Don't Hold This War Inside

Drown Out Your Mind

She could feel a hole in her heart. Why was it there? She didn't understand. She couldn't remember anything at all. All she knew was that she felt lost, alone, and hurt. And she was missing someone, someone she used to love.

Caroline sighed as she paced back and forth in a bedroom a man named Aro was letting her use.


It felt familiar but she couldn't figure out why. Why was that name familiar?

She didn't know.

What she did know was that it was time for her to go. Something told her that her time here in Volterra was coming to an end.

And so, without a word to the man Aro or the blond man who had been lying next to her when she woke up, she left.

Jasper gazed up at the Montana sky and the stars littered across it. He sighed as he thought about the last time he'd ever seen something so beautiful. He had still been human and he'd been with Caroline, of course. The thought of her brought tears of venom to his eyes.

They would never fall, of course.

He blinked, clearing his vision, and a phrase Caroline often shared with him came to mind.

"You see those stars up there? I think they are people, you know, angels? I think they're angels. And I think they watch over us."

He smiled at the memory. It hadn't really stuck to him and he wondered why, all of a sudden, it came to him now. Just then, he felt a slow, sinking feeling in his stomach, and he felt like he was losing something...something important.

His memories of Caroline were slowly vanishing and the more he struggled to remember her, the faster she went away.

"No," he growled, clutching his head, as if he could keep the memories locked inside. It seemed to work at first.

"Don't let me go, Jasper. You'll all I have left now." Her voice was whispering in his ear. And he found all the strength in him that he could to make sure that he didn't let her go. Because even now, with Peter and Charlotte, Caroline was still all he had.
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