Monica And Brogan's Not So Happy Ending Staring My Chemical Romance

Chapter Two

The next morning came quicker than usual, and they where all packed up for their plane trip to Melbourne. The girls where quiet familiar with Melbourne, due to Monica being born there and Brogan moved there when she was three. They where going to be there for a week due to the boys needing a brake from all their concerts and the bus was being shipped to Cerberus Navel Base. They where all going to Melbourne on the same plane, the boys had booked the plane out so it was them the girls. The girls arrived at the airport in a taxi and the boys in a limo. *Obviously.* they walked over to the place where you give the people your passport and bags. The girls where inline in front of the boys… even though the line they where in had no people in it but them. Monica started walking up towards the lady at one of the desks. Frank moved towards her grabbing her bags off of her so that she didn’t have a choice but to let him assist her. He took her bag up to the desk and then he went back to his bags. A young guy appeared at the desk next to the lady and called *NEXT PLEASE!* Brogan walked over to him pulling her own bags, Gerard offered to help but she kindly declined his offer. She walked over to the desk. Gerard stood there staring at the guy as he flirted with her and making her laugh *that should be me* the thought. She picked up her bag and tried to put it up on the escalator shelf thing but it was starting to slip and she couldn’t hold it anymore. Gerard ran over and saved the day, he caught it before it landed on her and he put it back up on the shelf properly.

“Are you okay?” he asked in the most concerned polite voice ever.

“Yes,” she said in a quiet voice as she looked down at her shoes.

He took her head in his hands and lifted it up so she was looking at him.

“You’re lying,” he said. He could see rite through her.

“I’m fine,” she said turning away and finishing up with the young man. He walked back to where the other boys where and she walked off with Monica to go and bored the plane.
“Did you take your medication?” Monica asked Brogan, who just stood there in silence.
“That’s what I thought,” Monica said pulling out a pill bottle and putting a couple in her hand and passing her a drink of water. She swallowed the pills and they boarded the plane. They did not have allocated seats so the girls decided that they where going to sit down the back of the plane. They could hear the boys enter the plane and they where at opposite ends and this was a jumbo plane, so that means they are pretty loud. The boys came down the back and sat with the girls. They strapped themselves in for the lift off. Twenty minuets later they where in the air and free to move around the plane.

“Hey guys lets go into first class comfier seats,” Ray said as he stood up pulling Monica along.

“Can I talk to you?” Gerard asked Brogan as the other boys walked out the section they where in.

“Are you two coming?” Mikey shouted for them.

“We’ll be there soon!” they shouted back. The others went up the path to first class and lay back in the seats.

“Tell me what’s going on?” Gerard asked in a worried voice as he moved closer too her.

“Nothing is going on,” she said shuffling her self away a bit.

“Something’s wrong,” he said as he gently held her hands in his. She looked down at their hands and then backs up at him her teary eyes staring at him. He lent in to kiss her but she turned away.

“What’s going on,” he said trying to get her to face him.

“I’m sick,” she said putting her head on his chest and wrapping her arms around him.

“How sick?” he asked her as he wrapped his arms around her holding her tightly.
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