Contagious Chemisrty

Chapter 3

Luckily, when Jade got home her mom was no where to be found. She went up to her room and plopped on her bed as she looked up at the ceiling to find hidden pictures in the paint. A dog, A man yawning, she laughed at all of the weird things she could find. While staring at the ceiling she started to think about her life, she hated the fact that almost everything in her life seemed like the movies. The whole bumping into the cute guy in the hallway incicent, the typical teenage party.. it all made her want to leave. Her mind started to wander, she had enough money. Maybe she could- No she couldnt just get up and leave, it wouldnt be right to her mom or Ryan.
For the next few days, at school... everywhere, all she could think about was leaving. It was always in the back of her head. No matter how much she tried to push it out... she couldn't. Then one day she found herself on the computer looking up prices for a plane ticket and out of nowhere her hand clicked the 'buy tickets' button. She was scheduled to leave exactly one week from today. What was she to do? The ticket was purchased out of her account. By now the money was gone,and she couldn't just let the ticket go to waste... And the worst part was, it was a one way ticket. Jade spent nearly all of the account on the ticket, luckily she had her checking account with almost all of her paychecks from the last 8 months. More than enough to get her life started. Her only problem was that she couldn't just get a job right off the bat and if she could it would be very low paying. She still was fumed that her body did actions her mind didn't want.
Sitting back on her bed gazing at the pictures she pondered what to do. She knew for a fact that she couldn't tell her mom about it but at the same time she had to let her know so the police wouldn't be looking for her. She had just turned 18 so, they couldn't do anything for running away. But, she knew her mom would worry like crazy, she always did. She hoped that as long as she left a note or even the ticket stub for plane ticket her mom would understand. Wait, Ryan. What was she supposed to do about him? If she told him... oh my, he would call his dad to by him a ticket right then and there. She didn't want him there though. She loved him more than anyone in the world, but she wanted to start over. On the other hand, if she didn't tell him he would be devastated and she surely couldn't do that to him. Maybe she could tell him the day before and not give him any information as to exactly where she was going. Then, she couldn't leave the plane ticket stub. She would have to write a note to her mom. This was all driving her crazy she had to tell someone, or else she'd explode.
Her mom entered the room with a worried look on her face. "Are you alright hunny? I feel like I haven't seen you in days, and I've been home this whole time." She followed those heartfelt words by sitting next to me, closely, on the bed. She kissed my forehead. "Is something on your mind?" She giggled. "I'm making my famous chicken salad, would that cheer you up darling?" I got up from the bed and looked down at her. "Uhm,no thanks mom. I'm fine." I smiled. "I'm gonna go see Ry. I'll be back by 12 ok?" She got up from the bed and walked out, she seemed to be ok. I didn't want to leave and her think that something was wrong and that's why I left. I had to convince her I was perfectly fine. I had to hang out with my friends and be happy just as normal. I couldn't wait to see what California had for me but I hated to go.
I felt bad lying to my mom. I really wasn't going to Ry's. I couldn't face him yet or I know I would blab about leaving. I went to my favorite place in the world, Carlos' Coffee Shop. They had the best coffee and it was the most comforting place ever. I walked into the shop where they knew me by name and ordered a small coffee. "One cream, two sugars, and can you add a splash of caramel to it please." I smiled to the cashier who I didn't know, she must have just started. I turned around to watch the T.V. screen in the corner. "Ahem." I turned back around, and there he was. Brendon.
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Sorry, I haven't written in so long. Hope you like it! P.S. I have more coming veeery shortly. (: Comment and subscribe.