Contagious Chemisrty

Chapter 4

I grabbed my coffee and started to rush out the door. He popped up everywhere and I couldn't stand it. "Wait!" I looked back. He started to take off his apron and turned to the cashier woman. "I'm taking my break." He walked over to me and motioned me to follow him outside. We sat down at a table outside. I don't know why I sat down with him. Again, my body doing the complete opposite of what my mind wanted.
"What?" I said plainly. "Remember me? The guy from the party. The guy you totally dissed." He sounded offended.
"Dissed? How did I do that? You pushed my friend out of the way and started to dance with me. I don't even know you! I mean who do you think you are? Oh, just because you're cute doesn't mean you can-" I accidentally knocked over my coffee into my lap. I jumped up, grabbing a napkin and trying to get it off my clothes. Brendon got up with a napkin and started to help. I swated his hand away. "I got it!" He sat back down. "So, you think I'm cute huh?" He smiled at me with a wink. "Ugh, you are just dreadful!" I walked away. He jumped up and walked over to me. "I was kidding! I-I Are you ok? I mean why do you dislike me so much? You don't even know me." "Exactly. You don't know me either. Why do you always bother me?" "I don't really know I guess.. I'm new here, I don't know anyone. I have to make friends some how and plus you are the first person I ever said anything to here." "And?"
"Why can't you atleast try to make friends? I'm not trying to be rude but the only person I've ever seen you with is that Ryan kid. Wait, are you two dating?" "Why does it matter? And no, we aren't..." "Come one let's sit back down.." God. My body and brain are two seperate things. All they do is coinside with eachother. I sat back down. "Tell me about yourself, Jade." "I'm not trying to be rude, but I should go." The thought of leaving came back. I couldn't take it. It almost ate me alive. I was never good with secrets and this was just the kind of thing I would tell to the wrong person. "Jade, don't. I'm just trying to be friendly." And at that exact moment I couldn't take it anymore. My brain had had enough of the abuse."I don't want to make friends. I don't want to get close to anyone. I can't disappoint you or anyone for that matter. " The tears started to roll down my face. This was the first time I have cried over leaving. I really don't know why I cried, this is what I've always wanted and I wasn't backing out now. "I'm leaving next Tuesday. I'm going to California. I bought the ticket yesterday, and no one knows about it. It's a one way ticket." He got up. "What?" He said confused. "I didn't mean to! My hands just bought them. My mind told them no! They don't listen, they never do. Ugh!" I bet I sounded like a crazy person. Talking to Brendon about something he would never understand. I ran, as fast as I could.
I needed comfort. I went to the only person I could think of. Ryan. Almost as I began knocking. the door opened. "Jade? Why are you crying?!" I wiped my face knocking the tears onto the cold, wet concrete. I knew the real reason I had a melt down, I just didn't want to admit it...
I had never told anyone what happened to me last summer. It was July 6th, and me and mom had just got back from Michigan for the fourth of July. The weather was great that night, about 8:21 I left the house for a walk. As I walking down the empty street where the home depot lays, a car pulled up beside me. I reconized the car... It was my neighbors. I walked up to the cracked window to see what he needed. And just as quick as I noticed the craze look in his eye he managed to reach over and open the door, pulling me in his car,all in one quick motion. He pulled into the ally next to the huge store, and raped me. His cold heart taking away my innocence. The only thing that was truly mine, my pride. After destroying my pure body he pushed me out of the car as if I were a bag of trash he couldn't throw in the dumpster because it was too full and the garbage man wouldn't be coming until a few days later. I felt used and broken. I spent the night in that ally, crying and beating myself up. Was it my fault? Of course not... but what if it was.
I went back home to find my mom passed out on the couch. She figured I went to Ryan’s house so I went along with it. My neighbor packed up and was gone by the next day. Until...
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This story needed a twist, Enjoy. Comment, Subscribe. Do whatever.(: New chapter coming soon.