Don't Hold This War Inside

Face To A Name

When Caroline woke up again, it was nearly noon and she didn't feel sad or afraid. She had slept a dreamless sleep.

Smiling barely to herself, she got out of the bed and walked out of her room and down to the study where Carlisle usually spent the day.

She knocked softly, receiving a gentle "Come in."

Caroline pushed open the door and saw Carlisle reading a very old looking book. He put it down as soon as she walked in.

"I trust you slept well? You certainly look like you did." he said, standing.

"I did, Mr. Carlisle. I have..never felt better." Caroline replied with a smile.

"Good to hear. Now, if you believe you may be up to it, I would like to take you to the opera tonight. It is some of the most beautiful music you will ever hear." Carlisle said, smiling back.

"Well, Mr. Carlisle, that sounds delightful. What time is it for?"

"Nine this evening. And call me Carlisle. We are all adults here, correct?"

Caroline nodded and smiled an almost genuine smile at Carlisle before she went to get something to eat.

Afterward, she read in the library until dinner, which was a quiet affair between her and Carlisle.

Lucy helped Caroline get ready for the opera when dinner was over.

Carlisle had bought her a dress for that very occasion: a red strapless ball gown that came down past Caroline's feet.

She fastened a diamond necklace her father gave her when she turned fifteen around her neck and put red rouge across her lips.

Lucy arranged her hair in a very beautiful and extravagant up-do and sprayed a puff of perfume on her neck. It smelled like apples and lilies.

"Are you nearly ready?" Carlisle called from downstairs.

"Just a moment!" Caroline called back as she stood and admired herself in the mirror. She had to admit she did look stunning. She only wished Jasper could see her.

"You look as beautiful as always, darlin'. his voice echoed in her mind.

Caroline smiled to herself and left her room, walking downstairs where Carlisle was waiting by the door.

His eyes lit up when he saw her. He thought she looked absolutely breathtaking. Her small smile seemed to light up her entire being.

"How do I look?" she asked Carlisle as she linked an arm through his.

"Stunning." Carlisle replied with a smile.

And with that, the two set off for the Royal Opera House in Westminster.

The Royal Opera House was packed with people who had come from all over London to see the play Santanella. From what Carlisle told her about it, it seemed extremely interesting.

When they got there, it was 8 p.m. which left them with time to socialize and mingle. Carlisle introduced Caroline to a few of his friends, one of whom was a duke.

While Carlisle spoke with the Duke, Caroline stood nearby, taking in everything around her. Just then, she felt a tap on her shoulder.

She turned around and saw a man with dark hair and chestnut eyes. She did not recognize him in the slightest.

"Pardon me, madame, but are you Caroline Farrow?" he asked.

"I am." she replied cautiously.

The man smiled. "Good. Then, I am Charles Perry Newman."

Everything in Caroline seemed to sink. This was the man who wrote her the letter telling of Jasper's death. "Of course." she said, gathering her courage. "You wrote me the letter."

"I did. Please, allow me to say that I am truly sorry for your loss. Jasper was a great man."

She nodded softly and looked down at her hands before looking up at Charles. "Pardon me, sir, but how did you escape the war if you fought with Jasper? There would have been no way for you to have left." she said.

Charles smiled and for some reason it was a little condescending to Caroline. "I have my ways, Madame Farrow."

"Whitlock. Caroline Farrow-Whitlock." she corrected him.

Charles chuckled to himself. "Yes. Yes, of course."

"If you don't mind, I must get back to my companion. It was a pleasure meeting you Mr. Newman." Caroline smiled and walked back to where Carlisle was.

She could feel Charles' eyes burning into the back of her head and she turned around.

He was gone.

The opera was, as Carlisle had said, spectacular. Caroline thoroughly enjoyed it and almost forgot about Charles, that is, until she got back to the apartment. As she got ready for bed, her thoughts lingered on him.

There was something awfully odd about him.

If he did indeed fight in the war with Jasper, how was it that he was able to leave and come to England?

Something told Caroline that Charles wasn't in London just to be there. Just talking to him made her believe he had ulterior motives.

Sighing, she climbed into bed, pulled the covers over her and went to sleep.

It was nighttime. This much was obvious. Candlelight bounced off the walls in the home. A man sat a desk writing in a journal of some sort.

I have finally found her. She has evaded me but today I finally found her. I know now what Maria did to me and I seek vengeance.

I am certain my plan will bring her little protegee to his death. I revel in anticipation of his impending misery and death.

It is clear she does not fully trust me. No matter. I will gain her trust, become close to her, and yank her from the throws of life just as Maria did to me.

Caroline sat up in the bed breathing heavily and sweating all over as she did every time she had a dream. But she didn't scream this time. She didn't vomit. All she could feel was puzzlement.

There was a reason she had that dream.

She wasn't precisely sure who it was about but everything told Caroline it was about her. How could it not be?

Someone was trying to get close to her and then do something horrible in an act of vengeance against someone else.

Caroline had not been able to see the man clearly. All she had seen was a silhouette and even then, she'd only been able to see the words in the journal.

Who could it be?



She just didn't know. But what she did know was that she would have to be wary of everyone now.

There was absolutely no one she could trust.