Don't Hold This War Inside

Start As You Mean To Go On

"George has been witches? But why? And who are these witches anyway?" Jude asked, pulling Vienna toward him as everyone gathered in Caroline's living room.

The remaining European vampires who had not been abducted were there, along with the Asian, African, South, and Central American vampires.

"We do not know much at the moment. All will become clear once the Volturi arrive." a woman by the name of Naima Molabo said. She was an African vampire from South Africa who had been around for nearly a thousand years.

Naima was tall with skin the color of chocolate. Her ebony hair fell in long braids down her back and her amber colored eyes stared at them all in unspoken authority. She was one of the oldest vampires in the world.

"Does anyone have theories as to why these witches would have reason to kidnap vampires int he first place?" Caroline asked, sitting on the edge of her sofa.

"They could be trying to conduct experiments on them." one vampire said.

"Or they could be trying to kill them." another added.

"What if their intention is to wipe us all from the face of the Earth?" Rosalie asked.

"It isn't. Abducting vampires is hard work and if they're willing to do that, there is a deeper meaning behind it. The best thing to do at this moment is wait for the Volturi to arrive. They may know more than we do." Naima explained.

Everyone quieted down immediately and dispersed throughout the house.

Caroline got up and walked out into the backyard where a few vampire lingered, talking to each other. She stood on the edge of the lake that was behind the house, staring out at the dark silhouette of the mountains.

"It is beautiful, isn't it?" a voice asked.

Caroline turned her head slightly and saw Jasper standing next to her. "I suppose."

Jasper sighed. "Caroline, there is a lot we must talk about. I need you to please listen to me. Just hear me out."

After what seemed like years of silence, she finally nodded. "Alright. But not here. Let's walk."

"So, you see why I had no choice in the matter of Maria. She was much older than I. Charles had told me you were dead. He thought he killed you but, really, he--"

"Turned me."

They were on the other side of the lake that was closest to the mountains. Caroline sat down on the edge of the lake, letting her feet glide into the water. Jasper did the same.

"If I would have known that I would be turned into a vampire when I went to fight, I would never have left you, Caroline. We would've went to some other country like you said. Perhaps we could have had a family." Jasper said, laughing slightly to himself.

Caroline smiled slightly. "Yes, we could have. I would have named our first daughter after my mother. Mary-Anne Marie Whitlock. And our son would've been a junior."

Jasper chuckled softly. "Yes, that would have been nice."

The two were silent before Jasper decided to speak again. He turned to face Caroline and looked at her for a while before saying anything at all. "Do you...still love me, Caroline?"

Caroline, who had been stunned by this question, turned to look at him in surprise. "Of course," she whispered. "I have never stopped. But, now, though, things have changed. You have Alice, and I suppose in one form of another I have George."

"But you and George have only ever---"

"Screwed, I know. But George is rather protective of me. We both know there's not much between us, but he is a wonderful friend and I will always value his opinion above all others." Caroline answered thoughtfully.

"Does this mean that you and I could---"

"At this moment, Jasper, I am not so certain. I don't know what I want. I think it is best that we wait until all this is over before we decide what's next for us."

Jasper linked his hand into hers and she stared up at him curiously. "If that is what you really want, then, please, allow me this moment with you. If we don't make it through this, allow me this moment with you." he said.

And before Caroline knew what was happening, he kissed her.

His lips felt familiar to her, as if they had been made for her, as if they had never belonged to anyone but her. She didn't want to let go, didn't want to have this moment take away from her.

His kiss, his touch, it all reminded her of a simpler time, a time when vampires and wars had no meaning.

"Jasper," she said, trying to break away. But he kissed her again and her words were gone, along with her clothes.