Status: Complete. <3

Iron Man's Daughter


Tony was soon peeling out of the drive in one of his fabulous silver sports cars that Tess would have killed for. After setting the alarm and locking up possibly “the sweetest house in existence”, Ms. Potts ushered Tess--and her luggage--into a nice black car and they were driving back into Malibu.

Ms. Potts was looking through her leather binder, searching through leafs of paper for art exhibits, public speakings, and government business. Tess was enjoying the soft leather seats and the smell of new car. She wished she could have been chauffeured anywhere her entire life. Back home, her mother couldn’t even afford a car. Tess looked over at her chaperone, the woman’s lips puckered as she rustled through the papers.

“I’m really sorry about dropping in on your birthday,”said Tess sincerely.

Ms. Potts looked up and gave her a half smile. “Its quite alright. I didn’t really have plans anyway.”

“I have twenty bucks. We could...stop by a McDonald’s or something. Somewhere you like.”

Ms. Potts straightened in her seat and gave her a real, genuine smile. “That’s very sweet of you, Tess, but I’ll be alright.” Then she went back to her paperwork.

Tess leaned back in her seat and almost dozed off before they pulled in front of a large apartment complex. Ms. Potts led Tess inside and into the elevator up to the top floor. There were only two apartments on that floor. Ms. Potts unlocked her door and guided Tess inside.

“Wow.” Tess stared around the large flat. The living room was bigger than her whole house had been. Branching off the side was an open kitchen and a dining room space. There was a set of large, glass sliding doors that led out onto a patio, which gave another fantastic view of the ocean. The whole place was spacious and bright, pictures redid in black and white hung on the walls. Everything showed the inhabitant’s formal but fashionable personality.

“I love this,”sighed Tess, stepping forward in awe.

“Good.” Ms. Potts was back to her clippy self. “Because this is where you’ll be spending the rest of your stay until I know for certain you’re who you say you are.” She gave Tess a stare down.

Tess lifted her hand. “I swear to God I’m telling the truth. And I’m not an Atheist either.”
Ms. Potts dropped her eyes. “We’ll see.” She turned on her heel to enter the kitchen.

“I saw a McDonald’s down the street. I’ll buy you a McFlurry,”Tess said, trying to change to a lighter subject for the moment. Honestly, spending only fifteen minuets with the man she was supposed to call “Daddy” had left Tess not wanting his genes at all.

The stately secretary did surprising say yes to the McFlurry. They brought the ice cream treats home–along with an order of large fries–back to the flat. Ms. Potts was only slightly more at ease as Tess filled her in on some of her life. She really did want the lady to believe her, even if she didn’t care to much for Stark. Tess told her about how she’d been home schooled by her mother clear up to two weeks before she died. Tess stayed as far away from the subject of her mother’s death as she could. There was still that aching, empty feeling in the center of her chest that clawed at her throat every time she thought of her weak and frail mother. Tess continued to tell Ms. Potts about her short-lived tennis career, which earned her several medals and a few teenage acquaintances.

Ms. Potts listened to everything Tess said, seeing if the girl would slip information out to show she was a liar. She’d do a background check on her later. If the teenager and her aunt were after Tony Stark’s money, she’d find out. The sky grew dark and Tess eventually passed out on the couch. Potts set the security alarm to make sure she wouldn’t be making any escape.

Tess woke the next morning, the bright California sun shining through the big open windows. Drowsy and unaware of what had woken her, she heard rapid talking in the background.

“Are you sure? I don’t care. You have to find him!” Ms. Potts voice sounded high-pitched and strained. Tess peeked over the back of the couch, her raven hair slightly awry. The red-head was leaning against the counter, her phone to her ear, her face drawn and scared. “I understand. But–” She closed her eyes listening to the reply on the other end. “I understand,”She said again and ended the call.

“What’s wrong?”Tess asked, her nerves abuzz.

Ms. Potts looked at her, her eyes rimmed red, all formality gone.

“Its Tony. He’s been taken hostage.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Dun-dun-dun!! :)

Oh my god! When the last chapter was published this story went from 1 to 3 stars within in an hour!!! AHHHHH! SO HAPPY!!

Thanks to all the new subscribers and readers!
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Rock out Peeps! <3