Status: Completed!!

Can't Live Without You.

One of Three

It was Monday, August 31. I was on my way to Huntington Beach High School. I was entering as a freshman. I was so excited, but also nervous ‘cause I had just moved to HB last week and didn’t know anyone. But, whatever. I got my schedule. Science, period 1. I entered and sat down next to a freakishly tall dude with bleach blonde hair and was wearing a kimono.

“Heyy, I’m Brian. I just moved here.” I said, to the scary dude.

He looked up from his drawing of a drum set and said, “Sup, I’m Jimmy. But you can call me really anything you want. So where did you move here from?”

“Oh, I moved here from New York City. So do you play the drums?” I asked, pointing at his drawing.

“Yeah, I have been playing since I was 8. Do you play anything?” he responded.

“Yeah, I play the guitar. I love it. It’s the best. Are you in a band or anything?” I asked. If he was, I wanted in.

“Well, I’m supposed to play for one of my best friend’s band, Successful Failure but they really suck!!”

“So, do think you’re too good for them?” I asked, trying to make him laugh.

“Absolutely!!” He screamed. The teacher yelled at us to hush up and listen. We didn’t.

“You may just have to prove that to me!” I told him. If he was really that good, then we might just get along.

“Fine, after school today!! Bring your guitar. Here’s my address.” He wrote down his address on a sheet of paper and then handed it to me. 23750 Main Street.

“Awesome, I live on the same street!!” I shouted, in a hushed voice.

“AWESOME!!! You have to sit with me and my crew at lunch!!!” he screamed again. He was so loud this time that the teacher had to move us apart. After class I started off towards gym class, but Jimmy came over and grabbed my arm.

“What the hell are you doing?” I asked Jimmy. He just continued walking, holding onto my arm. He stopped in front of a group of guys.

“Ok, Brian. These are my best friends! First, there’s Matt.” Jimmy pointed at a very muscular guy, with like a thousand tattoos.

“Sup, I’m Matt.” He told me.

“Duh, you’re Matt, Jimmy just told him that.” A shorter guy, with jade green eyes and huge gages said.

“Heyy, I’m Zacky!” he said.

Then Jimmy started giving the shortest of them all a noggy and said, “And this short shit is Johnny!!” He was like super short. Probably around 5’7.

That’s when Johnny was released from Jimmy’s grib and said, “I may be short, but I’m an invisible dinosaurs!!!!RAWR!!!”
We all chuckled and then the bell rang. I started off towards P.E. again, but again Jimmy grabbed my arm.

“Dude, what the fuck?” I asked.

“Were gonna skip. Kay?” he explained.

“But, won’t we get caught?” I asked. I had never skipped and wanted to be sure my mom didn’t find out.

“No, not if we go around back.” Jimmy reassured me.


We all walked out to the courtyard and found an awesome spot on the softball diamond. No one every came on it so I guess we were safe. We sat and talked for like 3 periods. I told them about my love of guitar and how I can play it both right and left. I also told them about my life in New York. I learned that, they all LOVE Metallica, like me. They also, all played a different instrument. Matt could play the piano and sang. Zacky played guitar also, but could only play lefty. Jimmy of course played drums and Johnny was beast on the bass. When the bell rang, I followed them into the lunch room. It was a zoo. But I guess they didn’t really interact with anybody else, besides themselves. We walked in and sat at a table with two other guys and two HOT girls.

“Hey, Jay!” Johnny exclaimed.

“What’s up Val?” Matt asked the blonder one of the two girls.

“Oh, guys this is Brian he’s new, but he’s really awesome so be nice.” Jimmy explained for me.

“Hey, guys. I’m Brian and you are?” I asked the brunette twin.

“Oh, I’m Michelle Dibenedetto. Nice to meet you!” We shook hands and I knew I was in love.

“I’m Valary Dibenedetto. And those douches are Matt and Jason Berry.” Valary pointed at another set of twins.

“Dude, how many twins are you friends with?” I asked Johnny.

“That’s for us to know and you to eventually find out!!” he said, with a bit of an evil laugh. Scary?!?!

The rest of the day was pretty simple. I had three classes with Jimmy, two with Zacky and only one with both Johnny and Matt. After school I got a ride home with Michelle. She was also going to the guy’s rehearsal/jam session.

“So, how do you know the guys?” I asked the most beautiful girl I had every laid eyes on.

“Well, my sister and I have known them for, I think 5 years. We met in 4th grade. I love them. They are great and their band is pretty fucking awesome. The weakest link is probably, Zacky. He is a good guitarist, it’s just I think he would be better as the rhythm guitarist. You know?” she rambled on.

When we arrived at Jimmy’s house, it was a pretty bangin’. We entered his garage. And everyone was already there, setting up.

“Heyy, you guys made it.” Jimmy screamed, as he came over and lifted Michelle up into a huge hug.

“I’m happy I came. Hey, who’s guitar is this?” I asked, pointing at a Gibson SG. It was vibrant red. And gorgeous.

“Oh, that’s mine. Do you wanna play it?” Zacky told me. I nodded. Then picked up the guitar and started jamming to Battery by Metallica.

“Man, you are fucking good!!” exclaimed Matt.

“Yeah, dude. Better than Zacky.” Johnny said. Johnny didn’t realize that Zacky was right behind him, so when he looked behind him and saw Zacky, he jumped. While, we all laughed.

“Look who’s talking, short shit!!” Zacky said, grabbing Johnny’s head and giving him an intense noggy.

“DUDE, I HAVE THE BEST IDEA!!! WHAT IF YOU JOIN THE BAND!!!!” Jimmy screamed at me. I guess, he gets hyper easily. I thought about it for a little bit and then decided I definitely wanted to join the band. The guys were awesome. And the girls were even more awesome. So why not?

“Ok, I guess that would be cool.” I said. Trying to stay calm ‘cause I was buzzing with excitement. And from then on the guys and I became inseparable. Also joining the band was the best thing I ever did, because we some day would become famous.
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This may suck, but it's my first contest entry. Comments?