Status: Complete. <3

Iron Man's Daughter


Tess and Leah stared at Ms. Potts.

Ms. Potts took a deep breath. “Mr. Stark is undergoing some stressful business ordeals at the moment. So until that is over...and I find better proof that you really are his daughter, you may stay with me.”

“I can’t do that,” Tess spoke right away, before he aunt could get a word in. “Its too much of a bother. And I respect the fact that you are so incredulous about what we’re saying.”

Ms. Potts eyes went wide. Was that how teenager’s were supposed to sound? She may look like Tony, but their personalities were not similar. At all. If anything, Tony sounded more like a teenager then Tess did.

“I find it appropriate that I do this. One, if you are con artists, I can turn you in. Two, if you really do believe this, and its true, its my privilege.” Tess and Leah both looked relieved. “But. I’m letting you know, that I believe very little of your story.”

“Understood, Ms. Potts,” Tess bowed her head.

“Whoa! Wait! I get a say in this!” Leah exclaimed. “I want to speak with Mr. Stark personally.”

“Aunt Leah!” Tess groaned pushing her backwards. “This is what you wanted–”

“No I said–”

“Okay, this is what you thought was best for me. And if ‘Ms. Virginia Potts’ is willing for me to prove that I am his daughter. Fine. I will. Aunt Leah, I’ve always wanted to meet my dad and this is my chance. So please! Don’t screw this up.”

Leah looked at her niece’s big brown eyes and quickly looked away. “Stop giving me the Bambi eyes!” she sniffed.

Tess flashed a grin, then it disappeared. “What do you think made her change her mind?” she whispered, looking back at Ms. Potts, who was eyeing them.

“You look just like your father,” Leah gave a small smile. “Which I guess is okay, ‘cause Mia always said he was pretty hot. That and he was a charmer. Modern day Romeo. That’s how he won her over.”

“T.M.I, Aunt Leah, T.M.I,” Tess smiled.

Ms. Potts cleared her throat. “If you’re deciding, could you hurry it up. I’m on a tight schedule.”

“You can do this right?” Leah asked.

“I’m your niece. Of course I can.”

“I have a feeling this is a stupid idea. No good aunt would do this.” The two walked quickly to the taxi.

“The worst thing that could happen would be Ms. Potts selling me into prostitution. And I don’t think that’s likely,” Tess said as she grabbed her suitcase from the trunk. “Hugs?” She spread out her arms.

Leah hugged her tightly. “Love you, sweety.”

“Love you too. Write me,’kay?”

Leah pulled away, blinking rapidly and taking a deep breath. “I will,” she said. “Don’t grow anymore while I’m gone.”

Tess saluted like she had at the airport. “Yes, Lieutenant Koscher.”
Leah smiled and quickly turned away, wiping her face and opened the door to the cab. Tess waved to her aunt one last time, before the taxi drove off.

“I can’t believe I’m doing this,” Tess whispered to herself.

“Neither can I,” Ms. Potts crisp voice came right behind her, making her jump. “Are you ready?”

“Sure,” Tess plastered on a fake smile, trying to hide the tears that were forcing to pool over. Not only had her aunt left her to total strangers, but also left to fight in Iraq. And what if she never came back? Tess tried to force that thought from her mind as she followed Ms. Potts up the path to Tony Stark’s door.
♠ ♠ ♠
Short. Sorry...Next chapter: Tony!

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