Status: NEW. :)

Operation: Breaking Bieber

You Don't Fall Easily.

I opened the fridge to get a whole gallon of ice cream. It was pretty big, but when a girl just broke up with a guy, it is a must that she has ice cream. I grabbed a spoon from the counter and went back to the living room. I handed Lisa the ice cream.

"So, do you want me to call the girls before all of this?" I asked.

She simply nodded while a spoonful of the frozen dessert was shoved in her mouth. I pulled out my phone and started to call the girls.

There was another two more minutes of silence. It was awkward, and I was just staring at Lisa. She was in tears, eating my cookie dough flavored ice cream. It was a sad, sad night for the both of us.

"How could he do-" Lisa started talking, unnecessarily moving her hands. Some melted ice cream splattered on the carpet, some on my face. Conveniently, her whining was cut off by the sound of the doorbell. I'm guessing that probably one of Lisa's blond bimbos is here. I stood up to get the door. I peeked at the peep hole and saw two blonds. They were Stephanie and Lauren.

"Why are you in pajamas?" I asked, opening the door. I pulled my shirt a bit to wipe off the food in my face.

"Why are you in boxers?" Stephanie crossed her arms at her chest and raised an eyebrow at me.

"Touché." I said.

The two made their way to my living room and sat on both sides of Lisa.

"These boxers are not from some guy. These are my brother's, supposedly. I steal them from his closet before he uses it." I explained, sitting at the couch across the one they're sitting on.

"So, what happened, Lisa? You two were perfect for each other." Lauren whined.

Lisa carefully placed the gallon on the small table in front of her. "Justin broke up with me... and I don't even know why!" She started crying again. I looked at them in pity and disgust, mostly in pity I guess. How could a girl cry so much over a guy? In my opinion, it's completely ridiculous.

"Well, what could you possibly expect from a pop star who's kissed so many girls in his, oh, so many music videos and cameos on T V.?" I commented, and insensitively said. The three blonds looked at me harshly. I guess, I deserved that. But, on the positive side, I was just giving my opinion, and don't kids like me have the right?

I waited for our other friend, Brooke. Among the five of us, there were only two brunettes. And those brunettes are us. Brooke and me, Andrea Hawthorne. But, most of the people who knows me calls me Drew, or Andy. It was either that or Penelope. You see, my name wasn't given by my mom, or my dad, or a very close aunt. It was given by my brother. Stepbrother, actually. Don't get me wrong, I like Matthew, he's okay. But him giving me that name makes me hate him so much.

He was ten when my mom married his dad. They we're high school sweethearts. And when my real dad died when I was still inside my mom, Matt's dad decided to just help us and look after us. My mom and his dad got married when they found out that Matt's mom was secretly having an affair with someone younger than her. It was sad, but, in the end, everything worked out. If you wanna know why I have a "Penelope" in my name, it was because when I was born, Matt had his first crush who was, supposedly, named Penelope. Andrea was from my real dad's name, Andrew. I still take his last name, though.

Now that I'm done ranting about my name, let's move on. Shall we?...

"Right. I'm sorry. That was insensitive of me." I rolled my eyes at them. What is taking Brooke so long! I want her here now! She's the only one who values my opinions at times like these get-together stuff. It's not because we were the only brunettes in the group, it's because we both have been friends way before these girls got with us.

"I hate him! I hate Justin Bieber!" Lisa yelled behind the pillow that she's holding in front of her face.

"Calm down, honey. If you hate him, then we hate him, too." Lauren comforted her, using an annoying baby voice.

"Yeah. And you know what, if he ever comes here or we pass him by, us four will kick his balls for you!" Stephanie half-yelled. Lauren and I laughed at her stupid comment. I saw Lisa almost smiling when she took the pillow off of her face. I was relieved to see that.

"Does that Bieber kid even has balls?" I asked, not trying to be funny, but still, they laughed.

After a few seconds of silence, the doorbell finally rang again. Yes! Brooke's here. I stood up to get the door as the girls talked.

"I have an idea." Lisa sniffled, followed by an evil smile.

"You're finally here! You left me with half an hour of pain and suffering. I was the one suffering, and I gotta tell you, all of this wasn't pretty!" I half-yelled.

"Calm down! Haven't you gone through a break up, or a friend's break up, at least?" She asked me.

"Uh, no." I snapped at her.

"I know that. Now, come on. This will be way easier than you think." She grabbed my hand and dragged me into the living room.

"Hey, Lisa." Brooke greeted her with sympathy in her voice.

"Brooke, you're here!" Lisa said, excitedly.

"So, what now?" I asked them. They shot me a look that was saying, "Shut up, you know you're not helping." I raised my hand in defeat.

I can't believe I hang out with Stephanie, Lauren, and Lisa. I'm so glad that Brooke's with me all the time. In most movies, the blond hates the brunette, and the brunette's tortured by the blonds. Some people might say that rarely happens, but it does. I believe that, too. It's true. If it's not, then how else would they get the idea, right? At this point, I'm beginning to wonder if Justin Bieber will fall for Brooke or, I can't believe I'm saying this, me. Or Jake, Stephanie's ex, will fall for one of us, or both of us, the only brunettes in our group.

"Come on, Lisa! Tell 'em the plan." Lauren exclaimed, almost jumping off of her seat.

"What plan?" I asked.

"Oh, the plan. The one I just told you about." Lisa's voice sounded nasal. She hummed looking at Stephanie and Lauren.

"What plan!?" Brooke yelled, annoyed.

"We, or actually, I need you." Lisa looked at me proudly.

I looked at them confused, "Wh-, me?" The three blonds nodded and Brooke looked at me with her eyebrows furrowed, she shrugged. "Woah, wait. Hold it! This wouldn't be some psycho prank for your now ex-boyfriend, would it?" They nodded a "no.".

"Like, go to one of his concerts and yell, "Holy shit, there's a bomb!", or something?" I asked again.

"It's better." Stephanie said.

"It would actually crush Justin Bieber that he wouldn't wanna write another fun, love song again." Lauren agreed with Stephanie, and so did Lisa. Maybe because she planned all of this.

Right now, I'm beginning to think that we're going to hire some fake psychiatrist and make Justin think that he has a mental problem of some sort, and it will haunt him for the rest of his life. But, where's my part in that? They said they need me.

"I need you, Andrea Penelope Hawthorne, to make Justin Drew Bieber fall in love with you." I scrunched my nose at the sound of my unwanted name. But, mostly reacted at the part where I need this Justin kid to fall for me.

"Oh, he has a Drew in his n-" I smiled, but I cut myself off when I realized what I'm about to get in to. "What!? No! No way! Never, in a million years, would I do that!" I yelled at them.

"But, you have to!" Lisa yelled back, only more calm. Unlike me, freaking out.

"No! How is Justin falling in love with me a revenge, or payback, or whatever this is!?"

"Well, you would've known if you hadn't freak out, cutting me off." Lisa rolled her eyes at me.

"Oh! Okay! Well, can you just tell me now!"

"After you make him fall head-over-heels, completely, and unconditionally in love with you, break-up with him." Lisa put on an evil grin, and the two girls giggled. I can see that Brooke was not happy about this. She's got a poker face on.

When I heard this, I drifted through my thoughts. Whatever Justin did, I'm sure it wasn't that bad that you have to break all of the fiber of his being, mostly his heart. Nobody deserves that. I wonder why they wanted me to do this. Am I that heartless? Do they really think that I can make a guy fall for me? More importantly, do they actually think that I would get near a guy, or even handle a relationship, fake or not?


"So, is that a yes?" Lauren asked, oblivious that I wouldn't really agree to this.

"No! Of course, not!" I stood up and yelled at her.

"Chill, sis, I'm right here." She snapped. I hate her attitude. You show her that you're already mad, but all she does is annoy you. It makes me want to hurt her physically.

"I don't want to do this! I don't want to go out with that guy, and I would never want to hurt anybody like that!" I sat back down on the couch next to Brooke.

"Please! I really need you to do it! Justin hurt me pretty bad, and I want to make him feel what I felt! Is that so much?" Lisa whined.

"Yes, yes it is! And why does it have to be me?" I looked at her, demanding an answer.

"Because he doesn't know you. Justin hasn't seen you yet. Everytime I ask you to come with us, you say you're busy, or you're sleeping and you just don't wanna come. And, I haven't mentioned you yet. He doesn't even know that a girl named Andrea Penelope Hawthorne exists!" As far as excuses go, her's was pretty convincing.

"Hey, okay! Enough with the Penelope! Got it?" I shot.

"So, you'll do it then?"

"I might." I thought. I really can't believe I'm about to agree with doing this. It can hurt. After I say that I'm going to do this, I'm going to agree with making myself suffer for only God knows how many weeks or days I'm gonna do this. In the end, a pop star will be crushed by me. "But, what's in it for me?" I asked, demanding an answer, yet again.

"A really happy and thankful friend?" Lisa's answer came out as a question.

"Woah, woah, hey, hold on. Why do you really need Andy?" Brooke asked, confused. Suddenly, I felt a second of joy. Brooke should be on my side. I really didn't want to do this, but then I thought more about it. It wouldn't actually hurt me, I never get guilty, anyway. And if I don't do this, I'll be forced to just hang around in the house, looking for something to do, and get stuck with Matt. This summer, I got a summer job at a diner called Jenna's Diner. It's owned by Jenna and Faye. They're the sisters of Oliver, Matt's dad. I only get to go for four days, and whenever I want. Or whenever they need me, but if I can't or don't want to come, it doesn't matter. So, I thought that I have time to do this break-Bieber's-heart plan. But, I'm still having second thoughts about it. But, I still hope they would reconsider.

"Yeah, what do you really need me for?" I asked.

"Yeah. Like, why couldn't you just ask some chick from school, you're friend or a distant relative?" Brooke asked them, sounding a little mad.

"Because he doesn't know you Andy! And you're the only one that he doesn't know and that I'm close to. And, face it, you know you're a little boyish." Lisa smiled at me.

"Yeah, so what if I am?" I looked at her, confused. But, when I looked at Brooke, I sensed that she already knew where this is going.

"You don't fall easily." There it was, the main thing. The main reason why they chose me.

"True. And so?" I motioned them to continue.

"In fact, you've never fallen in love before, have you?"

I looked down on my hands, playing with the end stitches of my shirt. I was innocently thinking of an excuse. It was true. I have never experienced the thing they call "falling in love". Maybe, I was always with my brother and his guys that I didn't have time for boy hunting, or whatever they call it. I nodded a "no", looking like a child getting yelled at by her mom. Embarrassment was the feeling I'm having right now, with a hint of being trapped.

"Exactly. That's what I'm saying! You have everything I need to make this whole revenge thing complete!"

"Revenge? Are you sure you know what you're doing, Lisa?" Brooke asked, getting annoyed by the second.

"Of course, I do." Lisa flashed a smile at Brooke, and Brooke flashed a sarcastic one. "And you don't get to decide, anyway, Brookie. I do." I glared at Lisa, which she didn't see.

"No. I think you don't. Andy does. She's the one who's gonna have to decide."

"Yeah, right. It's my plan. I get everything I w-" Lisa said, arrogantly. But, luckily, Brooke cut her off.

"Yeah, yeah, we know! You get everything you want, when you want it. Blah blah. But, after all this, it's not your conscience that's gonna be affected, Lisa. It's Andy's." Brooke smugged as she saw Lisa frowning.

"So, now that we discussed about who gets to decide," I paused. "I-, yeah, I still don't know if I should do this. I understand that I am everything you need to get back at Justin Bieber, but I still don't like the idea of me trying to make that arrogant jackass of a singer fall for me!" I defended myself for the first time tonight since they've been here. I shrugged.

"Hey! Don't say that! He's a god!" Lauren pointed at me, glaring.

"A god?" I looked at her in disgust, angrily. "Oh, God."

"Yes, a god!" Lauren kept on yelling at me.

"No, he's not! He's just a guy who can sing and he's famous!" I argued.

"He is way more than that!" Stephanie defended Lauren.

"Yeah, right!" I crossed my arms on my chest.

"Cut it out!" Brooke yelled at us.

"So, is it a yes, or a no?" Lisa asked me. I was actually just stalling for that. Normally, I wouldn't want to argue with Lauren or Stephanie because it would totally seem pointless. But, in this case, I was trying to argue more, so that I could stall. I didn't want to have to answer that question. I'm still waiting for their reconsideration.

"Fine. When do I start?"

I said, agreeing to be in the plan. I could have an advantage to this. If I crush him, he would never want to appear on T.V. again. Then, I'll be free of hearing "Baby" everywhere!

Lisa, Lauren, and Stephanie cheered and giggled. Brooke, on the other hand, didn't show any expression. I can tell that she's a bit disappointed. But, I guess, I'll talk her out of it. She likes Justin Bieber, but she wasn't crazy for him.

No one knows me, said Lisa. It's true. They say that if you're not famous, you don't exist. Then, I don't exist. Nobody really knows me. Lisa practically became famous when she started dating Justin Bieber. Stephanie and Lauren, they run the number one source of everything Justin Bieber online. The site that gets more than a million hits everyday. Every single fan page of the said artist looked up to the site that the two is running. Every single person that had sign up on their page knows them. Stephanie and Lauren are famous, online. Brooke's uncle works for a big recording studio, he's a big part of it, too. So, some artists know Brooke. As for me, I am a girl who isn't suppose to exist in somewhere famous. The only people who knows me is my family, and people at school. I've never had the media look for me, stalk me, or shoot me with questions. I've never seen myself on television, except for when we watch out home movies. I have my limits.

This summer, I'm going to pass through that. I'm defying the rules of reality with the one and only Justin Drew Bieber.

Our summer is going to be wild...
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