Status: NEW. :)

Operation: Breaking Bieber

Magazines and Dress-Ups.

"I don't get why I have to do this." I asked, throwing the magazines on the small table in Lisa's bedroom.

"Because, last two days you agreed into being our Bieber crusher!" Lisa looked confused at her last words.

"Bieber crusher?" I rolled my eyes, sighing. "I know! But, can I just go out with him, do the get-to-know-him part, or something?"

"No. That could take weeks!" She handed me another magazine with Justin Bieber's face on the cover.

"Yeah. Or even months! Or years!" Stephanie said, before taking another sip of her Starbucks drink.

"Fine. But, you know what's weird?" I asked.

"What?" Lauren asked, while looking for tips at the magazine she's holding.

"It's early in the morning, it's summer, and I'm 'learning'." I took a handful of chips on the bowl and shoved it in my mouth.

"See, if you do that," Lisa pointed at me while I was chewing. "You can't make Justin fall in love with you."

"Right." I chewed more, wiping my mouth. "Sorry. So, how did you make him fall? Like, what were you wearing?" I asked.

"I forgot. Let me think," She focused on something on the table with her eyebrows furrowed. "I was wearing a black Justin Bieber shirt, plaid skirt, and pink doll shoes with a pink plaid ribbon on the side of the front."

"Are you serious!?" I yelled, almost knocking the bowl over. There was no way I'm going to wear outfits like that! I couldn't feel myself in those.

"Yes. Now, my make-up," She looked at my face. "I had pink eyeliner on, and light pink eyeshadow. My mascara was pink and glittery. I had put on a little bit of blush-on on my cheeks, and a light foundation. Ooh, and I applied a strawberry scented lip gloss."

While she was explaining her look during the concert, my jaw dropped all over the place. I swear, you could never see me with my face covered with tons of make up just like that. I have never experienced doing my make up with so much effort. But, to Lisa, maybe applying make up was effortless. I put make-up too, but never like that. I only put mascara on, that's it.

"Oh, God! You put all of that in your face? All of that!?" I asked.

"Yes. Trust me, if you were a star, all that is just one half of everything else." She stood up to get her massive make-up kit. It was bigger than my laptop.

Is it too late to back out? I thought once I saw the kit. I took a sip of my Iced Peppermint Mocha and swallowed it nervously.

I tried to remember all of the things I read in those magazines. Things like, don't be too flirty because you might look like a psycho and never be the one to hold hands first. But, in the other magazine, it says that the girl should initiate physical contact. The other is complimenting him. In my case, that would be hard. I don't give out compliments that often. How can I compliment him when I don't even like anything about him? I don't know, but something's telling me that I should've never agreed to this. This was harder than our History test last month. At least, in History you don't have to know every little detail about a person, like, if he has brown eyes, or something.

Lisa took the biggest blush-on make up I have ever seen from her kit. My eyes widened as she did so. She smiled at me.

"Okay, Andy, let's try putting make up on you. See what fits you, right? So, this is going to take a little time." Lisa asked me to sit on the chair that matches her dresser. She spun me around to make me face the mirror. I looked at myself. We all gathered into the mirror. Stephanie took her camera out and took a picture of us.

"Steph, do her hair. Lauren, find an outfit for her, make sure it matches the hair and make up. I'll do the make up." Lisa crossed her arms on her chest as she watched the other two work.

"Wow. You really wanna do this, huh? Seems like you're putting too much effort." I said, taking off my scrunchie and messing up my hair.

"Yeah, well..." That was all I got from Stephanie.

"You know, I really don't get this revenge thing. Can't you just forgive and forget?" Brooke asked while flipping through the channels of the TV.

"No, I guess not. Just because he's a star, it doesn't mean he has to be so damn harsh." Lisa explained.

"Good point." Brooke said.

"Mmhmm. And if he's really the gentleman that the people says he is, then why would he break up with her in such a bad manner?" Lauren looked back at us while looking through the closet.

"Yeah. That was pointless, huh? Justin asked you to be his, but he broke up with you for nothing? Yeah, okay." Stephanie commented while staring at my hair, thinking of what style she'll do.

"Don't remind me." Lisa shot, looking for the best make-up she could find in her kit. "Oh, look. It's still here!" She excitedly said.

"What's still here?" I asked. I tilted my head to the side, which is a really bad idea, because it made Stephanie push my head, forcibly, to make it straight and facing the mirror. "Ouch. Sorry."

"My pink and glittery mascara!"

"The one you said you used?" I asked, looking at her on the corner of my eye.


"Oh, no. Do I really have to use that?" I asked.

"No. I was thinking you pick your own color. I have a lot here." She said, rummaging through her kit and arranging everything needed on top of the table. "So, what color?"

I thought of a color. "Purple? Yeah, okay. Purple."

Lisa gasped. "Oh, look at you! You're already Bieber material!"

"What are you talking about?" I asked, obviously confused.

"Justin likes purple. See, you're liking it for him!"

"No. That is my favorite color."

"Yeah, it is. Every time I ask her what color of something she wants as a gift, it's always purple." Brooke said, putting chips on her mouth and not even bothering to look.

"Fine. I really thought we were going somewhere. But, that's fine!" After frowning, Lauren instantly put on a smile. "By then, you don't have to get used to purple. See, that's one step ahead." Lisa smiled proudly at me and Lauren.

Stephanie was just about done curling the other half of my hair. As I looked around the room through the mirror, I saw dozens of outfits laid all around the bed, and even on the floor. None of them caught my eye. Sure, there were a couple of purple ones, but, those were too girly and some even had ruffles of the skirts. I wouldn't wear those, even if Lisa was paying me to do this, which she should be. She might not even have a clue that transforming a boyish gal like me would be harder for myself than it is for all of them.

"So, I was thinking," Lauren placed a finger on her chin, as if to tell us she was actually thinking. I was taken aback by her actions, and it made Stephanie thump me on my forehead. I muttered a 'sorry' to her. "Maybe I shouldn't completely "dress" Andy. You know?"

"Go on." Lisa and I said at the same time. She nodded, but I, on the other hand, didn't. I wouldn't want to get another thump for Stephanie.

"I just had this crazy idea about following those 'be yourself' theories, and maybe we should throw in some Andy Hawthorne touch to her outfit for the concert." Lisa smiled with her chin up. I can tell she was proud of herself. I was proud of her, too. I should thank her for not forcing me to wear something that doesn't even say anything about me.

"I like it." Brooke sat up, still eating chips. By now, she had the bowl all to herself. She placed it in between her legs. "You know. If this delusional plan of yours would magically work, and Andy and Bieber started "dating", at least he'd be seeing who she really is, for she would wear her style in the concert, and not," She paused, picking up and outfit from the floor. It was the same as what Lisa wore to the concert, but this one was purple. "This."

"Exactly!" Lauren beamed.

"I know. I like it, too." Lisa skipped to our direction, and asked me. "So, what would you pick from here?" She gestured her hands towards all the other outfits.

"Nothing." I said firmly. It may have upset Lisa a bit, but I didn't care. Hell, I'm taking advantage of this. I smirked to myself.

"But, I would want to try those on." I pointed as I managed to get Steph to not face me on the mirror. I picked an outfit that I would actually wear. Brooked hanged the purple shirt I pointed out on the hook of the closet door. She then hanged some white skinny jeans below the shirt. I smiled to myself as Brooke threw in a white jacket with a couple of purple lining on top of the shirt. I love how she gets me.

Lisa gasped. "This is actually pretty cool! Just one little thing," She walked towards her other closet door. "Shoes." She smirked, revealing tons of shelves filled with all kinds of shoes.

Brooked and I gasped. We have never really been to her room. But, if we did, all we do is talk, do movie marathons, and make-overs. Although, I just go eat downstairs with Brooke if they did have make-overs.

"Steph, are you done?" I asked, still not taking my eyes off of those shoes.

"Yeah, almost." She was now figuring out how I should wear it. She took a few strands just above both of my ears, as she made them meet at the back of my head, and she tied them together with the purple scrunchie I gave her. After wards, she fixed my curls and followed me towards the shelves, bouncing my now curly locks. I can tell she was happy about it. I was, too. I mean, I love how my hair is naturally curly. But, it never had this much volume, and she also managed to make my curls more noticeable.

When I stood in front of the shelf filled with sneakers, I bet they already know what I would pick.

"This." I brought up the pair of white Ecko shoes which had a glittery purple butterfly at one side of each.

"Well," Lisa interrupted my magical moment with my her shoes. "What are you waiting for? Go try on the whole outfit!"

The rest of the girls threw the clothes at me, and I run off the Lisa's bathroom. Once I was done, I looked at myself on the mirror, and I was pretty satisfied. It was a good thing Lisa and I were the same size. So is Brooke and I. Come to think of it, the five of us almost have the same size.

"Come on out, Andy-baby!" Stephanie giggled, as I turned the doorknob. I rolled my eyes, smiling.

"Who looks so damn hot right now!?" Lisa yelled.

"Come on!" Stephanie cheered, almost jumping off the bed. "Give us a spin!"

"I told you this would work!" Lauren said proudly as I spun around.

"I know, right! You get to be yourself, and be 'Bieber material'! Lauren truly is a fashion genius." Lisa nudged Lauren, grinning.

"Yeah." Brooke was still watching T.V. with the same position. Only now, she's out of chips. "Can you get more?" She said, reaching out to me with the bowl, not even looking.

"Go get some yourself." I was looking at myself in the mirror.

"No. I'm watching, and you're playing dress-up." She shook her head. "This is more important." She mocked and stuck her tongue out at me.

"Fine." I grabbed the bowl from her, and closed the door behind me. It opened again, and I heard Lisa yelling from the room.

"When you get back, we're doing 'Bieber lessons'! And, I have a surprise for you, too!" She said.

After a few minutes of searching for the chips inside Lisa's large and overly stacked pantry, I went up to her room. I stood at the door, staring at the headless mannequin in front of me. It had this gray shirt on it, with a purple suspenders skirt above. I wouldn't actually wear a skirt in public, but this one was simple yet very fashionable.

"Do you like it?" Stephanie bit the side of her lip, smiling.

"Yeah, it's..." I stuttered. "It looks good."

"Great! 'Cause, it's for you!" She grabbed my arm, and placed the bowl of chip on the bed side. "I bought it yesterday, just 'cause I was pissed, and I don't really know why." She explained, taking the buttons off, and pulling the clothes out of the mannequin.

"Go try it on." Lisa encouraged me, and lead me to the bathroom.

"Does it look good on you?" Lauren and Stephanie asked through the door.

"I guess." I said, straightening the skirt.

"Good. Because you're wearing that on your first date with Justin." Lisa said, as I opened the door and got out.

I looked at Brooke, and she was looking back at me. This wasn't the first time she saw me wearing a skirt. But, this is the first time she saw me wearing one with make-up on, and my hair looks like I'm going to walk on a runway.

I thought to myself, first date, huh? That's great. My first date ever in my entire life would be fake.
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Sorry it took sooo long! HAHA. :D
Tell me what you think.

Oh, and this is the outfit on the mannequin. :)