Status: Active: main -- Update: 3/7/11 -- I'm sooo sorry i haven't been updating in over a month. But when i find the time to write, and not feel too exhasted too, then i shall write again:) Does anyone have any ideas they want to share? Message me:)

Never Forget

Maya Brookes, 21, has just finished college. She has a son named Gabriel who was born 6 years prior with the father being unknown to her.
Joseph Jonas, 23 is the father of the child who he's never heard of, and hasn't seen Maya in those 6 years either.
Maya is now starting a career in the music industry as an assistant thanks to her old high school best friend.
Maya having no memory of Joe or his family, is to work with the former lover as he is to be a client.
His feelings for the girl he once loved are rushing back as he wants to get to know her, knowing of her condition. Maya slowly gets her memory back through out, and that means things should get better right? Well ... at least it should, but that's not always the case. Along with her memory comes the lost feelings, and new confusion.

Disclaimer: I don't think i should have to tell you who or what I do or don't own... I think its pretty obvious, no?
The Jonas brothers and their family?: no
Those who aren't: pretty much do...
As in my plot: Please don't take it. I would really appreciate it.
  1. Not yet in love
    "Your prince charming will come one day." - 2174 words
  2. Misunderstandings
    “You make me so happy, Maya. So much it hurts,” he interrupted placing a kiss on my forehead. - 4,707
  3. Pressing ignore
    Slowly, like his growing smile, he held out his hand as well. “Joseph Jonas.” - 4332
  4. A Deal is a Deal
    . “I promised Gabe I’d owe him a cone if he beat me at my favorite game.” I looked down at Gabe to see him smiling triumphantly. “And…. He did.” - 4,402
  5. Reece
    “Well…. There has to be a reason you had it. You’ll probably remember someday.” - 3519