Status: Completed!!

Can't Live Without You.

Two of Three

14 Years Later.

heyy, wanna meet 4 lunch? Brian texted me.

sure! meet at Johnnys in 20? I typed back.

sweet! see u then! I read as I walked to the car with Leana. She had just gotten out of a doctor’s appointment and we had big news!!

“Heyy, dude. What’s up? You wanted to meet here, why?” I asked Brian. When, Brian sat next me in science, on that average day. Was the best thing to happen to me. We became best friends and still haven’t left each other’s side since then.

“So, you know how we have been pushing Mudrock to get us tour bus. While, he finally came through for us and he even got a… wait for it… a European tour!!!!” Brian shouted, for the whole bar to hear.

“Uhmm… that might not work for me!” I told him, completely serious.

“WHY THE HELL NOT?!?!?!”Brian shouted, again loud enough for the whole bar to hear.

“Well, do you know where I was before I came here?” I asked, and Brian shook his head.

“Well, I was at the health clinic, with Leana. She’s… um… she’s pregnant!” I told him, very slyly.

“ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS??” Brian asked completely in shocked.

“Well, actually I am serious! We are also getting married. The date is set, October 24th.” I explained to Brian. We discussed what life would be like after having a baby. After we ate and paid, Brian decided he really wanted to surprise Leana. So before we headed over to my apartment, we stopped at Safeway and bought Leana flowers and chocolate ice cream; her FAVORITE!!

“Darlin’, we’re home!!!” I shouted up the step to Leana.

“Oh, sweetheart, I meant to call you because, I have really been craving chocolate ice cream and we just ran out!!” Leana shouted, running around franticly. When she was worried she ran around like a crazy person. Well, like a CRAZIER person than usual.

“Well, look at that! We must have read your mind, because…” Brian said, holding up the carton of ice cream. Leana scream with joy and hugged Brian super hard!!

“Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!” She kept repeating, as she grabbed the carton and a spoon. Then, headed for the couch. Brian joined us for our usual movie night.

“What’s tonight’s movie?” Leana questioned.

“Tonight we will be enjoying the film… FINDING NEMO!!” I exclaimed. What don’t blame me!!I LOVE Finding Nemo!! Best movie EVER!!!

Brian called Michelle and she was delighted to come over. I know were losers for watching a movie for 5 year olds on a Friday night, but this was our life. Except when we are on tour.

Once, Brian and Michelle left, at around 10:30 I sat Leana down, so I could have a discussion with her.

“Ok, so darlin’ you know how we have wanted to go on a European tour, ssssoooooo badly?” Leana nodded and I continued.

“Ok, well Mudrock came through! The guys are going on a European tour!!” Leana looked confused, and then finally figured out what I was implying.

“Oh, so do you wanna go on tour with the guys?” she asked, and I nodded. Her smile disappeared. I can’t believe I’m such a dick. My fiancé just found out she’s pregnant and I want to leave her for 4 months.

She thought for a minute and then choked out, “Uh… sure! If that’s what you want!”

“No! I’m not leaving you! You’re pregnant and we have a wedding to plan!!” I told her, as her eyes brightened up and her beautiful, toothy smile came to place on her perfect face.

“Are you sure?” She questioned. I nodded and she gave one of her bone crushing hugs.

“I love you!!” She exclaimed.

“I love you, too!!” I replied.
Six months later.

The morning before our wedding day I woke up next to Leana, as usual. She was curled up into a little ball and was breathing really heavily. My fingers scanned her body and stopped at her big belly. I started to rub and it, when she awoke.

“What are you doin’, hun?” She asked, half asleep.

“Just saying ‘Good Morning to Caleb, our little boy!” I told Leana, she was 7 months along and she won’t find out if it’s a boy or girl.

“We don’t even know if it’s going to be a boy. For all we know, we could have a little girl.” She said, jumping out of bed.

“I know its boy. I just know it. Promise me right now that if it is a boy, than we name him Caleb.” Leana nodded and stuck out her pinky. I happily took and then jumped out of bed myself. Just then my phone vibrated. I looked at the number and it was Brian.

I answered. “Heyy, dude! What’s up?”

He sniffled and started. “Michelle…broke up…with me…this morning!”

“Oh my god, why?” I asked. I know dumbass question.

“I don’t know. She said we were taking things too fast!!” He said, choking back the tears.

“Well, do you need me to come over?” Brian hated being alone after a breakup.

“Yes, please!” He said and then he hung up.

I got dressed and headed out to the kitchen. Leana was making peanut butter cookies. Don’t ask she’s pregnant.

“Bye honey. Brian had another breakup and I’m going over to help him through it!” I explained to Leana.

“Really, another one!” she shouted.

“Look, we all can’t have fiancés as amazing as you!” I said, acting all sappy.

“Ahhhh…” She said, racing over to give me a big, sweet kiss.
Later at Brian’s House.

After two gallons of strawberry ice cream and a 12 pack of Budweiser, Brian was back to him old self.

“Ok, dude! I gotta go! Meeting Leana for dinner.”

“Ok, yeah! No problem. Just wanna thank you for coming over and I seriously can’t live without you! You’re my best friend and I love you to the end of time!!”

“Aw, thanks dude. See you tomorrow!! Bright and early! I’m gettin’ married!!” I said, joking around.

My wedding day was amazing. Leana and Jimmy were happily married at 2:54 p.m. in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. But, nothing could prepare us for was about to happen.
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Heyy y'all better LOVE this!! I worked REALLY hard on it!!!