Don't Hold This War Inside

The Only Way To Cope Is To Realize

Jasper was waiting for Aro to arrive in Italy with the vampires, wolves, witches, and others he'd rounded up. All in all, they probably had almost one hundred supernatural creatures fighting with them. They would overpower the witch-drainers by a landslide.

"You will need to arrive in Italy discreetly. If they see a sudden influx of vampires, they'll know something is wrong. Come in as quietly as possible." Jasper said to Aro four nights later.

It troubled Jasper greatly deeply to know that the love of his life was being drained of her venom a bit more everyday. It troubled him to know that it might be too late to save her, that once he and the others got in there, she would be completely dead.

"We are on our way now."

That conversation had happened yesterday and Jasper awaited the arrival of the supernaturals at his usual post ten miles from where the witches were holding the vampires captive.

"I told you we were coming." a voice said.

Jasper turned and saw Emmett standing there with a grin on his face. Jasper had never been so glad to see the large man in his life until now.

"Let's go get them out." Jasper said, excitement rising in his voice.

"We need a plan first."

Caroline had been going in and out of consciousness, something that just didn't happen when you were a vampire. That was her first indicator that something was wrong.

The second was that she could not move her legs at all. Yes, taking venom from her legs had paralyzed her, but she had still been able to move her legs a bit. Now that blood replaced the venom, she couldn't move them at all.

The third indicator that something was wrong was that she was beginning to lose her vision, and that was when it hit her. She remembered Aro saying that a vampire's body had been found up in the mountains, that her eyes were completely white, the way one would look if they were blind.

Caroline knew then that Deanne Hun hadn't even been able to see when she died. She may not have even been conscious when it happened. But what was happening to Caroline didn't explain the issue of Deanne's teeth being larger and longer than some of her other teeth.

It didn't make any sense.

Who would enlarge the teeth of an already dead vampire?

None of this was making any sense.

"Alright, everyone, listen. We're heading in now. Be quiet, be stealthy, and get the job done. We are rescuing all captives: vampire or otherwise. Kill the captors." Rosalie Hale announced to the large group.

They all nodded in understanding and headed toward the fortress.

Caroline tried her best to stay conscious, to keep her eyes focused at the window yards above her head. If she could just focus on the sunlight....

"Get up!" a hard voice commanded.

The Russian guard. She didn't think he even knew English.

But try as she might, she just couldn't sit up. She couldn't even move her head to look at the cell door. Just then, said door flew open and the Russian guard with it. "I said get up!"

He grabbed her by her hair for the nth time since Caroline had been there and dragged her from her cell and down the hall, back to the room where they had first drained her legs.

"We meet again, Caroline. And this time I've brought someone with me. Elysia, this is Caroline." Grier said, his voice sneering.

Elysia was a tall, willowy woman with long, honey blonde hair and wide brown doe eyes. Her skin was beautifully tan and were it not for the fact that she was trying to kill her, Caroline might have liked her. Elysia wore a pair of dark slacks and a purple sweater with matching heels.

So not the picture of an evil witch.

"Caroline! It's so wonderful to meet you! My sister Maryn is going to love you!" Elysia said cheerfully, as she could ignore Caroline's incredibly disgusting state.

"Joy. If she's anything as sweet as you are, I'd be positively delighted." Caroline muttered with sarcasm.

Elysia, however, did not look fazed. "Wonderful!"

Just then, there was a loud bang that shook the entire building. Grier threw an anxious look at Elysia, but she kept her cool, closing her eyes and spreading her hands out in front of her. She was doing a spell.

But it failed.

Caroline could tell from the look on her face that the spell had failed. Elysia now looked frazzled.

"Grier," she said. "We are under attack. Burn them all."

Something told Caroline she didn't mean the attackers. She meant the captive vampires. Fear clouded all sections of her brain and she could no longer keep up consciousness. Her eyes closed and all she could see was black.

"Find her now!" Jasper yelled at the other vampires. The wolves were tearing apart the guards limb from limb. But they still had to figure out where the captives and the witches were.

Vampires scattered in all directions to go rescue the captives and kill the captors. The witches Aro had rounded up were keeping off any spells the opposing witches were trying to throw at them.

Jasper ran down a dark, dank hallways with multiple metal doors on them. Cell doors. Hissing in rage, he yanked each and every door off the cells as vampires rushed inside to rescue the captives.

Now, all he had to do was find Caroline. But where was she if not in a cell?

Then, he smelled it.

The smell of fire.

That was why they'd only found three captive vampires. The witches were trying to burn the rest of them.

Jasper prayed to every divine entity he knew of that he wasn't too late, that Caroline had not already been burned.

He got closer and closer to the fire and saw a short man with a tall woman, both throwing vampires one by one into a large fire. Caroline, Carlisle, and one other man had not yet been thrown in.

Jasper felt anger in its highest form bubble up through every pore on his skin. It was inhuman and absolutely barbaric, what these people were doing. But he knew just how to fix it.

He walked near the two people, quiet as a dust mote, and decapitated the short man, Commander Alan Grier.

The other woman looked down in absolute horror and fear. She hadn't even heard Jasper sneak up behind them. Grier's separated head stared up at them, surprise still in his dead eyes.

"Please, please. Do not kill me. I've done nothing wrong." the woman pleaded.

"I'm afraid I don't have much patience for lies." Jasper hissed before delivering the same fate to the woman, Elysia.

His eyes traveled over to Caroline, Carlisle and the other man. The other man, George, as he knew from Caroline, was dead. How Jasper hadn't noticed it before was a mystery to him, but Carlisle and Caroline still were.

"She---she is---not---Caroline...." Carlisle rasped out.

"Is she dead?" Jasper asked, no emotion in his voice.


Jasper picked up Caroline and Carlisle, carrying them away from the large fire and out of the building.