Status: Starting Out,Updates are most likely constant.

She Is Love

this could be all i've waited for.

Lola wrung her cold hands together anxiously as she paced in the hallway outside the great hall, her stomach feeling as though it had relocated to her throat, she knew she would not be able to eat anything for breakfast this morning. It was the day of the first challenge of the tri-wizard tournament and to be perfectly honest, she was terrified, and she wasn’t even the one competing. She couldn’t imagine how Harry was feeling right now, but could only hope he was a great deal calmer than her, because nerves was going to do nothing for him today.

Lola had been awake for hours now, and it seemed as though no one else in the castle was, she didn’t blame them, the challenge wouldn’t take place until a little after 10 am, which wasn’t for another three hours, and no sane person is ever awake and conscious at 7 am on a Saturday morning. However, she could never sleep well during the night before an important event in her life, and had spent a large portion of last night tossing and turning as her mind thought of all the things that could possibly go wrong in today’s challenge.

She was horribly scared for Harry’s safety though, being a worry-wart was a cursed habit of hers which she tended to despise more often than not. She had admitted to Hermione quite late last night, that she had indeed done what Hermione and Fred, whom she had become quite close with, had been teasing her about for weeks and developed an intense crush on the boy wonder. She had also explained to her best friend, that she had absolutely no intention of ever sharing this with the young lad whom had kidnapped her heart. Harry had no need to know those sorts of things when he had much bigger issues on his plate.

“Lola?” a husky voice rang out, and she whipped around, her heart seizing up at the sight of him, sweatpants slung low on his hips as the plain grey t-shirt he had on hugged his quidditch-toned chest and the crooked grin on his face made her own small smile appear. She could not fathom how he could have a smile that wide when her own stomach was twisted in knots due to nerves and honestly, was it any surprise that the boy-who-lived had made her feel things that she never had before, when he seemingly rolled out of bed looking so gosh darn perfect?

“Harry? What are you doing awake? You should be sleeping! If you’re over-tired then you won’t perform to your full potential in the task!” she stressed, folding her arms tightly across her chest as she moved closer to him, her eyebrows creasing in worry while he shook her head at the petite girl. She had no idea, he believed, as to how entirely endearing she was, her worry for him was adorable and made him feel like his stomach was going to leap out of his throat, then came the plummeting feeling as he realised that there was no way a girl as perfectly wonderful as Lola could want anything more than friendship with him.

“Lola, I told you that I’d be fine, and I stand by that” He smiled crookedly at her, coming close enough to wrap her in a comforting hug, resting his chin atop her head as she sighed into his chest, closing her eyes momentarily as she realised that this may be the last time she was able to be close enough to hug him. She relished in the feeling of his arms around her, her empty stomach sinking as she came to terms with the fact that this would never mean more to him than just a friendly, comforting hug.

“ Please be careful” she whispered, tightening her arms around him as she attempted to burn his scent into her memory forever. She had never told Harry about the reason her brother wasn’t enrolled at Hogwarts, and the way she felt right now was reminding her of the last time she had seen Max. She missed him so much, and it seemed like so long since she’d seen him, yet, at the same time, it felt like yesterday that she’d had that terribly dreadful conversation with Charlie because her parents were too distraught to handle anything right at that moment.

“ Harry, I need to tell you something – the reason that I am so bloody scared out of my mind about you competing is that, four years ago, my older brother, Max was killed in an act like this. He, along with his best friend, Charlie, decided that they were going to go and search for the giants of northern island, and I made him promise to be careful, but we got a call a few weeks later from Charlie telling us that Max had fallen to his death while they were scaling up a mountain. That’s why I need you to be careful, I can’t do it again.” She told him quietly, unwrapping her arms from around him to squeeze her hands together.

Harry gently gripped her shoulders, forcing her to look up at him, her doe-like eyes swimming with unshed tears. “Lola, I promise you, I am not going anywhere, you can’t get rid of me that easily” he swore, his bright smile reassuring her that maybe, just maybe, everything could work out okay. Harry was a talented wizard, one of the best that Lola had ever known, despite Professor Snape’s own grievances against the boy, no one truly knew the reason behind the greasy haired man’s prejudice against Harry. She had faith in Harry, though, She knew he could do this, even if nobody else agreed with her.


Lola gulped as she drummed her fingers impatiently against her jean-encased thigh, she had been sitting in the grand stands for the past two hours, watching as the three other champions battled it out with fierce and terrifying dragons that gave just as good as they got. Harry was the last to compete and Lola had been dreading this moment, she had no doubt that Harry had the capability to complete the task, but she was also well aware of the way nerves could get in the way when attempting this type of task. She just hoped that this wouldn’t be the case for the dark haired wizard.

She felt a tight squeeze on her left hand and flashed a brief smile to her best mate before squeezing back just as had, Hermione was just as scared, if not more, as Lola, but usually refused to show it because she regarded it as a sign of weakness and hated being made vulnerable. Lola knew that it was frustrating Hermione that the only thing that she could do was shout encouragement to him, and even then, it could be lost in the noise of the crowd’s cheers. She too wished that there was some way in which she could ensure Harry’s safety by the end of the challenge, but all she could do was hope and pray.

For the fourth time that day, their headmaster and one of the greatest sorcerers to ever exist, Albus Dumbledore , stepped up to address the large crowd which was comprised of Hogwarts, Beauxbatons and Durmstrang students, as well as Hogsmeade residents and professors. “Three champions have thus far defeated their dragons and will progress to the next challenge and only one champion remains to compete, Mr. Harry Potter.” He boomed, the crowd erupting in cheers as Harry slowly came into view out of the entry to the area which had once been the Quidditch pitch but had been transformed into a large arena to house the event.

A collective gasp went through the crowd as the dragon, a terrifying creature which was covered in sharp horns, swooped down to attack Harry, the young wizard scarcely escaping its blow as he ducked behind a conveniently placed boulder and dodged the blazing fire the dragon had breathed. A shriek erupted from near Lola, and the fact that it had come from Hermione would have amused the Hufflepuff greatly if she had not been so terrified for the safety of the boy whom had stolen her heart, “ Your wand ,Harry, Your wand!” the girl beside her cried in an attempt to get through the jeering crowd and help the young wizard.

Before anyone could see it coming, Harry was jumping onto his broom and unsuccessfully making a grab for the golden egg which held the clue for the next challenge, barely missing as a breath of fire singed his covered arm. He flew over the back of the seated area and the dragon tore after him, freeing itself from its confinement within the chains, a fact which had sent Hermione into a rant about animal cruelty and the disgust it made her feel. There was no sound heard for a good length of time and Lola felt the tears sting the back of her eyes, this was why she had made him promise to be careful and he broke it, he broke his promise.

A sudden cheer broke out as the young wizard soared back over the seats and scooped up the egg, landing as gracefully as he possibly could and grinning as Lola and Hermione jumped out of their seats in celebration, hugging each other tightly and cheering louder than anyone else in the whole crowd with tears streaming down their faces out of happiness and relief. Lola had quite honestly never felt more relieved or happy in her entire life, he had done it, she knew he could do it but just the fact that he had made it through to the next challenge in one piece made her happy beyond belief.


Lola, Hermione and Ron made their way to the champion’s tent where Madam Pomfrey was patching Harry up from the minor injuries which he had incurred during the challenge. She had just finished wrapping his arm in gauze when they arrived and a wide smile was spread across Lola’s face as they walked towards him. There was a joyful feeling in her stomach as she rushed towards him, throwing her arms around his neck as she hugged him as tight as she could without hurting him, his own arms hesitantly wrapping around her waist as he enjoyed the feeling of having her in his arms again, even if it wasn’t exactly in the way he would’ve liked.

“ You Arsehole! I thought you were going to die, you’re lucky I haven’t killed you for scaring me like that!” she exclaimed, punching him in the arm as hard as she possibly could, which still wasn’t very hard, but she still had a mile wide grin on her face as she said it. Her grin matched the one on Harry’s face as he chuckled at her silliness, his arms reluctantly unwinding from around her waist and resting comfortably at his sides.

“ I promised that nothing would happen and I was right, wasn’t I?” he teased, a cheeky grin on his face as he relished in the moment, vowing to himself right then and there, that no matter what happened, he would make her his by the time the next challenge came around.
♠ ♠ ♠
These two [Lola&Harry] frustrate the hell out of me, I want them to be together, and they will be soon, I swear this time I mean it.