Status: Starting Out,Updates are most likely constant.

She Is Love

they call her love.

Lola tightened her grip on the strap of her messenger bag as she struggled through the hallway to her Transfiguration class with the Gryffindor’s, biting her lip to stop the smile spreading across her face at the thought of the talk she had shared with Harry earlier. There was something so easy and simple about what she hoped would blossom into a fantastic friendship with the kind boy.

“Lola!” A voice called out from across the classroom and Lola’s head shot up to connect eyes with Hermione, smiling brightly at her bushy haired friend as she made her way over to sit behind Hermione and Neville Longbottom who looked utterly awkward at that particular moment in time.

“Hi Hermione, Hello Neville!” she greeted cheerfully as she sat down, taking her transfiguration books out of her bag and placing them on her desk before resting her forearms on top of the timber desk that had probably seen years of backfired transfiguration attempts.

“ So, Lola, did you have a nice lunch?” Hermione grinned suggestively and Lola’s eyebrows furrowed together in confusion, the clever witch in front of her rolled her eyes in agitation. “ You’re almost as bad as Harry! One of you has to tell me what you were talking about!” Hermione almost barked out in irritation, her dark brown eyes flashing dangerously with suspicion.

“ Don’t worry, Hermione, you’re secret’s are still safe with me.” Lola smirked at the slightly older than she witch and tapped her painted nails against the timber of the desk as she watched Hermione squirm with the discomfort of not knowing what two of her closest friends and confidante’s were chatting about when she had never seen them even interact before apart from Lola excusing herself when she tried to squeeze past him and Ronald in the hallway when it was particularly crowded.

“ We just talked is all, Mione, it was nice” The petite girl smiled shyly, a dreamy glint in her eyes as she thought about it, and how nice it was to talk to a boy without feeling like they were annoyed with her presence or like they were undressing her with their eyes.

“ You’re both bleeding mad” Hermione scoffed as Professor McGonagall strolled past their tables to the front of the classroom, tapping her wand against the desk to gain the attention of the vivacious and chattering fourth years in the classroom. Hermione gave Lola a pointed look before spinning around to focus intently on McGonagall’s impending lesson.

A body dropped into the seat beside Lola and she jumped slightly, the presence of another person being so close in such an abrupt manner startling her. Seamus Finnegan and Dean Thomas snickered behind her and Lola blushed deeply, wanting to sink down in her seat out of embarrassment.

“ Guys, c’mon.” The voice beside her reprimanded them or at least tried to, not much could’ve silenced the snickers of Seamus Finnegan and his best mate. Lola snuck a peek at the person next to her and felt instantly relieved when she discovered that it was, in fact, Harry who had taken the seat that was usually occupied by Beatrice.

“ Mr. Potter, would you care to tell me why you might be so late to my class and without warning?” the Professor questioned, her accent thick, with her arms crossed over her chest as she awaited a sufficient answer from the young boy.

“ Well, you see, Professor, I was with Professor Moody and I really did leave at the appropriate time but I got detained by Peeves, miss, it won’t happen again” Harry stuttered out and Lola suppressed a smile at his stammering.

“ Somehow, I doubt that, Mr. Potter, if you’re anything like that father of yours at least.” McGonagall responded making the class chuckle.

Harry shook his head and ran hand through his already untameably messy black hair, making ends stick up every which way.

Lola saw a note land in front of her, breaking her from her revenue, and she blinked hazily before reading it in what she hoped was an inconspicuous manner.

Sorry I startled you,Lola ; )
Haha, that’s okay, I have your book by the way.
Which book? :S
The one you were reading before I so rudely interrupted you at break, the one about Barty Crouch Snr(:

Harry didn’t send her anymore notes after that, and Lola furrowed her eyebrows in confusion, was it something she said?


Harry had bolted as soon as the bell had rang for the end of Transfiguration and the petite brunette was left in a confused and befuddled daze, this boy was giving her a headache.

Lola drummed her fingers on the small table she shared with Beatrice in Divination, struggling to concentrate on the jumble of words coming out of Trelawney’s mouth, when her mind kept drifting to the dark haired boy who had put her mind in a whirlwind of crazy gibberish.

“ Lola” Beatrice snapped , a permanent scowl fixated on her flawlessly tan face, which really shouldn’t of surprised Lola but it still did. She counted Beatrice as one of her friends, despite the fact that she always seemed to be scowling or sneering, usually both, in Lola’s general direction.

“ Yes,Beatrice?” Lola drawled slowly, raising her eyes to the irritated and scowling French girl in challenge, before realising that they were the only people inside the room and collecting her items to leave the dark room.

“ Merlin,you’re so bloody embarrassing! No wonder no one likes you” she hissed impatiently with a sinister smirk, crossing her arms across her chest and tapping her perfectly manicured fingernails against her tanned forearm.

Lola had often asked herself why her and Beatrice were even still ‘ friends’ and she used that term in the loosest way possible, Beatrice was a pure-blood and everything Lola did seemingly aggravated her.

“ What else is bloody new?” Lola muttered darkly as she turned on her heel and walked right past Beatrice and through the door of the Divination classroom, travelling down the winding staircase at a speed that rivalled Harry’s Firebolt.

The angrier Lola got, the quicker that she seemed to travel down the staircase, hot and frustrated tears slipping from her eyes. It seemed as though as soon as she wiped away a tear; a dozen more would slip down to accompany it. Lola was racing down the stairs so fast, however, that she didn’t get to see the raven haired boy in front of her.

Lola slammed into the poor guy at such a speed, that it sent them both sprawling across the staircase, Lola’s head on his broad chest. She pushed herself up and felt a deep, dark blush cover her cheeks when she saw who she had run down, instantly jumping up and trying to collect her belongings which were now scattered around the two teenagers.

“Oh my gosh – Harry! I am so bloody sorry! I-I-I wasn’t looking where I was going a-a-and then suddenly you were there and all I was thinking about was my fight with Beatrice and – damn it, I’m babbling, aren’t I? I’ll just go now.” She rushed out, before trying to flee down the staircase.

“Lola , it’s fine, I was actually looking for you” He chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck, a hint of scarlet creeping up his own neck in a way that would befit a Weasley.

“ You were?” Lola perked up, all negative thoughts of Beatrice and her cruel words being forgotten as she concentrated on the boy in front of her. Harry and Hermione’s friendship was something she wished she could have, you could really tell that they genuinely loved each other in a friendly way.

“ Yeah, someone told me they overheard you and Beatrice having an argument and I wanted to make sure you were okay, I know Beatrice can be , for lack of a better word, a cow” he smiled crookedly at her and Lola felt her own reluctant smile work its way onto her face.

“ Thanks, but I’m fine, a little hungry though; you know where a girl can get some food around here?” she smiled softly up at him, her grip on her divination books tightening as she felt her heart beat faster in her chest as she waited for his response.

“ Yeah, I think I can help you out, as long as you fill me in on this argument” he grinned at her, his emerald eyes glinting with amusement.

They both turned and walked down the staircase to the great hall, Lola beginning an animated tale on the emotionless and cruel entirety of her friendship with Beatrice, unaware of the tanned girl who was death glaring the pair of them in a jealous fury.