coming." Bella said to my left.
Alice smiled, her topaz eyes gleaming. "I'll cry if you don't come." She giggled.
"I'll try, I'll try." I mumbled.
"Trying isn't enough in Alice's book." Jasper chuckled.
"It's true!" Alice squealed as the bell rang.
:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
The day went by as usual. I talked to Mike in Trig about nothing particular, I sat by the Cullen's and Bella at lunch, I avoided any contact with Emerson and he happily avoided me too, and sat between Edward and Emmett in Spanish.
The other classes lagged on in the same boring routine. I felt like I was in rut. And one of the most boring ruts that had ever existed in the whole existence of ruts. Nothing exciting happened, and nothing new occured.
"So remember call Alice tonight and R.S.V.P" Edward reminded me as we walked off to the parking lot.
"Okay, okay." I assured as we reached the end of the sidewalk.
"Oh, Edward?" Emmett asked, standing to my right.
"What?" He snapped.
"I was wondering if you could leave now, I'd like to talk to Mellana privately." Emmett said proudly.
"Fine, whatever. But I know what it is." He smirked and turned on his heel walking off towards his family.
"What's up?" I asked Emmett uncomfortably.
I looked around the school. Kids scattered around to there cars as rain feel down on our heads. The school looked barren and quite with the exception of the two or three kids running to get to their cars. The tan bricks of the school and the black asphalt of the parking lot were stained with rain and Emmett looked like a giant compared to everyone else.
"I was wondering.....who's your boyfriend?" he blurted.
I burst into hysterical laughter. "Seriously!?" I said threw breaths. "That's what you wanted to ask me?"
Emmett looked annoyed. "What's so funny?" He whined crossing his arms.
"You really don't know who he is?" I asked, snickering.
"I don't see how you don't. Edward does."
"What?! Edward knows?" He yelled, flailing his arms around and stomping. His family looked over suspiciously and Edward had a humorous look on his face.
"Yeah, we had a whole conversation about him yesterday when you were late for Spanish." I laughed, pulling down at the hem of my sky blue rain coat.
"Omigod!" He boomed, causing people to look. "So tell me then."
"No, I already told you that. I'm not telling you."
" told Edward!" He wailed.
"No I didn't. He found out himself." I smiled.
"But you said you'd tell me if you knew me!" He complained.
"Yeah, well, if you knew me, you'd already have found out. Alice knows too." I smirked.
"Whaat! I thought we were best buddies!" He bellowed, as more people looked in our direction.
"I am your...buddy. I just think you should figure it out yourself." I said dully.
"No fair!" He griped.
"Well, Emmett, nobody said life was fair." I smiled and turned around then, walking to my car.
♠ ♠ ♠
I changed Duncan to Emerson because I realized in other stories I have a Scottish taxi driver named Duncan and I don't want to confuse anyone or myself. :)