Status: Active.

A Diamond in the Glitter


The water made my skin fill with goosebumps on impact. Momentarily immersing myself in the water before shooting to the surface, my heart was beating pleasurably fast in the excitement of the fall. Jacob didn't let my rush die down immediately. We swam the short yards to the sand quickly and fell in the dunes with smiles spread on our faces.

I lay on my back, my arms outstreched in the sun, taking in the warmth. But I soon found that Jacob was like his own small sun. He lowered himself ontop of me, gently applying pressure onto my body. He paused, only momentarily, when his lips were but a inch from mine. I could feel sweltering heat all over my body. He allowed that small moment dwell, to make me anticipate heavily the kiss I have been wanting.

The hesitation made it even more perfect, because it was even more desired. I weaved one of my hands into his hair and let the other dwell on his warm back. As the kiss deepened and our tongues intertwined, the desire for each other was nearly thickening the air. It was animalistic, the way I wanted to just have him then and there, in the sand with the sun beating down us.

His lips moved down to my neck, nibbled on the skin lightly, then trailed to my chest. I pushed back his hair and sighed. His eyes lifted themselves to meet my own as he smiled a crooked, beautiful smile. Playfully winking, he made me grin ecstatically. Barely audible, I said, "You are really something else, Jacob Black."

I was partially astounded by this beautiful boy because his kisses are perfect; a little rough but underlyingly sensitive. But I was mostly stunned at how few my ex-boyfriend had creeped into my thoughts since we have met. It was as if I was loving Jacob with a clean slate. I was trusting him at an unusual pace; I was immensely comfortable with him just after a couple days. I was aware of how fast everything was moving, I wasn't going to let myself get blindly carried downstream by the beautiful waters.

I was broken deep down, I was bruised to the bone and sooner or later, in all of Jacob's uncovering, he was going to peel back my skin and see the nitty-gritty. All the things I was trying to scoot under the rug would be exposed. At least it is easier to not think about their existance when his chiseled face was so close to my own. I was hoping my past could stay in Miami, out of state (literally) and out of my mind.