Contagious Chemisrty

Chapter 1

*beep beep beep*Jade lifted her head up to look at the sun glaring into her eyes, she quickly layed her head back down shutting her eyes again, involintarily. "Ugh" She reached over for her alarm clock hitting it a few times to shut it off. She layed there for a minute deciding if she wanted to get up or not. 'Just get up.. only three more weeks of school and then you are done with it, forever' She thought to herself. She slowly got up from bed and headed for the bathroom to take a shower. She hoped in and out as quick as she could, threw some clothes on and rushed out the door to her brand new Jeep, which she got for her birthday a few weeks ago. She hoped in, with a long, knitted bag on her shoulder and binder in hand.. threw the stuff onto the passanger seat then roared off.

She made just in time for the bell to ring. Jade was an unnoticed girl that did the bare minimum to get by in life. She never over acheives although, she does under-acheive alot. As she walked into her 1st hour after being late because of a hold up in the hall by some kids fighting, her best friend Nicole signaled her over to the only empty seat in the class right next to her.

"Where were you?" "Dumb kids, stupid fight, ugh." She mumbled. She looked up to see her teacher glaring at her from across the room. She pointed to Jade and signaled her over. After setting her binder and bag on the desk she scooted slowly over to her teacher, Miss Mills. "I'm sorry, there was a fight in the hall.. I couldn't get around it, I promise to never be-" "Shh," She handed Jade a detention slip. "I hope your not busy tommorow Ms. Roughan" "Ugh," Jade stormed off back to her seat where Nikki was giggling to herself. "I swear she hates you, Jade!"

The day went on just as slowly as all of the other days this week. They were long, boring, and since school was coming to end soon they weren't doing anything in any of her clases. She couldn't wait to leave her highschool and finally be free, her own person. She often caught herself daydreaming about moving to California, her dream place. She had been saving up a little cash here and there since she first got a job at 14.(As a babysitter, but she now worked at a smoothie shop) She now had more than enough to move and have a happy life for a while in Cali. She didn't understand how people could stay in one place there whole life and never see the world and yet they call there selves happy. She snapped out of her daydreaming about running on a beach on California, everyone in her class was laughing. "Jade!" The teacher yelled. "Sorry Mr. Mullinex.. I'm a little out of it today." "Mmm-Hmm. Well, as I was saying class.." He started to walk back to the other side of the class again, shuffling his feet against the carpet and playing with his own fingers.

Jade jetted out of class as soon as the bell rang. She swiftly moved through halls avoiding any contact with anyone, she had to be in work in 15 minutes. *boom* She ran into a tall, dark-haired, unfamiliar guy,dropping everything on the floor. He quickly bent down to pick up her things. "I'm sorry, I didn't see you there." She looked up at him and it was as if a god sent him from heaven, he was gorgeous in all aspects. As soon as the thought popped into her head in quickly left.. He was way out of her league and seemed to be older. "Thanks.." She said quietly, playing with her fingers for a minute then taking the books. "It's my fault.. I was practically running down the hall to get to work." She laughed.

"Don't sweat it, You got places to be, people to see. Who am I to interupt that?" He said with a laugh, and slowly walked away. Mae started to walk to the opposite way to the double doors, or as she liked to think her freedom. As soon as she reached the doors, a hand was on her shoulder preventing her from continuing to walk. She turned around slowly, to see the same tall guy from a few moments ago. He handed her a few pieces of paper. "You forgot these," He said with a smile. She quickly grabbed the papers, "Thanks." She said as she walked away in a hurry. She had to get to work.
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Sorry, its kind of short.. and mostly to just get the story going, ya know? well, leave comments. they make me happy. And tell your friends about my story :x