Blink Our Eyes Life's Rearranged

Summer comes and then it goes.

Wise words from some wise boys. The Jonas Brothers. My favorite band. My inspiration. My happiness.

All throughout high school all I wanted was to graduate and get out. Now that that day has come, I want it to go away. It wasn’t until my family was in the car a week later heading up to the lake for our annual life in a cabin that I realized that things wouldn’t be so bad now that college was looming closer. I listened to Take A Breath I realized that the boys were right. There is no sign of slowing down. Everything just keeps coming at us. Life is unpredictable. When we blink our eyes it’s rearranged.
  1. Flying Footballs
    Rachel meets someone unexpected at Lake Metawee
  2. Parental Permission
    Rachel thinks the Jonas' should join her family for dinner