Contagious Chemisrty

Chapter 2

Jade walked into her empty house, setting her keys and purse on the stand by the door, she kicked her shoes off, and sat down on the leather couch.
"Jade is that you?" called someone from the kitchen. Jade quickly got up, and headed towards the voice.
"Mom! What are you doing here? I thought you weren't getting back for another week?" Jade stood there, confused.
"Well, long story short. The shoot was cancelled." Her mom handed her a cup of fresh coffee.
"Thanks," Jade mummbled. "So, how was the trip?" Jade sat back down on the couch, folding one leg under her as her mom followed.
"It went great," She scanned the house. "I see you managed to keep this place in order" she giggled.
"I tr-"
'Pour some sugar on me' Jade's phone sang. Jade answered the phone as she got up and excused herself from the room. She sat on the floor in the next room over.
"Hello?" she chimmed.
"Hey, you busy? There is a way cool party going on by my house. You have to- excuse you, thanks for pouring my drink everywhere!- sorry, but anyway.. you shoud come out!" She could here her friend, Audrina, yelling over the noise of the party.
"Sure, I'll be right there" She hung up the phone, and jetted out the door. "Bye mom! I'll be back later" She yelled as she grabbed her bag, and closed the door. She hopped in her car, and slowly roared out of the driveway, headed towards the party.

She arrived at the house shortly, to see a crowd of drunk people talking and dancing. She parked her car across the street, and walked to the house to find her friend 'grinding' on some guy. She walked past them quickly and went to the kitchen for a drink. Jade settled for a beer, and decided to head upstairs away from all the chaos. She walked into a few rooms with people making out, then finally found an empty one and made her way to the bathroom to splash her face. The cooling water ran down her face, she felt refreshed. After wiping her face with a towel she walked back into the bedroom to find a guy sitting on the bed.
"Ahem" She coughed. The guy turned around, and blushed.

"Sorry Jade, I didn't know you were in here." Jade sat down next to him, on the bed. She giggled.
" I'm surprised to see you here Ry."
"Well... it isn't exactly my cup of tea to be here. But Spence dragged me because some girl he likes was supposed to be here." Jade put her arm around him, and nestled her head into his shoulder.
"I'm here now! So let's get this party started!" She chuckled. They got up, made there way back downstairs, and started to dance. As soon as the song ended, the same guy Jade bumped into earlier came over to them. "Do you mind?" He looked towards Ryan. Jade blushed as Ryan walked away.

"I never did catch your name," He said wrapping his arms around her waist, and pulling Jade closer. "I'm Brendon."
"Jade, my name is Jade." She wriggled out of his grasp. "And if you don't mind, I was dancing with someone." She stormed off leaving Brendon in shock as she made her way to get another drink, but this time did a few shots and then met up with Ryan again.
As Jade's eyes fluttered open, she was surrounded by an unfamiliar place.
"Wh-Where am I?" She said with a yawn. Ryan stretched his arms out, and sat up, leaning his head against the wall. He looked down at his friend and gave her a kiss on top of her head.
"Jade, you passed out last night. You're a bit of a light-weight if I'm being honest. But low and behold, your best friend here," He winked. "brought you up here so you could sleep." He chuckled.

She yawned shaking her head. "I never drink, well I drink but never get drunk. Why would I do that?" She mummbled, confused. Ryan rolled off of the bed. "I have no idea. but I gotta get home before my mom wakes up," He said grabbing his things. "Will you be alright to get home?"
"Yeah, I'll be fine." She gave him a big hug.
Once he was gone she put her jeans back on and made her way out of the house, trying to avoid stepping on empty beer cans and who knows what, that covered the house. Jade got in her car and began to drive back home, hoping her mom wouldn't be there to greet her at the door. She already had the worst headache ever, she didn't need to be yelled at to.
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Weird, huh? Hahah. not really but tell me what you think of it anyways. 8 readers for the first chapter and only 2 subscribers. come on, we can do better than that! xD Well, comments please. Tell me what you like and don't like. :) Thaaanks.