Status: Starting Out,Updates are most likely constant.

She Is Love

I had my ways, they were all in vain

The first Tri-wizard challenge was in two days, and Harry was nervous as hell, but that wasn’t his main concern right now.

Lola had been acting bloody weird lately, it was like as soon as she let him in a little bit, she pushed him all the way out. Every time he called her name out in the corridor, she’d flee in the opposite direction, every time he approached her when she was with Hermione, she’d stammer out a clearly made-up excuse about working on a potions essay that he knew wasn’t due for weeks and she had stopped even coming to any meal in the great hall.

Harry knew something serious was up, and if anyone knew what the bloody hell was going on, it was going to be Hermione.


Hermione wasn’t the type to just blurt out the reasons behind the odd behaviour of a close friend of hers, if she had been sworn to secrecy, there was a good chance she was going to take that secret to the grave with her. Harry knew Hermione almost better than anyone, though, and he knew how to get through to her without her having a conniption and dropping dead of her own accord.

He waited until late afternoon on the day before the first challenge, which he didn’t know much about but he knew it had something to do with defeating the dragons, it was a Friday and despite the fact that he knew he should’ve been studying and practicing useful spells for tomorrow, he sought out Hermione in her favourite tucked away corner of the library.

Just as he expected, Hermione had been there with her nose buried in an abnormally large book about something highly complex, no doubt.

“Harry, what can I do for you?” she muttered without looking up from the book, she knew why he was here, and, frankly, she was astounded that it had taken him this long to come to her. Sometimes he could be extraordinarily thick-headed, just like Ronald.

“ Well, you see, it’s about Lola – she’s been acting quite odd as of late and it’s becoming increasingly worrying to me, it’s like she doesn’t even want to be friends with me anymore” He told her softly, so as not to alert the stern librarian, Madam Pince that there was talking going on in her library.

“ I figured as much, and as much as I would love to, I can’t tell you why she’s acting.
However, I can tell you that passing the first challenge is far more important than sorting this out, she’ll be there when you finish.” Hermione informed him, finally dragging her gaze from the book in front of her to her best friend, her eyes softening at the tormented expression on his face.

“Go to the owlery, you twat, she sends a letter to her grandfather every Friday afternoon, she should be there right about now if you hurry.” She told him gently, chuckling to herself as he calming fled from the library, achieving many confused glances from those around them.


By the time Harry reached the top of the owlery tower, he was out of breath and adrenaline was pumping through his veins like fire whiskey. He pulled his school cardigan closer to his quidditch-enhanced body and breathed out a sigh of relief when he saw the small and petite body hunched over as she attempted to tie the letter onto the unco-operative owl.

“ Need some help?” he broke the silence and the poor girl nearly jumped out the window, she was so scared. She had known that he would catch on eventually, Harry was thick but he wasn’t stupid, she had just hoped that he would wait until after the first challenge, by then she could have a believable excuse thought up.

“Oh, um, no, it’s okay, i’ll just send it later, I really have to get back though, I have to work on a potions essay” she stammered out before trying to dodge around Harry and get the bloody hell out of that small room before she did something stupid. Harry wasn’t having any of that though, the only way either of them were leaving this room was when everything was resolved.

“ Lola, you’ve been avoiding me.” He murmured as he took a step closer to her, his cold hands gripping her forearms and sending a violent shiver up her spine. Harry realised how much shorter she actually was than him, but not too much, she was the perfect height, so that if she took one step closer to him, her head would fit snugly under his chin.

“ N-n-no I h-h-haven’t” she stuttered, refusing to meet his eyes as she bit her lip shyly, she had her own, albeit slightly idiotic, reasons for avoiding Harry, and the only person whom she had divulged these reasons to was Hermione, she could only pray that her best friend hadn’t shared them with the boy in front of her.

“ Lola..” he started, his heart rate speeding up as he felt her warm breath hit his chest through the thin button down school shirt he was wearing, “ Just talk to me, love.” He murmured, the endearing pet name slipping out of his mouth before he could realise what he was actually saying.

She finally dragged her gaze up to meet his green eyes, her breath catching in her throat as she struggled to find the right words to explain herself. “You could die tomorrow, don’t you understand that, Harry? People more advanced than you have died before, and I thought that by distancing myself from you, it would make it easier, but it doesn’t. All my life, I’ve lost people who are important to me, I don’t want you to be just another one.” She whispered as tears blocked her vision.

Harry’s gaze softened as he looked at the petite girl in front of him with tears swimming in her eyes, and he let out a small chuckle before pulling her into a warm embrace. He rest his chin on the top of her head as she looped her cold, thin arms around his waist tightly, her face buried in his chest as she inhaled and exhaled softly. Harry smelt like cinnamon and peppermint, and that was comforting her greatly right now.

Slowly, Harry pulled back and held the girl at arm’s length, his thumbs brushing over her tear-streaked cheeks to clear all remnants of the sadness, “ Lola, I want you to listen to me, okay? I am not going anywhere, you can’t get rid of me that easily” he grinned at her before giving her another hug and pressing his lips against her temple softly.

“ So,are you scared then, mister Potter?” she giggled as they left the owlery together, their hands bumping against each other often.

“ I have never been more terrified in my entire life” the young wizard confessed.