Status: Complete. <3

Iron Man's Daughter

Ms. Potts

Palm trees rushed by and soon the bright blue ocean came into view as the road they took lead beside it. Dark blue waves crashed against the cliffs beneath them, becoming white foam.

“Wow,” Tess marveled leaning closer to her aunt to get a better look at the beautiful sea.

“There it is,” Leah said leaning against the door. Tess’s mouth gaped open at the huge house set along the cliff.

“Oh. My. God. Its huge.” Tess turned to her Aunt. “How are we supposed to get in there?”

“We’ll figure it out,” Leah said, nodding confidently.

Tess noticed a woman walking up to the security gate of the house.“Maybe she can help us,” Tess pointed to the woman. There was a fancy black car parked along the street beside her.

“Stop the car!” Leah commanded, pulling herself forward by the driver’s seat.

The driver slammed on the brakes, sending Leah’s head smacking into the roof of the taxi, and making her swear loudly.

Tess rolled her eyes and climbed out of the taxi, while her aunt yelled: “You idiot! Do you even know how to drive!”

Walking around the taxi, she called, “Excuse me, ma’am!” The woman turned around, the clothes she was holding thrown over her shoulder. She had strawberry blonde hair and a pretty face, tall, slender, and looked very business-like. “I was wondering–”

“Tess!” Leah interrupted, striding up behind her, “let me do the talking,” she whispered in Tess’s ear, before turning to the woman. Tess shrugged and folded her arms. This is gonna be fun....she thought. Might as well enjoy the show. She’d already read this woman and knew she wouldn’t be easy to sway. This wasn't going to work and Tess knew it.

“Hello, I’m Lieutenant Koscher with the United States army.” Leah extended her hand.

The other woman took it. Leah judged the handshake; firm, confident, a woman to not take lightly. “What’s this about?” The woman asked. “Does the military need–”

“Actually, ma’am this does not concern the military. It has to do with my niece.” The Lieutenant looked to Tess, who gave a small smile to the woman. The strawberry blonde raised her eyebrows. “I take it you’re in league with Tony Stark, Miss...” Leah had noticed she wasn’t wearing a wedding ring either.

“Potts,” the strawberry blonde answered. “Ms. Virginia Potts. And yes. I’m Mr. Stark’s personal assistant.”

Tess and Leah shared a look before Leah continued, “I see. Ms. Pott’s...” Leah strayed off suddenly, not exactly how to admit what she was trying to say. She’d thought it over in her head, but it still didn’t sound right. “Ms. Potts...” she tried again.

“I have reason to believe I’m Tony Stark’s daughter,” Tess spoke confidently.

Ms. Pott’s seemed somewhat taken aback, but quickly regained her composure. “That’s impossible.”

Leah pulled the brown envelope from under her arm and took out a piece of paper. “Stark signed this himself. Its Tess’s birth certificate.” Leah was back to all business, silently worshiping her beloved niece. “You can compare signatures if you must, but that is his.”

Ms. Potts studied it closely, then shook her head. “I don’t believe you. You two are a couple of con artists if anything.”

“Ms. Potts,” Lieutenant Koscher began. “I’m being deployed for Iraq tomorrow. My sister–her mother–passed away less than a week ago. The only family that she can turn to at the moment is that man on that sheet of paper. What am I supposed to do? Believe me, if I had another option–”

“Lieutenant,” Ms. Potts spoke firmly. “Mr. Stark can’t possibly have a daughter. I would know if he did. I know more about Mr. Stark then he knows about himself.”

“But, you see–”Leah argued.

“Aunt Leah,” Tess sighed. “Drop it.” She stepped closer to her aunt and whispered. “I told you.”

Ms. Potts looked at the young girl. It was the first time she’d really bothered to, and what she saw amazed her. An almost exact look-a-like of Tony. Big brown eyes, jet black hair, chiseled jaw. She could see someone else in her as well, probably her mother. Potts looked down at the certificate still in her hands, then back at the teenager in front of her. The Lieutenant was arguing with Tess, but the young girl began to walk back to the taxi.
“Wait!” Ms. Potts stepped forward. The girl turned her head slightly. It was so weird how much she looked like Tony. Ms. Potts bit her lip. “I might believe you,” she breathed.
♠ ♠ ♠
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