Status: Active! (I hate the orange bar the status creates. Why can't it be red?)

Nobody Said It Would Be Easy

Chapter Nine: Each Day Is A Gift, Not A Given Right

Dear Riley,
Let's recap shall we? First you tell me not to hang out with the Cullens, Second you keep going on about this woman named Victoria that you "loooove". As if. But seriously, you disappear leaving me wondering why I canceled on Alice and why I have to avoid speaking with the Cullen family at all.
So if you could come back and explain this to me? And I've told you, the Cullens have made me happier in life, now your just going to ask me to never speak with them and not give me a reason why? I respect your wish, I do. I'd just like a reason for it.
P.S. Your mom is taking me to Seattle today! Can't wait!

"Mrs. Biers?" I asked when she was eating her breakfast.
"Yes, hon?" She said, taking a bite of her eggs.
"Is Sam coming with us to Seattle?" I asked sitting across from her and taking a drink of orange juice.
"Is that today?" She questioned stunned. I nodded, looking at the pale blue kitchen. The white counter tops were covered in paper work and junk, the white tiled floors weren't spotless but weren't dirty either. "Oh, Mellana, today Ted's coming home from his business trip. I have to meet him in Port Angeles."
"Oh..." I sighed, looking out to the misty rain.
"But you and Sam could go together?" She said enthusiastically.
"I can't go Mom sorry." Sam broke in appearing in the archway that connected the small kitchen to the Den.
"Aw, Sam why not?" She asked sceptically.
"My friend from La Push, Seth invited me over, sorry Mell." Sam apologized.
"Well, I guess I can just go by myself, I was just going to go shopping anyway." I smiled fakely. "Bye." I walked out to Mr. Biers (Ted's) Corolla and climbed in backing out and starting towards Seattle.
:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
It was eight o'clock at night when I made my last stop at a plain strip mall off a quiet intersection. The stores look promising, boring, but promising. I got out of the Corolla inconspicuously and started across the parking lot, when I heard a crash behind me.
I turned around quickly staring at the road. Two boys were...throwing a car? I stared in shock, my legs felt like someone carved them out of stone. One glanced at me, and took in my appearance. He was beautiful, he was big and broad shouldered, he had blond hair and looked like he would be in college. His companion didn't notice me and just threw a blond woman over his shoulder dully.
Something hit my nose. It was a revolting smell, I collapsed on the ground coughing and trying to get away from the smell.
The man motioned for me to get inside. I just stared in shock and coughed. That's when his companion noticed me. "Hey look another one!" He cheered. The blond pushed a hand to his chest to hold him back as people rushed out of the Subway I had collapsed in front of.
"Let's go." The blond snapped turning the guy who also looked disgusted, the other guy made a large gap between the blond as the walked away.
"Are you okay?" A woman in a Subway uniform asked.
"Y-yeah," I said popping up as the nausea vanished. "Thank you for you concern though!" I called over my shoulder.
I ran across the street, I could hear more yelling as the workers realized the car that was overturned in the middle of the road.
I stood in the middle of the road, the blond and his companion were gone. They couldn't have gotten away that quickly. I didn't see any alley ways between the long stores that sat tight packed like sardines on the road. The only way I could tell where they went was a trail of muddy and bloody foot prints that lined the road.
I followed them in a quick walk, the tracks stopped at a puddle in the middle of the road.
Maybe I should give up? But I'm on there trail....oh no! The nausea is back! I thought frantically as coughing erupted from my throat.
I knew they had to be close by. I glance around the road, there was a rundown bakery that looked like an over sized play house and a old fenced in junkyard.
I heard laughing come from the junkyard. I curiously made my way over to the fence, trying not to gag on the revolting feeling in pit of my stomach. I held onto the metal chain wire fence to support my weight because my legs were slowly giving out.
I made it to the backside when I saw it. In the faint light of a single street light was a house. It was hidden by piles of junk and was made of dirty bricks. It looked two stories tall and the windows were black.
I knew somebody lived there though. I could here a booming noise coming from inside and I could see it's residence playing in the junk.
"Who's there?" Someone said evilly walking towards the gate.
He had deep brown hair and bangs that went across his fore-head. He had deep red eyes like...Riley.
"" He cooed, trying to reach me threw the fence.
"Riley!" A boy with black curly hair yelled rushing into the house.
"Diego! Don't go tattle," The guy with brown hair said.
"Riley!" Diego screamed again.
"....Riley.....?" I said slowly, stumbling to the ground. I coughed again, the same blond was standing on the porch of the house. The sick feeling got worse and I felt the throw up verge on my back of my tongue.
The door swung open and the boy Diego and....Riley came out.
"Mellana!" Riley yelled, he quickly arrived at the fence and pulled open the fence wiring. "Hey! Jason get back." Riley snapped, pushing the brown headed boy back into the fenced in area. He took the fence and twisted the broken pieces back together.
I watched him warily from the ground, the nausea slowly taking over. My stomach took control then and throw up poured out of my mouth coating the sidewalk in it's sticky goo.
"Oh Mell," Riley said, glancing at me slightly. "Fred cut it out!" He screamed at the blond who looked up.
The nausea slowly washed away, and I sat on the sidewalk covered in my own puke. My eyes sagged. "Diego, your in charge until I get back. If she comes by, tell her have to hunt." Riley said taking me in his arms and dragging me away from the junkyard.
"Riley..." I moaned as he carried me quickly.
"Mell, what the hell do you think your doing?" He growled, stopping.
"I was shopping today in Seattle. I was going with your mom but she had to go and pick up your dad so she had to cancel on me. Then I invited Sam you little brother but he couldn't either. So I came by myself....look Riley, I'm not telling you." I said angrily.
"Why not?"
"Because, I'll only tell you if you drive me home." I smiled.
"Mell...." He hesitated. "Fine." He pulled me over to the Suburban and dumped me in the passenger seat.
"Okay tell me now." He said as he pulled the car out and started it.
"So I was by myself and a car crashed, it was that Fred guy and he made me nausious. So, for some reason I followed him. Which was one of the best decisions I've made in a long time." He didn't respond, he just tightened his grip and revved the engine.
"Okay then, Riley, your turn." I said in a matter-of-a-fact tone.
"My turn for what?" He snapped.
"Your time for the answers."
"I can't answer if I don't have question." He said nonchalantly.
I took a deep breath. "Okay, first question why won't you let me hang out with the Cullens?"
"I don't like them."
"You don't know them." I said looking at his profile. "You've never even gone to school with them Riley. You went to some private school over in Port Angeles."
"I still know that I don't like them." He said dully.
"And just because your faking death gives you the right to judge?" I said rudely.
"Who said I judge them? How do you know there as good as they seem, Mell? Maybe your judging them...just your judging them in a good light. Maybe their the bad guys." He said not looking at me.
I pressed my lips together. "Okay, you have point even though it's wrong." He shook is head in disagreement. "But it's not me who's answering questions here. Question two: Why?"
He looked at me then. "Why what?"
"Why would you do this? To me? To you family? Your friends?" I said tears brimming my eyes.
"You think I wanted this?" He asked, his eyes burning.
"I don't really know, you seem to have built the perfect life for yourself, everyone thinks your dead, you have a boat load of new friends. Yeah, Riley, I do think you wanted this." I said annoyed.
"And that's where your wrong. I used to have the best life," He smiled a gleam in his ugly red eyes. "I had you, I had a family, I had friends. Do you know what I have now? I have a life built on words and fighting. Only one person loves me now....Victoria."
"Really Riley? You think the only person who loves you?" I asked stunned.
"And that's were your wrong." I repeated, getting out of the car he had expertly parked and running off to his former house.
♠ ♠ ♠
Aw, poor mell. And also I'd like everyone to knw that this part is BEFORE the epic battle of newborns in Eclipse.
Disclaimer: I don't own Subway or Fred or Diego. (Fred is from a novella by stephine meyer called the The Short Second LIfe Of Bree Tanner) which i also don't own :)
p.s. i changed the Riley's dad Fred to Ted. Because now I have Fred from the novella.