Don't Hold This War Inside

I'll Get The Courage One Day

61 Years Later......

Caroline from a hole in the basement of a building as men, women, and children were being led to the crematorium.They had no idea that they would be burned to death, no idea that their lives were about to end.

Caroline wanted to help them but it was still daylight. In just two more hours, she would make her move by killing all the Nazis in the camp, save for the commander (she would torture him slowly).

The screams from the crematorium echoed in Caroline's ears and her dead heart clenched. Tears that biologically would never fall rose to her eyes and she wiped them away with fierce determination.

She would get revenge for the lives lost in this heinous, thoughtless, and heartless act of humanity, or lack there of.

Dusk came and Caroline left her hiding place. She walked the shadows until all the people in the camp went into their barracks.

The soldiers were still wandering about, which is why no one noticed when Caroline broke all their necks in three minutes. She saved the commander for last.

His office was near the front of the cabin. From what Caroline could hear, the commander wasn't alone. There was a boy in there wwith him of about 27 years of age. H

e had short, straight, blonde hair and electric blue eyes and had a muscular build that, if Caroline wasn't about to kill him, she would appreciate very much.

But something was different about this guy. Caroline could feel it.

The boy looked absolutely scared and restless, like he was trying to plot his own escape from this hellhole. Caroline listened to his words carefully. She musn't move quickly yet.

"I'm afraid I cannot do such a thing, commander. This taking of innocent lives is appalling." he said, looking away from the commander.

"They are not innocent! They are Jews! I would hate to see you shot for your opinion, George. That doesn't seem right to you, does it?" The commander was threatening him.

Caroline crept into the office and listened to George's continous with the commander whom he called Alan.

She stuck to the shadows and made her way behind the commander. She immediately tore his leg out.

George screamed but one look from Caroline told him to stay quiet. The commander screamed in agony as Caroline took away his other leg.

"You will pay for the people you've killed," she whispered just before ripping Alan's throat out.

George was pressed against the wall, terror and fear on his face. When Caroline was sure that Alan was dead, she walked slowly toward George who shook in fear.

"I will not hurt you, George. I've killed all the other soldiers because none of them had nay remorse for the crimes they committed. I will not kill you. "

George looked like he still didn't quite believe her. "I...I never wanted to b-be...a soldier. I was f-forced. P-please, don't k-kill me." he pleaded.

Caroline sighed and moved closer to George. "I wil not kill you. But you will help me exact revenge against these people who call themselves Nazis."

And with those last words, she bit into his neck, covering his screams of pain with her mouth., and letting the venom from her body flow into his.

3 Days Later.....

George woke up slowly, everything only just coming into focus. He was in a forest, he knew. A girl was standing against a tree, eyeing him as if he were a new specimen of life. He knew her. She was the one who had bit him.

"My God, the dead has arisen." she said sarcastically as she walked over to him.

"Who are you?" he asked quickly, getting off the ground and away from her.

"Caroline Farrow. That's all I know about myself. And you are George Friedmann, a 27 year old new born vampire. You used to be a Nazi soldier, but it wasn't because you wanted to be. They forced you. And from the file I read, you're from Mako, Hungary." she said.

George began to slowly remember these things and walks slowly and carefully toward Caroline. "Why did you do this to me?" he asked.

Caroline sighed and explained how she had been going around to concentration camps and mudering the guards. She had yet to hit a major camp, she said, which was why she needed him.

"You're a good man, George. You deserved to live an eternal life." Caroline said somberly, a faraway look in her eyes.

George nodded and Caroline took him into the woods to hunt.