Status: Active! (I hate the orange bar the status creates. Why can't it be red?)

Nobody Said It Would Be Easy

Chapter Eight: Faces Come Out Of The Rain

Dear Riley,
I'm going to Alice's slumber party. Ugh. Slumber parties where never my forte, huh? I guess I've just decided that being with some good friends will help. I don't know. I wish you were here though. Everythings better when your around.
Anyway, I'm still hoping you'll come see me.

I trudged around the house. It was pouring outside, and rain makes me anxious. I remember when Riley was alive and it would rain, he would sit me down in his lap and we would watch a classic movie. The last movie we watched was "Selena" that one with Jennifer Lopez. I hate that movie now.
"God, Mell, will you stop pacing in front of the T.V? I'm trying to watch something here." Sam snapped as I walked back and forth worriedly.
"Sam, seriously? I get anxious when it rains really hard, you know that. No need to be so shallow." I said, stopping to look out the window.
"I don't see why you get 'anxious' though. You love to play in rain."
"I know. I just don't like rain, it makes me feel....locked up." I sighed.
"Your so weird." He laughed.
I widened my eyes "No, I'm serious! The constant sheets of water make me feel like I'm locked away in this stupid house. I like being out in the rain where I feel free." I smirked. "And anyway, rain is humidity. I don't like humidity."
"Then go outside and enjoy the rain, Mell." Sam said, his gaze fully on the T.V.
"Fine Sam. I will." I said, walking out of the dark tan living room and the front door.
The fresh wet rain fell on my face and trickled down my nose. It was refreshing and calming. I sighed happily and just started walking. The rain matted down my hair and trickled down my arms and legs. It made my jeans stick to my legs and the cloth of my converse slowly soaked into my socks. I kept my sky blue rain jacket close to my body, pulling it shut at the waist.
I just walked, I had no place in mind so I just walked. It gave me time to think, time to relax and let tension release.
"Mell." Something whispered to me.
"Wha-who's there?" I asked stunned, turning around in circles.
A face appeared out of the mist, it was perfect. The face I knew I loved.
"Riley." I swooned.
"Listen, I want you to do something for me." He said taking me by the upper arms and holding me far away.
"What?" I asked, tilting my head.
"I want you to stay away from the Cullen's." He snapped, his lips curling evilly in disgust.
"Why? The only thing the Cullen's have done was..."
"Shh Mellana. Just promise me." He said, not letting go of my arms.
"But, Riley...I'm going to..."
He pressed his finger to my lips to silence me. "Just promise." He growled.
I shrugged. "Okay, but when Alice has a..." I looked around wide eyed. He was gone.
Was that hallucination? Am I going crazy? Maybe that was a sign from god to not go to the Cullen's....hmm.... I thought as I made my way back towards the Biers.
I came in putting my jacket on the hook and rubbing my hands on the sleeves of my white jacket.
"Have fun?" Sam asked from the Den.
"It was great." I said sarcastically. "Where's the phone?"
"Right here....why?" He asked as I came in the room.
"I'm canceling on Alice." I said casually, pushing in the numbers.
"Wait, why? You were so physicked about the sleepover before." He said standing up.
"Well, that was before." I said putting the phone to my ear to listen to ringing. I turned around and walked out of the den, standing in the kitchen.
"Hello, this is the Cullen residence, who may I ask is calling?" A sweet male voice said into the phone.
"Hi, uh, this is Mellana....I was coming to the slumber party tonight...." I said sheepishly.
"Oh, hello there. I'm Carlisle Cullen..."
"Resident Doctor, you treated my broken arm." I finished.
"Yes, hang on I'll fetch Alice for you..." He said in his smooth voice.
"Actually, I was wondering if I could speak with Emmett, if he's in." I said politely.
"Oh, of course hang on." He answered, I heard the phone being put down and a muffled "Emmett!". Then the sound of someone grabbing the phone erupted in my ear.
"Hell-o?" Emmett beamed.
"Hey, Emmett, it's Mellana..." I said sweetly.
"Oh heyo," He began. "Why are you calling me, are you going to tell me who your mystery boyfriend is?"
"No, actually I was wondering if you could do me a favor..." I breathed.
"Sure, what is it?" He chattered happily.
"Well.....I can't....I can't come to the sleepover." I said worriedly.
"Ooouu!" He laughed. "Your in trouble...." He hesitated, "Waaait, Mellana, do you want me to tell Alice Cullen you can't make it? She might be small but she's one malicious little thing. Here, tell you what, I'll put Jasper on and you can give or charity case to him. He'll tell Alice who won't hurt him because she loves him. Okay?" He asked.
"Okay, sorry though." I sighed.
"Hey no prob." He chuckled. "Anyway, I'm letting Jasper take the pain so..."
"Take the pain on what, Baby?" A woman asked in the background. I assumed it was Rosalie.
"Hang on." Emmett said into the phone. I heard a noise and figured it was Emmett putting the phone to his chest to keep me from hearing the conversation.
"I'm letting Jasper tell Alice that Mellana can't come to her sleepover." Emmett said in a clear load voice.
I heard Rosalie burst into uncontainable laughter then a shrieking "Whaaaat?!"
"Gimme then phone Emmett!" Alice yelled. "Melly? You can't come? Why?"
"Well, I...." I hesitated.
"Riley." She snapped.
"What? Alice, Riley's dead..." I said trying to fake shock. "Maybe you should go lie down..."
"Sure, Mellana. Fine. Don't come. It's okay." She said in a shaky voice.
"Alice...I'm sorry."
"Oh, it's alright Melly, don't worry about it. I'll make it, I mean I still Bella." she said hanging up.
I walked back into the Den and shoved the phone onto the hook.
"So....what's the verdict?" Sam asked as I plopped down on the couch and took in the annoying voice of Spongebob Squarepants.
"Well Alice is really pissed with me, and Rosalie thinks it's utterly halirious." I sighed.
"It is kinda your fault Mell. You don't even have a reason for not going." He said, not bothering to look at me.
"I know, I just....don't want to." I frowned.
"You know, it's still raining. Why aren't you going outside?" Sam asked, still staring at the T.V. screen.
"Hmm...okay, I'll leave you alone to watch Spongebob in piece." I said getting up bored and walking to get my coat.
I went outside and sat down under the live oak in our front yard.
"You did good." A Male's voice said from above me.
I looked up. "Hi Riley!" I giggled.
He jumped down out of the tree. "Okay, well, I gotta go. Victoria needs me."
"For the last time, who is Victoria?" I snapped.
"Mellana, I told you last time don't make do it again." He said his back to me.
"Who. Is. Victoria." I repeated.
He turned his head slightly to the side, so I could only see his profile. "Victoria is the my love." He said, disappearing into the rain.
♠ ♠ ♠
Riley can be so mean, right? Anyways, Sam is a total T.V. hog. :) And why doesn't Riley want Mellana hanging out with Cullen's? Dumdumdum. >.>
Comment and sub! Add me as a friendie too!!!